No Warming For 70% Of The IPCC’s History

We are now at AR5 with zero warming since AR4. The last IPCC report which actually experienced any warming was SAR in 1995. In fact, the vast majority of the IPCC’s history has seen zero warming, and prior to that the warming was primarily due to rebound from Mt. Pinatubo cooling.

This complete lack of warming through most of the IPCC’s history has led them to 95% certainty that humans are heating the world out of control.

That level of certainty “has increased with every report,” notes Dr. Hayhoe, an expert reviewer for the IPCC. “Because we have more data, we have more science, we have more observations.”

For IPCC, Confidence Only Grows in Human Contribution to Climate Change –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to No Warming For 70% Of The IPCC’s History

  1. QV says:

    They have to keep increasing the certainty, because anything else would be fatal to their cause.

  2. scizzorbill says:

    and they have more lip flapping voodoo science, manipulated data, observations of hot air from lip flappers, and 97% consensus from cherry picked dorks on the climate change gravy train.

  3. Katharine is 97% more certain than before that Texas winter temperatures are increasing because of climate change!

  4. Katharine is 97% more certain than before that Texas winter temperatures are increasing because of climate change!

    (Sorry !!!)

  5. Ben says:


    Come on, you and I both know that this is the warmest decade since data tampering began.

    HADCRUT 5, GISS 9 can’t come soon enough…

  6. Andy DC says:

    More data, more science, more observations has shown that global warming is nothing but a highly politicized scam fed by Government grants.

  7. CJ says:

    I cut, pasted and sent this out in shorter twitter form: couldn’t help it! Just such and absolute Bulls EyE!!
    Keep it up Steve!

  8. Climatism says:

    Reblogged this on CACA and commented:
    Earth also has , to date, more sea-ice globally than when the IPCC delivered its First Assessment Report (FAR) in 1990

  9. gator69 says:

    “Dr” Hayhoe. Dr Seuss has better credentials, and more credible stories.

  10. eco-geek says:

    Hayhoe, Hayhoe its off to work we go
    But where are we going?
    We don’t know!
    Heyhoe, Hayhoe……. Hayhoe, Hayhoe, Hayhoe

  11. Mervyn says:

    “Because we have more data, we have more science, we have more observations.”

    Yes … they have everything, and more. Yep, they sure have!

    But what they don’t have is Mother Nature in their pockets, and what Mother Nature is actually revealing for all to see … no discernible global warming (forget catastrophic global warming) despite record human-induced carbon dioxide emissions.

    Now, what was it Albert Einstein said? Oh yes … “We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what Mother Nature has revealed to us.”

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