More Arctic Sea Ice Area Than In 1990

Time climate liar keeps saying that the cold weather in the Northern Hemisphere is due to “rapidly melting Arctic ice“-  despite the fact that Arctic ice area is almost exactly at the 30 year mean, and that Arctic ice area is greater than it was on this date in 1990.

ScreenHunter_08 Apr. 14 05.39

Daily Arctic Sea Ice Maps

April 12 1990 :  13.05 million km²

April 12 2013 : 13.16 million km²

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to More Arctic Sea Ice Area Than In 1990

  1. tckev says:

    What are you trying to do? Ruin a perfectly good hypothesis with facts?

  2. Andy DC says:

    No change in ice over 23 years shows nothing resembling catastrophic warming. The whole alarmist crusade is basically a hollow shell.

  3. alejandra says:

    so there is more ice, but the world is warmer?

  4. Dave N says:

    Given that about the only time there’s a significant difference in ice (compared to in the past 3 decades or so) is in Aug-Sep-Oct, I await with bated breath for a believable explanation from alarmists as to how this apparent 6 month delay works.

    They can’t possibly mean a “lack of ice” at this time of the year, unless they’re complete idiots. Oh, wait..

    (I recently confirmed to myself that referring to them as morons was giving them too much credit)

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