Al Gore Shortened Winter Update

ScreenHunter_1784 Oct. 23 15.14

Public Information – NOAA’s National Weather Service

ScreenHunter_1785 Oct. 23 15.16

Twitter / algore: #Climate change is causing …

h/t to Andy DC

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Al Gore Shortened Winter Update

  1. X says:

    Gore said that on Oct. 17, and NOAA reported “one of the earliest measurable snowfalls on record” 6 days later.
    Typical Gore effect!
    Gore is one of our greatest allies. 🙂

  2. John B., M.D. says:

    We got some more trace snow today.

  3. Stewart Pid says:

    Ha Ha …. at Fernie BC we just had two back to back 11 metre plus ski seasons and the long term average is just shy of 9 metres. Climate change my cold frozen ass!!

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