You Can’t Choose A Large Soft Drink, But The Government Will Pay You To Choose This :

Philadelphia abortion clinic horror

Infant beheadings. Severed baby feet in jars. A child screaming after it was delivered alive during an abortion procedure. Haven’t heard about these sickening accusations?

It’s not your fault. Since the murder trial of Pennsylvania abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell began March 18, there has been precious little coverage of the case that should be on every news show and front page. The revolting revelations of Gosnell’s former staff, who have been testifying to what they witnessed and did during late-term abortions, should shock anyone with a heart.

NBC-10 Philadelphia reported that, Stephen Massof, a former Gosnell worker, “described how he snipped the spinal cords of babies, calling it, ‘literally a beheading. It is separating the brain from the body.” One former worker, Adrienne Moton, testified that Gosnell taught her his “snipping” technique to use on infants born alive.

Massof, who, like other witnesses, has himself pleaded guilty to serious crimes, testified “It would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place.” Here is the headline the Associated Press put on a story about his testimony that he saw 100 babies born and then snipped: “Staffer describes chaos at PA abortion clinic.”

Philadelphia abortion clinic horror: Column

ScreenHunter_262 Apr. 12 21.41

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to You Can’t Choose A Large Soft Drink, But The Government Will Pay You To Choose This :

  1. Welcome to life in the liberal, left-wing Delaware Valley!

  2. omnologos says:

    What’s worrying is how many staffers carried on with the “practices” as if they were industry standards.

    I mean…how many people would join any workplace and not question the apparent gorss mishandling of little children?

    So the question is…what is happening right now at other abortion clinics?

    • I thought Obama would do anything to save one child.

    • The answer is simply this: you can keep your job if you follow the death industry’s “standards” for a paycheck, omno. That’s why Gosnell hired idiots who could easily be made into murders like himself. What I can’t figure out is why he murdered his own race.

      • omnologos says:

        The supply of idiots being unlimited, one would expect the USA at least to be covered in clinics practising Gosnell’s “best practices” and not just regarding abortions. This is very worrying and I would make _that_ as the focus in an anti-Gosnell campaign.

        As for Obama, it appears that all one has to do is hang on and wait until he’s distracted into something else. Change of mind you can believe in.

      • As an undereducated man, I simply can’t understand why anyone with even a bit of God-given conscience could so easily dispose of the weakest and most dependent members of His Creation, yet who would grow to be our caretakers as we wax old and infirm!? Life is from Him!

  3. nzrobin says:

    Today I shared this link on Facebook. One person commented. Very sad that so few seem to care.

    • In a working society, we take for granted that “the system” is working, and does not require our individual input–indeed, for most of us, there are no obvious ways to make an effective input ourselves, we can only intrude upon proceedings with our complaints. I try to strike at the root with my complaints, so my current message is

      The System Is Broken: Incompetent Science and Insane Politics

      (While that post is focused primarily upon incompetent climate science, one can tell from my use of the term “Insane Left” in it that I see the larger problem, of a broken society. And while the insensitivity to newborn human life, shown by this “doctor” and his staff, is disgusting and pathetic, it should not be separated, nor allowed to distract from, the general, and aggressively confrontational, antipathy towards all who deny the fraudulent consensus in every arena today–especially, now, towards all who don’t fit or follow the hate-filled, blind-to-the-truth beliefs of our President and the individuals and groups–the mainstream media, for example–that enable him.)

      • nzrobin says:

        Thanks Harry, sounds true enought to me, though I can’t say feel cheered up by your comment. Too many are too easily swayed by fine sounding rhetoric, rather than principle and logic.

  4. LLAP says:

    “Since the murder trial of Pennsylvania abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell began March 18, there has been precious little coverage of the case that should be on every news show and front page.”

    Here in Canada, that is definitely true. I just searched the main 3 media outlets in Canada using “Kermit Gosnell”, and here are the results:

    Toronto Star: 1 result (from January 2011)
    CBC: 1 result (from January 2011)
    Globe and Mail: 0 results

    The silence is deafening.

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