The New York Daily News is on a rampage to destroy the Bill of Rights, and now are launching a global warming fear campaign.
They call the Jefferson Memorial the “Jefferson Monument” and present a fake picture as evidence.
Thomas Jefferson would be turning in his grave he saw how the haters of freedom have taken over the 13 original states.
I read that and they claim the East coast will be more effected than anywhere else! I guess that Global Sea Level is rising faster on the East Coast of the US than anywhere else in the world, Except for the Maldives! Amazing how “Global” is so regional! 😉
Try pitching the ‘potential growth’ of a financial investment in a similar way – “If it increases in value by 200% it will be worth $XXX”, and you’d soon be in very deep water. Quite appropriate in this case…
That’s the best title for this post. When they can’t even get the name of a famous landmark right, it is a strong clue that their basic education was lacking and/or that, way down deep, they don’t want to get it right, because they hate it and what it stands for, and would prefer that future generations not remember what it stands for.
When it comes to reporting the truth about the manufactured global warming crisis, the laziness of mainstream journalists is legendary. They simply don’t want to spend the time unearthing the facts. (Fact No. 1: There’s been no global warming in more than 16 years, despite rising CO2 levels.) “Critical analysis” is hard work. They’d rather regurgitate scary news releases. It makes for great headlines, sells newspapers and boosts ratings. Expedience trumps truth.
Photoshop proves global warming!