Monthly Archives: March 2014

During The Non-Existent MWP, There Were No Glaciers In Europe


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License Hands And Feet

According to FBI statistics, far more Americans are killed by hands and feet, than by rifles. (This includes evil, black AR-15’s with pistol grips and high capacity magazines)   FBI — Expanded Homicide Data Table 11 Ongoing background checks need … Continue reading

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New Research Shows That The Climate Anticipates CO2

Months ahead of the release of the climate destroying Ford Model-T, glaciers were already disappearing. 26 Jul 1908 – GLACIERS DISAPPEARING. The climate knew that CO2 was brewing. More recently, the climate has shut down Detroit in an effort to protect … Continue reading

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Green Energy Is Blossoming In Europe

A trainwreck in Maxwell: Happy Earth Day!

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When They Removed The 1940’s Blip, Did They Put The Ice Back?

The hockey team recently “removed the 1940’s temperature blip.”  Hopefully they remembered to put all the ice back in Greenland, when they did their taxpayer funded history rewrite. February 1, 1940 GREENLAND GLACIERS MELTING by far the largest number of … Continue reading

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The Missing Heat Has Sunk To The Bottom Of Lake Superior :: Live Cam

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Almost Five Months Since Scientists Announced That Global Warming Has Overheated Lake Superior

Climate Change Causing Lake Superior To Warm ‘Faster Than Any Lake On The Planet’ By Philip Ross on October 15 2013 9:19 PM ‘Lake Superior, the largest of North America’s Great Lakes, is on its way to becoming the world’s … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin Explains The State Of Climate Science

“I do not like this Uncle Sam. I do not like his health care scam. I do not like — oh, just you wait — I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books. … Continue reading

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The Great Gun Debate

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Mosher Still Looking For The Mid-Troposphere Cold Spot

March 8, 2014 at 3:59 pm The comparison graphs are all surface data, and global warming is supposed to be amplified in the mid troposphere.  Apparently Mosher didn’t get the memo. Actual scientists might appreciate that multiple data sources (surface/radiosonde/satellite) … Continue reading

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