Guardian Can Tell You What The Temperature Will Be In 100 Years

ScreenHunter_1105 Sep. 30 06.55


ScreenHunter_1106 Sep. 30 07.45

Climate change: how hot will it get in my lifetime? – interactive | Environment |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Guardian Can Tell You What The Temperature Will Be In 100 Years

  1. Okie says:

    Better than the magic 8 ball

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Zodiac readers and numerologists will love this one. Sheesh!

  3. I used my year of birth and received the following message:
    The last decade was 0.5°C hotter than the decade before you were born

    My wife is 6 years younger and got the message:
    The last decade was 0.6°C hotter than the decade before you were born.
    What? 0,1°C more.
    No wonder the models don’t work.

  4. Jimbo says:

    Yet the Guardian wonders why its circulation figures are going down the toilet. I predict that they will soon become a thing of the past.

    Jokes aside: I have to wonder whether the Guardian, like the BBC, has invested a lot of its staff pension money into carbon schemes. Does anyone have an idea? This is the only explanation I can thing of for their hysteria and infantile behaviour.

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