Guardian : Big Green More Damaging Than Deniers

ScreenHunter_460 Sep. 11 11.55


Naomi Klein: ‘Big green groups are more damaging than climate deniers’ | Environment |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Guardian : Big Green More Damaging Than Deniers

  1. chris y says:

    Comrade Naomi just needs to look in the mirror to find another culprit who has damaged the message. She just had a baby, thereby adding 9441 tons of peer-reviewed, toxic carbon to her personal carbon slick.

    It is difficult to quantify the level of hypocrisy among these scum.

  2. Don says:

    Steve, have you addressed this? If yes, I guess I missed it, link please. Thanks.

  3. Karl says:

    Yes, Naomi is a wacko. I could not read any more of her answers after about five questions.

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