Latest From The Arctic Data Tampering Department

The animation below shows the changes from JAXA V1 to V2. Note how the 1980s minimum hardly changed at all, but more recent minimums have been increasingly reduced over time, particularly the last four years where they have made large reductions in ice extent. Hansen must be proud.

ScreenHunter_1796 Oct. 24 05.02


ScreenHunter_1795 Oct. 24 04.59

Sea_Ice_Extent_v2_L.png (1440×900)

Sea_Ice_Extent_L.png (1440×900)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Latest From The Arctic Data Tampering Department

  1. tomwys says:

    At least they didn’t monkey around with the predictable endpoint of 2013, which tracks the 2008 “recovery” (not shown) with precision, and for the same (non-CO2 related & affected) reason!!!

  2. Latitude says:

    new and improved….to show less ice
    When they initiated the coastal algorithm, of course it’s going to show less ice…
    They must have “adjusted” the past again to show that.

    …so they lied again

  3. Robertv says:

    The 1980s average max change is the big problem.

  4. John Blethen says:

    The article “North American moose dying at alarming rates” says “Winters have grown substantially shorter across much of the moose’s range”, “a longer fall with less snow”, and “when the temperature rises above 23 degrees Fahrenheit in winter, as has happened more often in recent years”. The link is:

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