Terrorist Thugs Invade Boston Neighborhood


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Terrorist Thugs Invade Boston Neighborhood

  1. DBD says:

    Under the guise of compassion, Come closer said the spider to the fly

  2. Duby says:

    Yes i saw that shit —F@#@ Mass.

  3. kuhnkat says:

    And it took a resident to catch the guy. What good was giving up their freedoms??

    • What freedoms did they give up exactly. The freedom not to be a toothless redneck dumbass.

      • KuhnKat says:

        The freedoms they gave up??

        How about the right to be safe in their homes against illegal search and seizure. The right to freedom of movement and of peaceable assembly?? The right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness??

        And what did this Submission to Authority gain them?? Exactly NOTHING!! Without a reasonably alert citizen the Jihadi would still be hiding from this overwhelming, useless FORCE!!!

        Consider we now KNOW what was being claimed the day of the bombing. The authorities KNEW that a bombing was going to occur. They had their EXPERT teams with bomb sniffing dogs at the event. They were apparently totally ineffective at stopping the bombing!!! Shades of the TSA, ATF, DEA… It just doesn’t get any better than this huh??

        When you trade your freedom for security you will have neither freedom nor security. It is a truism that will never be disproven.

  4. Chewer says:

    DHS has some new training material, which should be widely disseminated soon!
    A how to guide:)

  5. garykk5st says:

    But did they find any WMDs, you know, pressure cookers? Did they even have a warrant?

  6. Sean Peake says:

    FYI that house is on the street where the shoot out took place

  7. kbray in california says:

    In the concept of a “well regulated militia”, a “call to arms and alert” would have been issued in the locality of the bomber. All militia members would inspect their own personal property for intruders and report “clear” to their block commander. In this event the bomber was in fact discovered by the home owner because he noticed something amiss with his boat. That is the way it is supposed to work. Sending in thousands of tyrannical police thugs is useless. They haven’t a clue if something has been disturbed from the day before. To force homeowners out with hands raised as if everyone is a criminal is a “politically correct” shredding of the constitution. The left is driving us in the wrong direction.

    Turning our security and weapons over to a “policing force” is the end of our security.

  8. tckev says:

    We’re from the government we’ll keep you’ll safe, just trust in me –


  9. Chris says:

    Our Founding Fathers would have been shooting by now!

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