Elliott Negin: Coastal Cities Confront Global Warming-Induced Sea Level Rise
There is no reason to believe that man’s activities or global warming have affected sea level. Will my comment be censored – like they usually are?
Flooded roller coasters make great imagery, but have nothing to do with global warming.
Censorship, the basis of leftist rule.
Censorship is the basis of any tyrannical rule, left, right or center. The aggressive confrontation of divisive dogmas is ascendant in the world now (I have started a file folder named “dogma wars”, and I put comments like this one in it to keep track), and everyone needs to be aware that salvation is not to be found by “choosing sides” on the basis of emotional attachment nor merely long familiarity, but through diligently, determinedly seeking the truth in each matter. That’s called moral firmness, or having a strong grasp on the eternal truths of our existence–the science of moral judgment, a.k.a. wisdom. The truth will out (Obama’s lies are quite blatant, for example, as I have tried to emphasize), but individuals (and groups) need to be on the lookout for it when the lies covering it wear thin.
Hey Harry! Agreed, and that is why my only agenda is the truth.
One minor point, lefties believe in big government, and in order to have a dictatorship one must have an all powerful and overbearing government. So by definition any dictatorship is left wing. They may use religion as a tool (like Hitler), but that by no means makes them religious.
I do not know of any true right wing dictators.
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