Monthly Archives: March 2014

Two Years Ago, Arctic Melting Was Blamed For The Warm Winter In The US

This winter. experts said the cold, snowy weather was caused by Arctic warmth and melting. Two years ago, the experts said the exact opposite. Record High Temperatures Across United States | Video – ABC News The big question is : … Continue reading

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US Invaded By Complete Lunatics, AKA Known As Progressives

The US has been taken over by severely mentally ill people. An Ohio high school student has already been jailed and kicked out of school for having a pocket knife in his car, and now he fears he could lose … Continue reading

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New Greenland Paper Demonstrates Again That Climate Experts Know Nothing About Climate

Sea Levels To Rise More Than Expected Due To Warming-Driven Surge In Greenland Ice Loss Research had also long suggested the northeastern portion of the ice sheet was stable. As a result, it was largely left out of the models … Continue reading

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They Are Getting Nuttier By The Day

The latest trend for the AGW faithful is to refuse to believe old newspaper stories, insisting that they can only trust the sacred peer-reviewed scriptures of the prophets Mann and Hansen. The religion is becoming complete, with sin, guilt, penance, … Continue reading

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Back To The 16th Century

Greg Laden is trying to return to 16th century witch burning days with his psychotic, dishonest rantings about the weather. Are the climate science deniers criminals? Posted by Greg Laden on March 16, 2014 Our future is at risk. The … Continue reading

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As Expected, Tamino Censored My Comment

Tamino attacked me, then censored my comment pointing out why his analysis was fatally flawed. Typical alarmist scum. New Mexico Snow | Open Mind

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Bill Gates Wants To End All Breathing

Gates tells me in his office overlooking Lake Washington in Seattle. “The right goal is not to cut our carbon emissions in half. The right goal is zero.” Bill Gates on How to Stop Global Warming | Politics | Rolling … Continue reading

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Blowtorch Needed

The Beaufort Sea is choked with 4/5 year old ice. Reggie will need a very large blowtorch this summer.

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NSIDC’s Nature Trick

NSIDC shows their Arctic graphs on a different scale from the their Antarctic graphs. Plotted at the same scale (below) it becomes clear that the poles are not melting, and people should quit obsessing over an imaginary problem.

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Murder Rates By Political Affiliation

If the FBI kept track of murder rates by political party, they would likely discover that 90+% of murders are committed by people who vote consistently Democratic, at least once per election.

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