Monthly Archives: March 2014

A Subtle Change In The Republican Party

In 1980, we had Ronald Reagan. “As government expands, liberty contracts.” ? Ronald Reagan In 2014, we have Republicans wanting to stop global warming, and preserve Obamacare.

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The Princess And The 0.0001 Mole Fraction CO2

You know you are a global warming princess, when an extra 0.0001 mole fraction CO2 keeps you awake at night.

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Can We Have The Other Half Now, Please?

Obama delivered on his promise to make energy prices skyrocket. Can we please have the global warming part now too, so that we don’t have to use so much energy to keep warm?

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Spy Vs. Spy

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President Obama Says He Has Restored America As The Sole, Indispensable Superpower

Obama Says He Restored America’s Image as ‘Sole, Indispensable Power’ – ABC News

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Before CO2 Ruined The Great Lakes

On this date in 1903, Niagara Falls ran dry. CO2 was a very safe 300 PPM at the time. The Post and Courier – Google News Archive Search

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Glaciers Were Disappearing During Hansen’s Coldest Years Ever

Climate experts claim that melting glaciers are proof of global warming, because they lack the science skills most people pick up in kindergarten. Glaciers melt during interglacial periods (i.e. last 20,000 years) because more ice melts every year than accumulates. … Continue reading

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Global Weirding In 1936

Jimbo put together this list of extreme weather in 1936. If we had one tenth of this now, progressives would demand immediate world communism. STRANGE / ODD / WILD / WEIRD WEATHER – 1936 DROUGHT, FIRE and FLOOD AMERICA’S PHENOMENAL … Continue reading

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Word Is Getting Out

By the end of March, this blog will have had more than 300,000 unique visitors during the month. If each of them tells two people about the global warming scam, and each of them ……. Pretty soon we have a … Continue reading

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Wenger’s Crimea Moment

Arsène Wenger celebrated his 1,000 match as manager, with the worst thrashing of his career – at Stamford Bridge. But the big question is – will Abramovich get slammed with anti-Putin sanctions?

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