Rapidly Melting Arctic Has The Same Amount Of Ice As It Did A Month Ago

NSIDC boldly announced that the Arctic melt season began on March 15, which is why ice extent is now almost identical to a month ago.

ScreenHunter_247 Apr. 12 05.01

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Team climate moron is blaming the cold weather on melting Arctic ice, a phenomenon which isn’t actually occurring. The fact that their theory is both absurd and is based on incorrect assumptions makes no difference to progressives.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Rapidly Melting Arctic Has The Same Amount Of Ice As It Did A Month Ago

  1. Me says:

    I’d perfer the term warmist rather than progressives.

  2. Had they predicted this before it had happened, I’d have been impressed.

    • miked1947 says:

      Just ask them! They did predict the current conditions! It would be better to say “The current conditions are Consistent with their projections”! They predict “Everything” that could possibly occur as being consistent with their theory!

  3. oeman50 says:

    But Steve, models predict the melting ice cap. Who ya going to believe, the models or those lyin’ real observations? Models are the clear winner if you don’t have your own thoughts to put in your brain.

  4. David Jay says:

    Oh, Nooo…

    Arctic Ice Extent is AVERAGE !!!!

  5. John B., M.D. says:

    Arctic Ice on death watch. Mc-Kill-em will be gleefully writing his tweens for the next 6 months.

  6. Rosco says:

    It takes heat to melt ice – melting ice absorbs heat and cools the local environment – this in turn supplies both the cold weather elsewhere which in turn adds to the heat.

    Sounds like sound logic – ha ha ha ha ha ha …

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