Colorado Declining Snow Cover Update

ScreenHunter_1912 Oct. 27 09.17

Telluride, Colorado | Telluride Webcams

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Colorado Declining Snow Cover Update

  1. Mohatdebos says:

    Can’t you persuade some of the ski resorts to sue the charlatans from NRDC and the Union of Communist Scientists who prepared and publicized the reports with the claim that these resorts had no future because of global warming.

  2. tom0mason says:

    Soon children will not know what snow is, as lefties are endemic in the educational system.

  3. Pathway says:

    Vail and other ski resorts are on board with the AGW scam.

    • Ernest Bush says:

      People have been skiing all over the Colorado Rockies for some days now, some on good powder base. They just got the snow refreshed over the weekend and more is forecast for Thursday.

      It’s the Gore Effect at work, except that they are making a profit because of it. It’s a case of its more profitable to be wrong all the time about AGW.

  4. Lance says:

    well dang….that snow has moved north now into Alberta, and we are under a snowfall warning….winter has arrived up here.

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