Daily Archives: June 22, 2014

Summer Is A Thing Of The Past In Norway

Snow in June? Only in Norway | IceNews – Daily News h/t to RobertV

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The US Is Tearing it Up In Brazil

Very impressive performance by the US so far. If they can keep up this pace for 90 minutes, they will win. Dempsey and Bradley are right on the verge.

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June 22 – The North Pole Camera Is Still Frozen Over

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America’s Big Night

In 50 minutes, there will be hundreds of millions of people watching the US play Portugal – in a match which gives the US an opportunity to join the top flight of the soccer world. And it would be great to … Continue reading

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Shock News About Mann-Made CO2

The rise in CO2 over the past century (100 ppm) is equivalent to packing an extra five people into the Porto Alegre stadium, where the US will play Portugal this evening.

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Ever Wondered Why NCDC Doesn’t Publish Actual Measured Temperatures?

NCDC never publishes graphs of measured US temperatures. Here is why.   Data is located here : ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ushcn/v2.5/ushcn.tavg.latest.raw.tar.gz

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Climate Consultants

I work as a consultant, and I get paid for delivering what the client wants. Climate scientists work as consultants to the government, who pays their contracts. Either they deliver what the government wants, or their funding gets cut off. … Continue reading

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The Methane Scam

One of alarmists’ favorite lies is that “methane is 30 times worse than CO2” This is complete BS. Methane’s absorption bands almost completely overlap with H2O, and methane concentrations in the atmosphere are very low.  CH4 quickly oxidizes and disappears … Continue reading

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Narrow Down Their Options, Then Corner Your Enemy

The new EPA regulations make the US completely dependent on fracking moving forwards. Next on their agenda is to shut down fracking, which unlike CO2 represents an actual environmental hazard.

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IPCC Models Can’t Produce Anything To Worry About

Junk Science Week: IPCC commissioned models to see if global warming would reach dangerous levels this century. Consensus is ‘no’ Even if you pile crazy assumption upon crazy assumption, you cannot even manage to make climate change cause minor damage … Continue reading

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