IPCC Spokesmen Give A Sneak Preview Of The Upcoming Report

ScreenHunter_707 Sep. 18 19.02

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to IPCC Spokesmen Give A Sneak Preview Of The Upcoming Report

  1. Okie says:

    Blood brothers from the de-evolutionary pool.

  2. Eric Barnes says:

    Hey! Take it easy on the cavemen! That’s somebodies grand 10^4 parent.

  3. D. Self says:

    At least the nose hairs are plucked….

  4. tom0mason says:

    It could be worse, he could read from his novel Return to Almora. A novel that some reviewers called smutty, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/environment/climatechange/7111068/Revealed-the-racy-novel-written-by-the-worlds-most-powerful-climate-scientist.html

    Of course he could just enlighten us about any of the scandal he’s been involved in as cataloged here.

    Or maybe explain the finer points of these cherry-picked gems.

    All in all, none of this with come to close to the fiction he will present to the IPCC and the world.

  5. Posting a picture of him in his student days is a poisoning the well fallacy.

  6. R. Shearer says:

    Who is the intelligent looking guy on the right?

  7. tom0mason says:


    my previous is still in the spam bin, could you hook it out please.

  8. dbstealey says:

    With a Full Moon tonight, here is an appropriate Pachauri scare:


  9. Andy Oz says:

    Uncertainty is now the dominant Global Warming problem at the UN IPCC.

    In my effort to assist these eminent persons, I can provide the following peer reviewed paper they can use to solve their problem.

    • Andy Oz says:

      And apparently Climate Change is being used by Al Qaeda to further their terrorist ambitions. The SMH has dropped below the Guardian in journalistic standards.

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