NASA Losing Credibility At An Alarming rate

ScreenHunter_273 Sep. 06 06.47

Arctic Ocean Losing Sea Ice At An Alarming Rate: NASA

How much money do they pay people to lie at NASA?

ScreenHunter_274 Sep. 06 06.49

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to NASA Losing Credibility At An Alarming rate

  1. Gamecock says:

    What would be alarming about sea ice loss, anyway?

  2. EW3 says:

    This is not the same NASA that got us to the moon!

  3. stewart pid says:

    I can’t believe the difference between the plot Steven shows and the new plot at DMI which is supposed to be the “improved” version. Huge falls in sea ice still on the new improved (more alarmist?) plot and the character is very different from the old plot which raises a red flag to me. We’ll have to watch closely for when they stop supplying both plots.
    Over the past few days I’ve been thinking this could be the bottom of the summer melt / ice decrease but we have a little longer to wait before that claim can be made … but I’m hoping 😉

  4. Ron C says:

    NIC charts show ice extent hovering around 6.0 M sq.Km for the last several days. The 8/10ths portion of ice extent is 4.6 to 4.7 M sq. Km. In 2012 the extent at this date was. 5.1 M, and the 8/10ths part was 2.8 M.

    Over the past several years, the minimum has occurred on day 265 +/- 1 day (Sept. 21 to 23). For example, last year on Sept. 21, NIC showed ice extent at 4.2 M. Sq. Km., with the 8/10ths portion at 3.3 M.

    As discussed before, NIC charts are less affected by inaccurate passive microwave readings during the melt season.

  5. Brian D says:

    Looks as though they’re having trouble delivering supplies to communities in the Amundsen Gulf region because of ice they haven’t seen in quite some time.

    This was blogged at Ice Age Now.

  6. David Jay says:

    Can someone explain the difference in the last few days between the DMI 15% chart (which is falling off the edge of a cliff) versus the DMI 30% chart (which is moving straight sideways)???

    • The 15% chart looks lie complete garbage to me. Satellite imagery shows almost no change for about a week.

      • Andy DC says:

        Looking at the weather charts, the Arctic Ocean is still locked into the same cold pattern that they have been in for months. So any claim of rapid recent decline seems highly dubious. And now time is rapidly running out.

  7. “How much money do they pay people to lie at NASA?”

    Not nearly enough for me. I make things that work. Pretty pictures and nice words are a secondary result. This ability did not hold NASA’s interest for long. The pretty pictures and nice words were their primary focus. Things that work was an optional extra. At least it was at the time I worked for them. Ultimately, I was “allowed” to resign on the grounds that I was an “uncooperative team member” – meaning I refused to lie.

    This is my own interpretation of the events. NASA’s public interpretation might be a bit different. Take your pick but know that I would not work for NASA again at ten times my salary at the time. Reality is much too important to me to try to fake it.

    • gator69 says:

      My brother works for NASA, and has never been asked or paid to lie. This is likely due to the fact that his job involved the shuttle program, and lies there kill astronauts. GISS et al are the problem, not all of NASA are liars.

      • That may be so but it was also true that lives were at stake were I worked and to lie was said to be a job requirement by the regional HR director of the contract company I worked for at the time. Ironically, this was a moment of honesty on his part.

        I also observed the loose regard for the truth on the part of many but not all of the NASA employes where I worked. Their primary goal was two things. The first was to spend all the money in the budget before October 1 even though a better result could be had for far less money. The second was to find a project without end that could assure continued employment. This same facility was deeply involved with the shuttle program in that they provided the hardware in the loop shuttle flight simulators and also for many other high performance air and space vehicles. I was a real time graphics display programmer for most of them.

        You must understand that the honesty of an organization does not depend on the most honest people, it depends upon the least honest. The weakest link in a chain sets the reliability of the whole chain. One bad actor and the organization is heading for trouble. With over 30% or so and the organization is dead no matter how good the remainder actually are. An individual, no matter how good, cannot long perform better than the system in which he is embedded. It simply will not be permitted.

        Example. The original shuttle program appeared to be successful. Congress cut the funding to NASA BECAUSE of their success. NASA management forced the launch of the Challenger in spite of the engineers screaming that it was not safe and violated established safety protocol. The shuttle did not make it to orbit and crashed into the ocean. NASA got an immediate 3 billion to build a replacement shuttle. From that point on, failure was built into the system and success was not a high priority. The later re-entry over Texas which destroyed another shuttle and all aboard had a similar set of cause and effects. The culture made a very high risk activity a fatal one.

        Incidentally, I was permitted to view that replacement shuttle being built and walked around it. I believe it was the one later named Discovery. I also I had a nice view of the Palmdale assembly and flight test facility from my kitchen window at the time.

        I entered the job with NASA with a significant level of respect for NASA. While working for them, my respect diminished. I now have little to no respect for any part of it beyond JPL and believe NASA needs to be dissolved ASAP The components should be sold to the highest bidder in private industry.

        NASA consumes vast resources giving little of value in return beyond pretty pictures and nice words. That kind of thing should be left to Hollywood They lie too but you don’t expect them to tell the truth. Its entertainment and short term escapes from the workaday world.

        • gator69 says:

          I cannot go into detail, but my brother recently shared photos with me of NASA ‘properties’ which are unknown to anyone who is talking. The former stewards of these will not tell him what they were used for, even though this ‘stuff’ is now his responsibility. It was enlightening, and explained where much of the money went.

          Too much said already.

  8. D says:
    You want to learn about the Electric Universe and Thunderbolts Project. NASA lives under a prior theory known as the Big Bang, which is a myth. The Universe is powered by Electricity. No black holes at the centers of galaxies, no dark matter. This has huge implications for climate science and we learn why human induced climate change is 99% farce.

  9. Ulric Lyons says:

    There’s more sea ice this summer as the NAO/AO has been more positive. Warming makes the Arctic cooler, it does not change in unison with the temperate zone:
    (plus following comments)

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