After telling us for decades that global warming has brought the demise of cold and snow, now they tell us that global warming is the cause of cold and snow.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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According to preliminary climate research global warming is set to determine the sex of Kim Kardashian’s baby. More redating of the core tops is needed, but the team are already saying signs of a hockey stick are emerging.
Proof positive that we are dealing with political scientists, like Appell, and not real scientists like Feynman.
I don’t consider anyone with a degree in creative writing (like Appell) to be a real scientist.
Although, I suppose the IPCC reports appear to be exercises in sci-fi – maybe someday, they’ll be considered for the HUGO award (awarded for the best science fiction or fantasy works and achievements of the previous calendar year).
Neither do I, and that is why I lumped Davey in with the poli-sciers.
But I must disagree with AGW receiving any awards, except maybe a Razzie, as it is really bad sci-fi with really bad actors.
So maybe Davey has a career as a film critic:
Tell us, Davey, which movie you see as more believable:
a) Water World, which predicts that Global Warming causes the poles to melt
b) The Day After Tomorrow, which predicts that Global Warming will create an ice age
c) One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, which shows a behind-the-scenes look into James Hansen’s last days at GISS
If I am not mistaken, there should be a…
d) a & b, or a & c, or b & c, or all of the above
This is the eat your cake and have it too crowd, you know.
Haaaa, haa. ๐
Sheesh.. I wonder what AR5 says?
I’m looking forward to hearing from AR-15! ๐
Iโm looking forward to hearing from AR-15!
Will rent seeking hairpiece Choo Choo Pachauri be responsible for that one too?
Wasn’t the AR-5 on the banned weapons list?
It did say “…All AR types…”
Haaa, haaa, ha, ha, haaaaa.
A brilliant man.
Truly, truly a forward thinker.
Haaa haaa haaaa ๐
That 1/10,000 of extra CO2 is all powerful. Can make it hot, cold or anything else in between. Also cause it to rain on your birthday. Now, as a leading climate expert, can I please have my grant money?
Not unless you’re 25 years of age, overburdened with ego and out to “prove to the world” that AGW exists and so get a grant from NSF to go out there and make a jackass of yourself, like Mr Marcott
Note also that nobody at NSF gets any trouble for not minding the store!
Excessive CO2 causes schizophrenia.
“I’m too hot, I’m too cold! It’s all caused by that nasty CO2.”
The government should put up some money for a mental health study into “Why climate science and schizophrenia have a high degree of correlation.”