Martial Law Training

Ever since the November election, about once a month we have had an event (Sandy Hook, LA, Boston, etc.) which have caused people to cheer on martial law and destruction of the Bill of Rights.

No doubt this is all just a coincidence.

ScreenHunter_79 Apr. 23 05.55

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Martial Law Training

  1. Ivan says:

    No doubt this is all just a coincidence.
    No doubt.
    Much like the acquisition of guns, tanks and ammunition is “just a coincidence”.

  2. Chewer says:

    The louder the uproar against these tyrannical demons the faster they’ll move toward their end goal.
    DHS is nowhere close to performing up to O’s expectations and that is great news!

  3. I. Lou Minotti says:

    “The American Dream;” an old favorite that many may have forgotten about, if they ever heard it to begin with:

    Lyrics included free of charge!

  4. Robertv says:

    Obama doesn’t realize who he’s f with.

  5. ralphcramdo says:

    West Virginia teen arrested over NRA shirt returns to class

    CHARLESTON, W.Va. – A West Virginia teenager returned to class Monday wearing the same National Rifle Association T-shirt that led to his suspension and arrest after he refused a teacher’s order last week to remove it.

    Other students across Logan County wore similar shirts, which display the NRA logo and a hunting rifle, to school in a show of support for 14-year-old Jared Marcum, said his lawyer Ben White.

    White said school officials told him on Monday that Marcum’s one-day suspension was appropriate because the Logan Middle School eighth-grader was being disruptive. White disputed that position, saying Marcum was exercising his free speech rights and did not disrupt anything.

    “Their version is that the suspension was for disrupting the educational process, not the shirt,” White said in a telephone interview.

    “I don’t see how he materially disrupted the educational process,” he said.

    Logan County Schools Superintendent Wilma Zigmond didn’t immediately return a telephone message Monday

    Marcum’s stepfather, Allen Larieris, said Sunday that the teen was waiting in line in the school cafeteria last Thursday when a teacher ordered him to remove the T-shirt or turn it inside out.

    White said Marcum was expressing his support for the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms by wearing the shirt, which he said did not violate the school’s dress code.

    “We at this point believe that Jared acted as mature as a 14-year-old child can act with the pressure that was put on him,” White said.

    Logan County Schools’ dress code, which is posted on the school system’s website, prohibits clothing and accessories that display profanity, violence, discriminatory messages or sexually suggestive phrases. Clothing displaying advertisements for any alcohol, tobacco, or drug product also is prohibited.

    Logan police arrested Marcum, 14, after he was sent to the school office and again refused to remove the shirt. Marcum has said that he was arrested on charges of disrupting an educational process and obstructing an officer, though White said Monday that the Logan County prosecutor’s office is reviewing the case to decide whether to proceed.

    The Associated Press typically does not identify juveniles who face criminal charges, but Marcum and his family wanted his name and case known.

  6. I don’t like our adversarial system of justice, where you can be arrested simply on someone’s unproven claims. The policeman called to the scene should have listened to the boy, and declined to arrest him. All of the “authorities” were tyrannical and incompetent in this incident.

    • Ivan says:

      He should have – but then an “independent thought alarm” would have gone off somewhere, and all hell would have broke loose.

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