Still Pouring Rain

ScreenHunter_511 Sep. 12 20.40

Twitter / KDVR: Viewer photo of flooding in …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Still Pouring Rain

  1. lance says:

    You know what would be really good is if some news media outlets would ask the US Drought monitor where there ^%#$%^ heads are…

  2. KevinK says:

    I hope everybody stays safe, you can always rebuild a house, but driving in water where you don’t know the depth could be final.

    Hoping for the best for everybody affected, stay safe and dry.

    Cheers, Kevin.

  3. Pathway says:

    The bad new is that tropical depression 10 is going to move into central Mexico and may get caught up in this double pump that is sending water directly into Colorado.

  4. SMS says:

    Should we be worried about the “Frozen Dead Guy” in Nederland?

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