Don’t Jump To Conclusions About Politics And Global Warming

ScreenHunter_702 Sep. 18 17.41

Bill Gray is the world’s senior and one of the most vocal climate skeptics. He accurately predicted the current cooling many years ago. He is also a leading hurricane forecaster and professor Emeritus at CSU. Several of his students went on to be well known climate skeptics too.

Bill’s wife Nancy, who passed away in 2001, was a very liberal Democratic mayor of Fort Collins in the early 1980s, and served many other important functions in state government.

Fort Collins History

Sometimes politics isn’t what you expect!

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Don’t Jump To Conclusions About Politics And Global Warming

  1. Bruce says:

    I tell this often to liberals: the CAGW meme is not based on science and is killing your case for other issues. If voters see you backing one lie they will naturally ask themselves if the other things you say are lies also.

    Unfortunately they seem to be tribally supporting the overwhelmingly liberal consensus climate scientists. Truth takes second place to loyalty. Lemmings headed toward a cliff.

  2. Gamecock says:

    I remember looking forward to Dr. Gray’s hurricane forecasts many years ago. He wasn’t always right, but he was usually close. Quite an accomplishment in the weather forecasting business.

  3. “He accurately predicted the current cooling many years ago….”

    What gets classified as an accurate prediction in climate science? Your temperature guess is inside 2 sigma?

  4. Otter says:

    I recall reading an article in the newspapers, way back in the 90s, where he explained how there would be less hurricanes with warming. He Nailed it. And alarmists call him names.

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