Obama Focused On Middle Class Job Creation

ScreenHunter_63 Sep. 02 05.01

Obama, Inner Circle in All-Out Push To Win Congress’ OK for Syria Strike

Five weeks ago, Obama announced that he was focused on jobs for the rest of his presidency.

ScreenHunter_64 Sep. 02 05.04

Obama: Rest of my presidency is for working-class America – CNN.com

Five weeks before that he announced that rest of his presidency was focused on ending hot weather in the US

ScreenHunter_65 Sep. 02 05.08

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Obama Focused On Middle Class Job Creation

  1. Jeffk says:

    He’s suffering from Washingtonitis, a debilitating crippling illness that afflicts sufferers with self-destructive and conflicted behavior — spread by infected lobbyists and poll takers.

  2. nigelf says:

    If he was serious about jobs he would have okayed Keystone XL and opened up most federal lands and the OCS to drilling like G.W. Bush. Since he has no intention of doing either of these then he’s just a posturing liar

  3. The most blatantly corrupt man in US history–and all the “social justice” activists don’t mind that a bit–but on a par with all of his associates, and with the other cartoon leaders in the world today, it should be noted, and backed by the most blatantly corrupted and incompetent institutions and voters in US history. I don’t think his fervent believers (black and white) are spiritually strong enough to face the truth, without being decisively beaten in a war of some kind first. Only a general letting go of old, emotional tribal thinking patterns (including so-called racism) can prevent war–and they are too ingrained, and masquerading as logical reasoning now (it’s called rationalization, and to those who practice it, like Obama, it canot be falsified, because they believe their reasoning is deductive, proceeding always from a sure premise–which they refuse to question–to an obviously true conclusion).

  4. shazaam says:

    It’s that FDR bomb-sight focus mechanism in use by the current liar-in-chief. (It’s rumored he’s self-medicating his Adult-Onset-Attention-Deficit-Disorder with a fine strain of Purple Haze”)

    Oh-Blame-Ya is using the exact same federal government programs-of-the-month blueprint that FDR used with such success to end the great depression. Just a logistics issue that it takes 5 weeks for a 4 week program.

    So, the end of the great depression actually came about when FDR was to busy with WWII to spend time meddling about with the economy using his(FDR’s “braintrusts’s”) hare-brained fixit federal programs-of-the-month.

    I really hope mr hopey-changey isn’t planning to end this current economic depression the same way. Oh-Bomb-Ya’s “czar-trust” is certainly pushing the waffler-in-chief towards WWIII….

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