Shocking Imagery Of The Fossil Fuel Powered Early Spring In Fort Collins

This is where I normally take my dogs hiking.

ScreenHunter_03 Apr. 18 11.44

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Shocking Imagery Of The Fossil Fuel Powered Early Spring In Fort Collins

  1. Andy DC says:

    As with last spring’s extremely nice weather, every idiot knows that extreme cold and snow means the planet is overheating.

  2. Lance says:

    I seen the ‘large’ size of your dogs…me thinks snowshoes for them are in order!!

  3. kbray in california says:

    If the warming causes the cold, by mid-summer it should be 20 feet deep.

  4. rick says:

    Your spring is as green as ours in SE British Columbia or S Alberta where I live … not at all. If the weather forecast holds then next week spring will sprung …. finally!!

  5. Brian D says:

    So far in MN we are looking 6-10″ of snow that has fallen on the eastern half of the state with another 6-10″ tonight. Incredible snow this month. We are going to blow away are monthly snow records. And this isn’t the last snow forecasted. Sunday-Monday could produce more. And possibly a little later next week.

  6. The soccer season sucked so far but I’m optimistic. It’s still early. It may melt before next winter.

  7. Sparks says:

    I went hiking over the Easter holidays in the mourn mountains, there was a one to two feet of icy snow, I’ve been told it’s very unusual for this time of year, although there were 20 to 30 foot snow drifts and 10’s of thousands of sheep and cattle lost this spring due to incompetence, stunning scenery… I’ll upload some pics when I get home later!

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