The Demise Of Liberalism Is Complete In The US

Why are you not up in arms, New York Times and Washington Post? Why so quiet, Cleveland Plain Dealer and Sacramento Bee? Weekly newspaper editors, students at the Columbia School of Journalism, government employees who have quietly revealed wrongdoing to reporters – why are you not raising hell about what is happening to Fox News investigative reporter Jana Winter?

Winter is currently facing a jail sentence for refusing to reveal the sources who provided her with alleged Aurora shooter James Holmes’ notebook, which he had sent to a psychiatrist and which was”full of details about how he was going to kill people.” Holmes’ defense attorneys subpoenaed Winter to testify about who told her about the notebook and a Colorado judge has said that he will rule on April 10th whether Winter must reveal her source or face jail time for refusing to testify.

Fox News reporter’s dilemma should trouble all Americans | Fox News

There was a time when the New York Times was not just another corrupt White House propaganda outlet.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to The Demise Of Liberalism Is Complete In The US

  1. Yet Julian Assange is a cause célèbre…

  2. Justa Joe says:

    I never bought their liberalism schtick. They only push that jive when it serves to undermine America.

  3. gator69 says:

    Progressives stole the liberal banner, and are using it for cover as they wage their jihad on America. They would burn their own babies to get their twisted ‘utopia’.

  4. lindasduby says:

    We need to burn those Basrards–fuck a GD lib progressive SOB

  5. phodges says:

    Liberalism in America died with William Jennings Bryant.

    Both parties belong to the banksters now.

  6. Timothy Ferris says:

    Liberalism is alive and well in the US, as witness gay marriage and marijuana reform. Progressive causes, however, are doing less well. Which might make it a good time for progressives to stop calling themselves liberals–a confusing step from the start.

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