Celebrating 15 Years Of Golden Oldies

It has been 15 years since top British climate experts announced the official end of snow.

ScreenHunter_5931 Jan. 11 06.57

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past – Environment – The Independent

Parts of Europe received 50-100 cm of the non-existent white stuff this week.

ScreenHunter_5971 Jan. 12 05.38


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Celebrating 15 Years Of Golden Oldies

  1. nigelf says:

    Reminds me of Data’s creator in Star Trek who was knicknamed “often wrong”.

  2. smamarver says:

    …. and still, we had a pretty cold and snowy winter in Europe, with snow in areas were it didn’t used to snow…..

  3. Sharpshooter says:

    I’m not seeing any purple that would indicate 100cm.

    • nielszoo says:

      You need a better monitor. A crescent below the Black Sea from Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and all the way around Northern Turkey to the Sea of Marmara and a few spots towards the Aegean, a ridge all along Western Norway and Southern Central Iceland are the areas I can see without too much trouble that are the 50-100 cm “purple” color.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Not to mention:

        Greek islands in the Mediterranean buried under 6½ ft (2 m) of snow

        The Cycladic island of Tinos faces a third difficult day Friday after heavy snowfall disabled much of its infrastructure as well as isolating several villages….
        At least eight villages on Tinos were cut off Thursday as snow levels reached up to 2 meters while schools and public services remained closed….

        Norway – Forced to remove excessive snow from ski slopes
        “During the last two days we’ve got more snow than we had in the last two years together,” says Vegar Sårheim. “I had never believed we would experience this.”

        Russia – Very heavy snowfall and blizzards in South Ural region on November 10 and 11 followed by Minus 32 degrees in Tomsk and heavy snowfall Nov 23

        Iran – Snow and ice storm traps 2,000 people around November 5 followed by snow in 16 provinces by the end of the month.

        Serbia – Ice storm and deep snow – 48 hours without electricity, water and heating A resident, Milan, says that the transmission lines that have fallen were wrapped in ice 4-centimeters thick. Workers cut branches that have fallen around power lines, and it goes very slowly. More bizarre is that no one has physically visited the power plant, but they are controlled by a computer in Belgrade…. People began mentally to shoot, really are very bad. They are very angry, enraged, angry … Everybody is extremely difficult, residents are outraged, helpless!

        Romania – More than 1,000 people stuck in snow Dec 2 and 100,000 Czech travelers are stranded due to freezing arctic weather. In Budapest, Hungary entire trees toppled under ice up to 4 inches (10 cm) thick, threatening entire forests and leaving 40,000 homes powerless. (Not a peep about this in the US MSM though)

        Austria ice storm – So bad that authorities use tanks to move supplies
        Entire towns cut off by thousands of fallen trees and ice-covered roads – More than 60 major roads are closed. by the 4th 0f Dec 2014 – Conditions worsened in the on-going ice storm in Lower Austria and Burgenland on Thursday. Large areas of the eastern part of Austria have been brought to a standstill, with fire services calling in the military….

        Snow in Palermo, Sicily
        (wwwDOT)youtube.com/watch?v=UbyPv8J-Hv8&index=1&list=PL00u99IRraJtn38lgAequUjc ZR_uFnkdY

        Roads Closed in Greece Due to Heavy Snowfall

        Icy weather and heavy snowfall has hit a large part of Greece, resulting in many roads closing in northern and central Greece, as well as near the capital….

        The heaviest snowfall that has occurred in recent years has also resulted in many ski resorts being closed since there is no way to access them. The ski resorts of Pella and Northern Peloponnese have been blocked due to the heavy snowfall.

        Motorists have been advised to avoid certain major roads on the Greek island of Euboea, as well as avoiding any type of travel in northern Greece.
        h t t p://greece(DOT)greekreporter.com/2014/12/30/roads-closed-in-greece-due-to-heavy-snowfall/

        Heavy snowfall and extreme cold in Turkey including the port city ?zmir

        Snow totals for western and central parts of Turkey and down to the city of Jerusalem will generally be on the order of 2 to 8 cm (1 to 2 inches) this weekend. This includes Ankara.

        The streets of the province of Sulaymaniyah Iraq have been covered in white

        Heavy snowfall in Saudi Arabia

        Snow covered the streets of Tripoli and Duahyaha, Libya, Wednesday, December 31, 2014.

        Iris – Tunisia has witnessed severe cold during the last two days, along with snow

        Algeria has bitter cold and snow and a state of emergency;

        Algeria – The Snowfall and lack of preparation (Thanks IPCC) has led to angry protests
        (From Google translate)

        …Thousands of people out in the villages and Madacher yesterday both Ahras market and ?alma and El Tarf, Skikda, Khanshalah, to protest in the streets against the local authorities ” left them to their fate on their own after snow blocked all catering outlets with food and Energetic “, as the population rose up against power outages as occurred in the municipality of El Eulma Annaba, where protesters did not hesitate to close the municipal headquarters to protest the situation tragic.

        Second link http://www.meteoweb.eu/2015/01/freddo-gelo-in-algeria/372641/

        Snow in libya;

        I love this photo. It says it all.

        As usual a H/T to Argiris Diamantis and the rest of the folks at IceAgeNow for bring us news that would otherwise stay hidden.

  4. Gail Combs says:

    People do not realize that snow and ice was not over the entire Northern part of the Northern Hemisphere but occurred in specific locations, the same as we are seeing now.


  5. Gail Combs says:

    Eurasia during most extreme part of full glacial conditions (17,000-15,000 14C y.a.).
    Ice masses are the light grey areas so only a small portion of Eurasia was covered by glacier unlike North America.


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