Don’t Be An Islamophobe

The Charlie Hebdo writers would have faced execution in almost any Islamic country, but experts say the recent executions have nothing to do with Islam.

ScreenHunter_5893 Jan. 10 04.26

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World – One Body at a Time

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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42 Responses to Don’t Be An Islamophobe

  1. PJ London says:

    But to be fair, Christianity has carried out 100s of thousands of deadly attacks since the Battle of Milvian Bridge 312 AD.
    Plus more Americans have been killed by the police in America since 9/11 than died in the attack or at the hands of Terrorists.
    Apparently 90% of the “attacks” were against other Muslims, does that still count?

    • To be fair, I’m not interested in your bullshit.

      More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined.

    • Francis says:

      Yes because all a devout Mohammedan needs to carry out deadly attracts against his fellow Mohammedans is a Mohammedan holy man to declare that the offending Mohammedans are practicing the Mohammedan religion in an inappropriate way. Like maybe not killing, raping and enslaving enough Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhist, Atheist, or Zoroasters. Then its game on. Isn’t Mohammedanism a cool religion or what?

    • gator69 says:

      How many of those Americans killed by cops were criminals? How many of those cops killed in the name of their religion? How many of those cops own sex slaves? Which police academy advocates killing nonbelievers?

      Maybe you should go after cars next. 😆

      • PJ London says:

        And you know that they were killed by “Moozlums” because Bush, Obama and Fox news told you so.
        Don’t you find it convenient that the live film of the first Plane hitting the WTC was filmed by 5 dancing Israelis, and that the film of the Paris pair killing the cop (with no impact and no blood) was filmed by an Israeli?
        You have NO evidence that the two killed were in any way involved except (OMG) these well trained and professional killers left their ID in the getaway car.
        The killers shouted Allah Akbar and said to tell the police “we were sent by Yemen”.
        Have you bought any bridges lately?

        • gator69 says:

          OMG! A troofer! 😆

          My brother worked at the Pentagon the day of the attack. Go fuck yourself.

        • PJ London says:

          What does your brother being in the Pentagon, have to do with facts?

          The response is pretty much what I would expect.

        • gator69 says:

          It means I have a reliable source who confirmed the official reports and facts on the ground, like plane wreckage all over his workplace.

          You have proven yourself a fool.

      • PJ London says:

        Please show where a) I made any reference to the Pentagon NOT being hit by a plane and b) please present any evidence that your brother has showing that the plane hitting the Pentagon was directed by Muslims.

        You are very quick with derogatory remarks and very slow with evidence.

        • gator69 says:

          You brought up 911 conspiracies, or did you hit your head again and forget.

          Go find your own evidence, I am not your mother.

  2. PJ London says:

    Just checked the site again, make that +98% of the listed attacks are Muslim on Muslim amd about 50% are retaliation.

    • Marsh says:

      I can see a correlation in making their Holy Book more acceptable in the West and the the way the IPCC can rewrite history ! Given the fact that they rework Climate so well, they could become the IPKC ; for once their skills could be put to good use !

  3. emsnews says:

    The recent Paris attackers trained in YEMEN. Yemen is the super poor Muslim country where the US does drone assassinations on a daily basis.

    We do what they do all the time only we don’t call this ‘terrorism’ even if we kill innocent civilian women and children, etc.

    • terryc says:

      So why did the Paris attackers choose French people/Jews as their victims. Your argument makes no sense.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Correction: We Obama do[es] what they do all the time only we Obama do[es]n’t call this ‘terrorism’ even if we Obama kill[s] innocent civilian women and children, etc. “


      Don’t use the word we, when many of us disagree with what Obummer is doing.

      You have medieval tribal clans with a thin coating of western technology grafted on top. They should have been left to the Ottoman Empire who dealt with them from 1299 til 1922.

      After the coup in 1913, the Banksters dragged the US into lots of wars that they started in the first place. The USA has been in debt and paying the Banksters ever since.

      Prior to 1913 the US followed an isolationist policy but you and your cronies can not make lots of money during wars and while rebuilding war torn countries without pushing countries into war in the first place.
      The Morgan interests took over the US media in 1915 to make darn sure we ended up in the wars they fomented.

      Excerpts from the book Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Anthony C. Sutton

      • PJ London says:

        Pettit et al.
        “To refuse to ascribe collective responsibility to the grouping as a whole, on the grounds that the evil done was done entirely by the spokesbody, would be to miss the opportunity to put in place an incentive for members of the grouping as a whole to challenge what the spokesbody does, transforming the constitution under which they operate (…).”
        Just blame the Kenyan.

        • Gail Combs says:

          He is NOT my spokes person! He is a lump occupying a place in the District of Criminals.

        • PJ London says:

          They were ALL “good Germans”

        • Gail Combs says:

          First they came for the Communists
          And I did not speak out
          Because I was not a Communist
          Then they came for the Socialists
          And I did not speak out
          Because I was not a Socialist
          Then they came for the trade unionists
          And I did not speak out
          Because I was not a trade unionist
          Then they came for the Jews
          And I did not speak out
          Because I was not a Jew
          Then they came for me
          And there was no one left
          To speak out for me
          ~ Pastor Martin Niemoller

          I am an individual not part of any ‘group’

          That is one of the big differences between what we ARE and what the Fabian Socialists are trying to make us.

        • PJ London says:

          “To stand up for truth is nothing. For truth, you must sit in jail.”
          ? Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

        • Pooka says:

          @PJ Prison? That’s weaksauce. Wussy milquetoast time. You gotta set yourself on fire to be a hardcore protester. You should totally set yourself on fire, man.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Spoken like a true radical.

        Going to jail just proves you are a grandstanding idiot.

        My Husband’s family was part of Underground Rail during and before the Civil War. They burned historically significant papers to protect the names of friends after one of them was murdered.

        • PJ London says:

          I once met a Lizard who claimed he was related the a Tyranosaurus on his mother’s side.
          (R Heinlein)

          You (plural) are still responsible for what “America” does, and perhaps one day will be held jointly and severally liable. (As the Germans and Japanese were in 1945/6)

          “We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?” and Albright replied “we think the price is worth it.”

          (Note the “we”, but Albright may be a radical too)

  4. SMS says:

    I believe this problem originated with the Saudis when they turned their backs on the Imams in their country and ignored the bad work they were doing. This allowed the Imams to radicalize the zealots who came to them for religious training. I think the Saudis are sorry for not maintaining control over the Imams that are now turning out radical zealots killing senselessly.

    I have friends who are Muslim and they are horrified by what is happening. But like “all the good Germans” if you stand up, you are shot down. And in my opinion this is where the Obama administration failed the world. People can stand up if they have some form of administrative protection; which is what the west was trying to develop in these former despotic countries. Then Obama pulled out the troops and abandoned these people to the worst of the worst.

    The French are feeling the pain of turning their backs on the Muslim communities in their own cities. I think the French government is sorry for not maintaining control over the Muslim communities that are now turning out radical zealots killing Frenchmen. Sound familiar?

    • PJ London says:

      And you know it was a Muslim because?
      Which of the Kouachi brothers has blue eyes?
      Witness states that she saw his eyes from close up and they were blue! She noticed because he spoke to her and let her go.
      Please check the witness statement and the pictures of the brothers and tell me which one it was.
      The only evidence is that they shouted Allah Akhbar
      If I shout it does it make me Muslim?. If I shout “Allegiance to the flag” does it make me an American?
      The Israaeli TV producer HAPPENED to be on his balcony at exactly the right time, HAPPENED to have his professional camera, right where the “Killers” HAPPENED to (pretend) to slaughter a police man a long way from the offices. What a coincidence! The only thing missing was his 4 dancing friends

      No Impact, no blood, no way.

  5. Don says:

    Yes, there are Mohammedans frightened by this, so? What are they doing about it?

    But the very beginning of Mohammedism was violence and blood, pillage, rape. It conquered by the sword, they are attempting to return to those very days. The number of incidents listed in the OP are incidents, not deaths, so the number of dead is much higher.

    • Hew Manatee says:

      But the very beginning of Mohammedism was violence and blood, pillage, rape. It conquered by the sword….
      And for 1400 years after that, I might add. Nothing has fundamentally changed. They had a brief setback for around 300 years on Sept 11, 1683, but it seems that in recent years they are attempting to pick up from where they left off.

  6. Robertv says:

    The only thing I see is that We The People are left with less and less freedom. So the winners are the radicals and those in power. You would think they work together to make life for the ordinary person as miserable as possible.

  7. Robertv says:

    The sudden global prominence of Charlie Hebdo, which before typically sold only half of its usual 60,000 printed copies in France, has saved it from imminent bankruptcy.

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