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Monthly Archives: September 2014
Climate Refugee Report
Climate refugees are fleeing the overheated Democratic states of the Northeast, for the cooler Republican states of the south. Article Photos: Northeast loses 40% of House seats as people flee high-tax states
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Ebola Update
President Obama has placed his crack Obamacare team in charge of protecting America from Ebola. They will start working on it just as soon as they get the web site up and fully functional.
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Poor Secret Service Protection Threatens America’s Security
Can you imagine the consequences of Joe Biden in the Oval Office?
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New ISIS Threat
Major crisis looming…. This morning, the Muslim Brotherhood warned the United States that if the United States continued meddling in Syria, Egypt, Libya, and… other potential hot spots in the Middle East, they intend to cut off America’s supply of … Continue reading
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NASA Created The Hockey Stick By Hiding And Altering Data
As of 1999, NASA showed no net global warming from 1876 to 1976 But that didn’t fit the narrative, so they simply disappeared the pre-1880 data and massively cooled the past – to create the hockey stick blade. 1999 version … Continue reading
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Massive Alteration Of NASA Temperature Data Since 1999
The planet hasn’t been warming as predicted, so NASA simply altered the data to make it look like the planet was warming. The graph below shows how they have changed their own global surface temperature record over the past 15 … Continue reading
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NASA Antarctic Temperature Fraud
In 2005, NASA showed that Antarctica had been strongly cooling for 20 years SVS Animation 3188 – Antarctic Heating and Cooling Trends Gavin Schmidt (current GISS head) reported that Antarctica temperatures “decreased significantly” Shindell and Schmidt 2004 Shindell, D.T., and G.A. … Continue reading
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Sea Level Rise Rates At Savannah, Georgia Have Dropped Sharply Since 1995
Contrary to the incessant lies of the global warming fraudsters, sea level rise rates are not accelerating on the East Coast. Prior to 1995, sea level at Savannah, Georgia rose 2.83 mm/year, but since 1995 it has been rising at … Continue reading
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East Coast Sea Level Rose Much Faster Prior To 1970
According to NOAA, sea level rise rates were much higher along the East Coast prior to 1970. In fact, there was no change in sea level along the East Coast from 1970 to 1990. Variations in Sea Level Tide gauges … Continue reading
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No Correlation Of South Carolina Sea Level Vs. CO2
Like North Carolina, South Carolina has one long-term tide gauge at Charleston. Sea level there rose faster prior to 1950 (most likely mainly due to subsidence) and the rise rate shows 0.0000 correlation vs. atmospheric CO2. In other words – … Continue reading
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