Profiling violates the Constitution, so the Bill of Rights must be destroyed to avoid profiling.
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Hey – no problem! The administration decides on which laws to abide by and which to ignore.
Here’s Janet Napolitano in front of Sen Jeff Sessions yesterday:
“During her testimony on the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano declared that she, President Barack Obama and other political officials at the top of this administration have the authority to decide which laws to enforce, and which ones to ignore.”
The suggestion that Obama cares about the Constitution is laughable. He’s doing everything in his power to shred what remains of it, particularly the Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments.
I watched in horror as a heavily armed para-military force moved through the streets of Boston and its suburbs, barging into homes without a search warrant and frog-marching frightened families into the street. And what was the reaction to this assault on Fourth Amendment? Crowds of boot-licking Bostonians cheered the uniformed bullies and their criminal actions. What a revolting spectacle.
The Minutemen who answered the call to action and stood up against the British at Lexington and Concord would have hung their heads in disgust if they were alive. Shame on you, the cowards of Boston.
This nation is fast becoming an Orwellian police state. If we don’t wake up soon, all of our precious liberties will soon be lost. It’s time for every freedom-loving American (which, apparently, excludes many in Boston) to take a stand against government tyranny.
How come nobody complains about racial profiling when it comes to handing out jobs?
And profiling is what allowed us to survive all these many thousands of years. Why would we want to throw it out now?
Why? Jealous, lazy, unblessed, unskilled miscreants more than willing to steal what they would never work for even if they were blessed and skilled!
The policy of “racial balance” to create a “mix” in the workplace is also profiling.
If there is true equality, the best qualified person gets the job… and that’s not happening.
When under qualified people get jobs beyond their abilities, they consistently “drop the ball” reeking havoc … can you say “liberal government workers” ? It’s a road to hell.
tritto 😉
Where were the Constitutional “conservatives” in 2008? Easy. They were wringing their hands worrying about how they could publically vet the Manchurian, but not look like they were “profiling.”
Their limp-wristed inaction has already destroyed the bill of rights, and Andrew Breitbart’s family is now left without its provider.