Coldest April Night In Colorado Since 1959

Temperatures in Fort Collins are forecast to get down to -15C tonight, making it the coldest April night since 1959.

In December, NRDC published a report saying that Colorado skiing was doomed – due to 12 degrees warming in the pipeline.

ScreenHunter_161 Apr. 09 16.16

Web Cam – Wolf Creek Ski Area

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Coldest April Night In Colorado Since 1959

  1. kirkmyers says:

    When the AMO goes negative we’re in trouble? Solar cycle 24 is the quietest cycle in more than a century. There are very few sunspots and the 10.7 flux, although ramping up in the last few days, is not typical of a solar maximum.

    We may be entering a period of extended cold. If a volcano blows its top in the Northern Hemisphere, we’ll experience what meteorologist Joe Bastardi calls the “triple crown of cooling.” What if the growing season shortens and the grain-producing belts are forced to move south? Global warming is the least of our worries.

  2. Fred from Canuckistan . . . says:

    “In December, NRDC published a report saying that Colorado skiing was doomed – due to 12 degrees warming in the pipeline”

    Damn that Keystone Pipeline. Fuck@n Canadians killing off the Colorado ski industry.

    • Mike says:

      Time to start planting grapes on those Colorado ski slopes. Never mind what is happening outside in the real world, the climate computer models are screaming Plant, Plant, Plant.

  3. Cary is cold. says:

    got love springtime in the rockies Steve. It is cold and snowy here in Cheyenne and as usual windy.

  4. Andy DC says:

    Places in central Nebraska are in the mid 20’s F with heavy to severe thunderstorms. Global weirding at its finest!

  5. Andy DC says:

    Rawlings, WY broke their record for coldest maximum temperature on April 9th by an incredible 14 degrees. Their max was 12, previous record was 26! Laramie, WY broke record by 10 degrees, high was 12, previous record was 22. Scottsbluff, NE broke record by 8 degrees. High was 18, old record 26. Alliance, NE also by 8 degrees. High was 16, old record was 24. Pretty impressive!

    • Andy Oz says:

      Melting Ice did that. So the warmist morons say.
      That being the case, we should melt the world’s ice to cool the planet down.

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