No Money For White House Tours, But Plenty Of Money For Another War

Obama cancelled White House tours for schoolchildren earlier this year, because he said his record high budget didn’t contain enough money – despite the fact that one of his golfing vacations would have paid for a year’s worth of tours.

But now Obama says we have plenty of money to start a new war in Syria – for the benefit of the kids, of course. 

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to No Money For White House Tours, But Plenty Of Money For Another War

  1. Jason Calley says:

    Hmmm… golfing or kids…. golfing or kids… Hard question. Or rather, a hard question unless you are a sociopath, in which case you go golfing.

    By the way, I mean that seriously, no joking, no hidden meanings. The people who run our largest companies, our biggest banks, much of our military, and especially — especially — our government, are sociopaths. They are mentally ill. They are not fit for human society. They are missing a very important part of the human psyche. They do not have a conscience. They do not feel remorse. They are murderers, liars and thieves.

    • tom0mason says:

      “…especially — our government, are sociopaths.”
      They have little or no empathy towards others, they know only some of their own feelings.

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