Paul Ehrlich : Now In His Fifth Decade Of Dissonance

The Sydney Morning Herald – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Paul Ehrlich : Now In His Fifth Decade Of Dissonance

  1. darrylb says:

    My favorite is still the huge chunk of ice breaking off in the antarctic causing a huge tsunami of heretofore untold destruction. That was back when the ice age was coming, a few decades ago.

  2. Rosco says:

    You have to wonder why people who hold extreme views and demand drastic reductions in population to save the Earth are still here !

    Whatever happened to “lead by example” or “do as I do not as I say” ?

  3. Jimbo says:

    The world is ‘overpopulated’ yet there is no mass starvation. After 2100 we may be worrying about an aging population worried about enough young people to support them. The challenge for humans won’t be overpopulation but a declining active population. Fertility rates around the world have been falling since the 1960s. But it’s still worse than we thought.

  4. gofer says:

    When it’s pointed out how CO2 increases crop production, they come back with, “But the plants are lower in some nutrients.” It’s amazing how they cling on to their doom like a child’s “security blanket”.

    • David says:

      Yes, the food grows faster, and provides significantly more bulk and nutrients, but, because the nutrients are not quite as dense, they claim to be dismayed.

  5. Aard Knox says:

    Sadly if Paul Erlich came to Australia and said those things today the Sydney Morning Herald would hang on his every word and publish him without questioning a word.

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