Met Office : Coldest March In A Half Century In The UK


Climate experts have been telling us for years that global warming causes spring to arrive several weeks early.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Met Office : Coldest March In A Half Century In The UK

  1. Mike says:

    Nobody was more surprised than Slingherhook. Super duper computer is bust, urgent conference needed to find out why UK weather is not complying with the climate models!

    Weather to be reprimanded, snow to be sent to the clink and gulf stream to be ordered north.

  2. Andy DC says:

    Big cold anomalies require big adjustments. And our friend Jimmy has plenty of red, pink and brown crayons for his coloring book to do just that.

  3. Jimbo says:

    It’s been such a bumper snow season for the Scottish ski resorts that two of them are looking into the possibility of opening in the height of summer!

    The Scotsman – 7 April 2013
    ….Scots could be heading to the slopes this June, with two of the country’s ski resorts predicting there will still be snow on the ground at the height of summer……Summer ski-ing in Scotland is almost unprecedented. Cairngorm has managed it just once, in 2010……

    This is a sure sign of an impending ice age. 😉

    • Jimbo says:

      Oh, and they said the Scottish ski industry was doomed. Did they mean doomed to open in the height of summer? Heh, heh.

      Guardian – 14 February 2004
      Unfortunately, it’s just getting too hot for the Scottish ski industry,” said David Viner, of the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. “It is very vulnerable to climate change; the resorts have always been marginal in terms of snow and, as the rate of climate change increases, it is hard to see a long-term future.”

      So, even 3 years after the thing of the past he continued blathering his big mouth. Today, people just point and laugh at him. Fool. 😉

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