Mother Jones Thinks That Requirements For Being In The Senate Should Be Lower Than Requirements For Gun Ownership

Mother Jones believes that Ashley Judd’s mental illness should not be fair game in a Senate campaign. They also believe that Watergate tactics are OK – when used by lefties.

In a private meeting, the Senate GOP leader and campaign aides discussed using the actor/activist’s mental health and religious views as political ammo.

Full Transcript and Audio of Mitch McConnell Campaign’s Meeting on Ashley Judd | Mother Jones

It is safe to let nutcases map out the nation’s future, but not safe to let them own guns.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Mother Jones Thinks That Requirements For Being In The Senate Should Be Lower Than Requirements For Gun Ownership

  1. David says:

    Most murders in the USSA are done in Democratic voting counties. So maybe being a Democrat should disqualify you from owning a gun.

  2. gator69 says:

    This recording was possibly made using an illegal bug. The FBI is investigating.

    • Brian G Valentine says:

      Over the last 5 years when did they “investigate” some leftist and conclude there was “criminal activity”

      • gator69 says:

        Here is one…

        “Five individuals — at least three of them involved in the far-left Occupy Cleveland movement — were arrested on April 30 in Cleveland in connection with an alleged plot to bomb the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad bridge. The FBI described the arrested individuals as “anarchists.”

        And more recently…

        “New York state Sen. Malcolm Smith and a New York City councilman have been arrested in an alleged plot to rig the New York City mayor’s race.

        The FBI says Smith and City Councilman Dan Halloran were arrested early Tuesday at their homes.”

        Do not confuse the DOJ with the FBI. 😉

  3. Robert of Ottawa says:

    A National Knife Register!
    Background checks for cuttlery purchasers!
    Food to be mashed by government sanctioned cooks so it can be eaten with a spoon!

  4. Chewer says:

    These brain dead bassturds believe our thought processes are only the result of our environment, and can be changed into the utopian mode of thinking with a bit of their help, guidance and brilliance.
    They’re quite certain that a individuals character can not be defined by genealogy…
    It’s all in the learning experience, beginning at a very young age!

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