No Change In Darwin Temperatures For 130 Years

ScreenHunter_1804 Oct. 24 06.31

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to No Change In Darwin Temperatures For 130 Years

  1. Steve R W says:

    So much for the “hot spot”.

  2. tomwys says:

    This is likely the same result for most equatorial locations affected by marine Trade Winds. I’d expect Caribbean, Northern Brazil, Eastern African, locations to show similar results!

  3. Steve R W says:

    The extra CO2 should mean a positive feedback in Darwin…surely? (: Evaporation should be running amok and wreaking havoc!

    Bloody water vapour!

  4. The extra CO2 causes a positive feedback, or a negative feedback, unless it causes no feedback, in which case it causes a negative positive backfeed. At other times, it makes no difference at all.

  5. D.M. says:

    Steve does a great job bringing up these local temperature record graphs, and all the ones I have seen show no warming over a long time scale. I know it would be a huge exercise but if this could be collated for all temperature stations it would be a more accurate means of identififying if world overall temperatures were really changing. If all these graphs showed no, or negligible, change then how could anyone claim the world average was changing?

  6. Well, there are two ways of looking at it. I got this quote from a recent Michael Mann post:

    “This is a long standing problem in climate science. Morgan & Keith (1995, Subjective judgements by climate experts. Environmental Science & Technology 29, 468-476) showed that for some basic questions a very careful way of determining the data constructs can lead to a bimodal evaluation distribution rather than just a unilateral view around a mode value. This then raises questions about the usefulness of a median evaluation construct.” -Michael Mann

    In other words, there are two ways of looking at it. What an asshole.

  7. Eric Simpson says:

    Bringing up Darwin again? Lol.

  8. You’re not going to find much warming in the tropics because there hasn’t been.

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