Barbara Boxer Explains How Unemployment Is Good For Workers

SENATOR JOHN BARRASSO: Since you’ve taken office, 10 percent of coal-fired generated power in the United States has been taken offline. Do you see the EPA having any responsibility for the thousands of folks who are out of work for these plant closures?

GINA MCCARTHY: Senator, I take my job seriously when I’m developing standards for protecting public health to take a look at the economic consequences of those and do my best to provide flexibility in the rules.

SHOGREN: Senator Barrasso continues his barrage, naming coal miners he’s met who are out of work for the first time in their lives.

BARRASSO: How many more times, if confirmed, will this EPA director pull the regulatory lever and allow another mining family to fall through the EPA’s trapdoor to joblessness, to poverty and to poor health?

SHOGREN: Hold on, says Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer, she argues EPA’s rules help workers.

SENATOR BARBARA BOXER: Because if you care about this economy, there’s one basic fact. If you can’t breathe, you can’t work.

Nominee To Lead EPA Grilled Over Past Work At Agency : NPR

During the election, Obama needed Pennsylvania and Ohio – so he pretended that he was a big fan of coal for a couple of weeks. It turned out that lying wasn’t necessary, because he got 110% of the registered vote in Philadelphia.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Barbara Boxer Explains How Unemployment Is Good For Workers

  1. Mike says:

    New age climate science has created black hole economies across the US and Europe. History will not be kind to these fraudsters that have driven these economies back to the dark ages with alternative energy. Complete quackery.

    Meanwhile the BRIC’s are steam rolling ahead with cheap reliable energy from fossil fuel.

  2. Me says:

    What is a respirator for?

  3. Does she know what a coal scrubber?

  4. miked1947 says:

    Gina should stop and realize that standards for public health go along with cheap energy and more people working. The “Public Health standards in this country raised dramatically since the introduction of more affordable energy. The EPA has been doing its best to degrade the the lifestyle of people in the US. Many of their regulations have been based on Pathological Science, which has been proven to be more wishful thinking that an actual problem. It is all about controlling others and creating their vision of utopia!

    • Me says:

      I think the EPA did a stellar job up until they put them selves out of business and then started looking for unicorns and the like. They had to try to keep themselves relevant in some way and now it’s making them look like a bag of hammers.

      • miked1947 says:

        EPA has always been about more government control over our lives. Most of what they did could have been done at the local level. They created a lot of urban myths they made regulations about, destroying one business sector at a time, putting one group of people in the poor house at a time.

  5. “…SENATOR BARBARA BOXER: Because if you care about this economy, there’s one basic fact. If you can’t breathe, you can’t work…”

    Well, several times it’s been proven – even if you’re not breathing, you can still vote Democrat.

  6. I want everyone on the planet to reach out and tell me how it is possible to be more brain dead than Barbara Boxer. Is this a Lewandowski exercise?

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