Talking To Children About Climate Change Fraud

Generations of children have been severely abused by government funded criminals posing as scientists. Their educations have been severely damaged by hateful politically motivated agendas, under the guise of science.

It will take decades to undo the damage which the climate mafia has inflicted. Where do we start?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Talking To Children About Climate Change Fraud

  1. John says:

    Steve maybe not that long. My son was born in 97 so to date he has grown up with no global warming. Now all I have to worry about is the extreme weather meme.

  2. gator69 says:

    “Where do we start?”


  3. T.O.O. says:

    Hi Steve,
    What are you afraid of?

    • T.O.O. says:

      Steve must be indisposed, normally he blocks my posts. Can’t understand why as everything I post is both cited and polite. Perhaps he doesn’t like his logic questioned. Although that would be strange behavior from a man who has persistently claimed that “warmists” avoid debate.

      Apparently Steve is a man of contradictions.

      • I’m blocking mindless spam, which you produce tons of.

      • T.O.O. says:

        Untrue. You produce a mountain of uncorroborated, and often ridiculous, assertions and when questioned on their validity you simply remove the post rather than properly respond.

        Case in point: The companion on PIOMAS trends in the Arctic — I cited a US Navy source that supports the PIOMAS data (thus undermining your assertion that PIOMAS were doing something dishonest). So what did you do? You removed my post. Apparently, honest debate is the last thing you want on this site.

      • You are a complete waste of time You never address the point I make.

        The PIOMAS numbers are impossible, and I explained why. Appeals to authority are not acceptable here.

      • T.O.O. says:

        Your logic is unimpeachable? Rather arrogant I would say, especially when it contradicts real world data supplied by ice breakers, submarine sonar, moorings and satellites.

      • OMG. Produce your damn ice-free Arctic. I am so sick of hearing about this stupidity.

      • T.O.O. says:

        Observations are the opposite of stupidity.

        You truly are a man of contradictions: Otherwise, why would you constantly post comments about the Arctic ice if you claim to be so sick of it?

      • I forecast that I will spam you by 10pm Mountain time

      • You don’t debate anything. You gossip about me and make appeals to authority.

      • Ben says:

        RE: T.O.O – “everything I post is both cited and polite”

        RE: T.O.O – “You produce a mountain of uncorroborated, and often ridiculous, assertions”

        Hmm… neither cited, nor polite. Go figure.

      • rw says:


        I’m curious. Do you buy the idea that the cold weather we’re having – which now spans the northern hemisphere – is due to melting ice in the Arctic? To the lower total extent that was recorded last September? – or does thinner ice also affect the jet stream?

        Some warmists are now saying that the warming has slowed down – by my book that means that it’s still hot. Do you think the weather we’re having qualifies as hot?

  4. Chewer says:

    Allow a bit more time like they’ve been witnessing in the UK, with multiple deaths due to hypothermia.
    The CAGW collapse is happening and the bogus bull shitters know it.
    November 2014 will tell the tale, unless massive voter fraud takes over…

  5. Dave N says:

    ..and it all started because one government took some junk science scare seriously (the rest have merely followed). I’m wondering which scare has been more costly in terms of human lives. DDT?

    Thankfully no-one has actually taken Ehrlich seriously (other than perhaps the media and fellow crackpots).

    Cue George Santayana.

  6. Pathway says:

    You start at your local school board by insisting that the religion of global warming not be taught.

  7. Andy Oz says:

    Not much point studying it at University as the job prospects in “Climate Change” are rapidly drying up (pun intended). Tim Flannery will be losing his $180K job in 5 months time. Maybe Hansen saw the writing on the wall early.

  8. cowpoke says:

    “Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

    President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Farewell Address (1961)

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