Who Are The Real Terrorists?

51 percent of Democrats responded they would give up personal freedom to reduce the threat of terror, compared to 36 percent opposed.

Is there anything which Democrats are not scared of?

Forty-seven percent of Republicans, on the other hand, opposed giving up freedoms, compared to only 43 percent in favor.

Yet independents were the most resistant, with only 29 percent willing to sacrifice freedom, while 58 percent stood opposed.

Americans fear government more than terror

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Who Are The Real Terrorists?

  1. raindog says:

    I think this same poll was done during the Bush administration with the r/d results flipped.

  2. phodges says:

    democrats and Republicans are so many well trained pavlov’s dogs. They appear insane to the plurality of Americans who identify as neither L or R.

    People are just plain stupid, and get what they deserve. It’s just a shame the rest of us have to burn with you.

  3. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    It is only rational to fear our Benthamite government more than terror.

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