Exposing The First Birther

Birthers are evil people who say that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. The first birther was almost certainly Barack Obama.

From 1991 to 2007, his literary agents promoted him as being born in Kenya. The only plausible place they could have gotten his bio from is from Barack Obama himself. There was no Internet in 1991. When someone wants a bio, they say “write a short paragraph about yourself.” It is implausible that his bio came from anyone else, or that his agents would have wasted time trying to pull together information about some recently graduated college kid’s birthplace and background.

Miriam Goderich of Acton & Dystel says that she didn’t do adequate fact checking, but she never said whose facts it was she was checking.

So why would Obama lie about his birthplace? If you ask that question, progressives call you a birther. (Queue in the usual progressive scumbags.)


Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’


Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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402 Responses to Exposing The First Birther

  1. gator69 says:

    The first birther got an early start…

    “Among other claims, she told PBS that, as a young child, Obama told his classmates that he was Kenyan royalty or an Indonesian prince — fascinating claims that she discussed in great detail.


    Lying came early and often, like his fellow democrat voters on election day.

  2. philjourdan says:

    I agree the first birther is a scumbag.

    • smrstrauss says:

      Along with the others.

      • philjourdan says:

        Again, personal opinion on your part is irrelevant. Have you met all the others? I have had dealings with the first, so I speak from experience. You speak from ignorance Herr Strauß

        • smrstrauss says:

          I have not met ALL the others. But here are some examples of the standard birther lies:

          (1) Birthers said that Obama’s draft card was forged, but Obama did not post his draft card, nor did any representative of Obama—so, if it were forged, who do you think forged it? (Okay, I’ll make it easy—the guy who posted it.)

          (2) Birthers have said that Obama became a citizen of Indonesia—but a telephone call to the Indonesian Embassy shows that he was never an Indonesian citizen. Why do you suppose that the birthers did not call the Indonesian embassy to check? The same goes for the claim that Obama went to Pakistan on an Indonesian passport. It is easy the check with the Indonesian Embassy whether Obama ever had an Indonesian passport—they will tell anyone who calls that Obama never had an Indonesian passport because he was never an Indonesian citizen.

          (3) Birthers said that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya—but the transcript of the call shows that she said that he was BORN IN HAWAII—why do you suppose they did not quote her accurately and in fact cut off the tape recording of the call on their sites just before she said “born in Hawaii, where his father was studying at the time.” Why do you suppose they did that?

          (4) Birther sites did not tell you about SS Administration clerks making lots of mistakes and that a single digit entered wrong in the zip code would generated a SS number from a place other than where it was applied from. Why do you suppose they did not tell you that?

          (5) Birther sites did not tell their readers that the Kenyan government said that Obama was NOT born there. Why do you suppose they did not tell their readers that?

          (6) Birther sites did not even tell their readers that there is no evidence that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961—or how very few 18-year-olds did in those days, or how EXTREMELY few women traveled abroad late in pregnancy in those days because of the high risk of stillbirth. Why do you suppose they did not tell you that?

          (7) Birther sites posted videos of Obama that claimed to show that he said “I was born in Kenya”—but you cannot see his mouth move and the originals of those videos have been found, and they do not say “I was born in Kenya..”” Why do you suppose that they forged and posted those videos? (Ditto, by the way, for three forged “Kenyan birth certificates.” And what do you suppose was the motive for forging them??)

          (8) Birther sites said that Obama spent “millions” on hiding his birth certificate. But Obama showed his birth certificate and did not spend a cent on hiding anything. And in fact, as birther sites did not tell their readers, there wasn’t even one lawsuit for Obama’s birth certificate or for records, not one. There were lawsuits to keep Obama off of ballots, but NO lawsuits for his birth certificate or records of any kind. Why do you suppose that birther sites implied that there were lawsuits for Obama’s BC—when there weren’t ANY???

          (9) Birther sites said that Obama’s records are “sealed,” but they are not sealed. They are covered under the ordinary state and federal privacy laws, and Mitt Romney and John McCain and previous presidents did not release similar records either.

        • philjourdan says:

          WOW! New tactic! Admitting you are a liar, then pushing a non sequitur.

          Names and dates Herr Strauß. Preferably with either a youtube confession. But we will not see that from you. Just more lies, generalizations, and opinions.

  3. Joseph says:

    But, MotherJones says you’re the birther here, Tony. Can we teach our progressive friends how to read first before they run around writing derisive articles about you?

    • Progressives aren’t interested in facts. Their goal is to protect their position.

      • smrstrauss says:

        The FACT is that it was not Obama who wrote the bio for the literary agent, an employee of the literary agent did, and she has admitted to making the mistake all by herself and not checking it with Obama and not telling him when she put it online so that he could not fix it. She made the mistake by glancing at the book that Obama had written, the one submitted to the literary agent, noticing that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, and thinking that that Barack Hussein Obama was the writer of the book. Actually, it was his father, Barack Hussein Obama I.

        More importantly, Obama was for sure not born in Kenya. He was born in Hawaii as his birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii and the Index Data and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii all show.

        The “born in Kenya” story is the height of the loony side of the birther movement. It is based on alleged birth certificates, like that of Lucas D. Smith, and falsifications––such as the claim that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya—-when she actually said right on the same tape that he was born IN HAWAII, and she said in another interview that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama’s birth was in a letter FROM HAWAII.

        Lucas D. Smith claimed that he went to Kenya and got Obama’s birth certificate at a hospital in Mombasa. But Lucas D. Smith has constantly refused to show proof that he, Smith, had ever gone to Kenya. All that he would have to do would be to show a Kenya stamp on a page of a passport, but Lucas D. Smith has refused to do that, constantly, and he has also constantly refused to say why he will not show that proof.

        Laying aside for a moment the overwhelming proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, the evidence that Obama was NOT born in Kenya is also very strong. There were a grand total of 21 people who came to the USA from Kenya in 1961. Of these only seven were US citizens. And the birther myth has always been that Obama’s parents went there and returned by plane. However, only one person came to the USA from Kenya in that year by plane and that person was, wait for it, NOT a US citizen.

        And Obama’s father did not go to Kenya in 1961 either (making it unlikely that his mother did, since travel late in pregnancy was rare, and even more rare without the husband going along). WND has proved with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961.

        And the Kenyan government investigated the “born in Kenya” story, and found that it was not true.

        “Jon Chessoni, a first secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, can’t understand why his office gets so many baseless questions about whether Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

        “It’s madness,” said Chessoni on Monday.“His father, in 1961, would not even have been in Kenya. When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.””


        • gator69 says:

          So which editor told this story?

          “Among other claims, she told PBS that, as a young child, Obama told his classmates that he was Kenyan royalty or an Indonesian prince — fascinating claims that she discussed in great detail.”

          Because of course you were there, and are all knowing. Right? 😆

        • Gail Combs says:

          Oh, My Goodness

          The smrstrauss Troll(s) are BACK!!!! (For those who do not remember them, they are a team who ‘defends’ Obummers birth record.)

          From another blog by a a practicing lawyer.

          This strauss character has appeared like clockwork in the past when I have discussed Obama’s NBC status. Literally, he posts from afar within minutes of my posts being published. He was posting from California today. When he first started posting, he was logging in from Canada. I can’t imagine a casual reader from afar being so concerned about what I write about Obama on this particular issue unless he is a paid operative of some sort.
          The Betrayed blog offered this insight on who strauss is:

          An individual using the tag smrstrauss has been an extraordinarily busy fellow and an annoying enigma on the internet since late 2008, but now his identity is known. Mr. smrstrauss has contributed countless hours, days, weeks, months, and thousands of comments to defend Barack Obama against everyone who questions the President’s eligibility. Smrstrauss sometimes writes long essay comments, and he often cites case law, so if you didn’t know better, you would be excused for thinking he’s an attorney. I can assure you he is not!

          I also need to take this opportunity to backtrack on a supposition I previously made about the identity of this man. Based on the comments of another blogger who claimed to have researched the name smrstrauss, he concluded the person was D.C. Shadow Senator, Paul Strauss, who also happens to be a Democrat Superdelegate. After the in-depth research I have just done on smrstrauss, I now know he is not that person, and retract my comments suggesting otherwise.

          Such intense activity by smrstrauss would make sense if Obama is paying him to confuse people about his eligibility to serve as President, but I have no way to confirm this without filing a Freedom of Information request of the administration.

          If smrstrauss is not being paid by someone, then his efforts must be a labor of love, and for that President Obama may eventually consider bestowing the Presidential Citizens Medal upon this gentleman for his obsessive/compulsive determination to defend The One, irrespective of the truth.
          Jefferson’s Rebels blog added this about his identity:

          SMRSTRAUSS: The Total Reveal & Their Tangled Web | by EricaThunderpaws
          Posted by Erica

          On February 11, 2010, I published Exposé: Obot SMRSTRAUSS Finally Unmasked! My article revealed the prolific commenting activities of an obot who was (and still is) papering virtually every conservative blog with repetitive disinformation. He is on a mission to defend Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as President of the United States against those who argue that Obama isn’t qualified because of his dual citizenship with Britain and/or due to unanswered questions about Obama’s place of birth.

          A simple Google search for comments made by, to, and about smrstrauss today returns around 20,000 hits. In my first exposé, I did not reveal the full identity of smrstrauss, even though I knew who he was after extensive research. However, since publishing that exposé, smrstrauss has visited my blog again with more “cognitive infiltration,” likely following the suggestions of Cass Sunstein, who now head’s Obama’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. smrstrauss was warned that another post would force my hand, and that warning was ignored on March 12, 2010. So, are you ready for the reveal?

          Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Paul R. Strauss and his wife, Ann Fenlon Strauss, who work as a team of obots with a mission to defend Obama’s eligibility to serve as President. Mr. and Mrs. Strauss live in Arlington, MA. Disclaimer: Although the names are similar, Paul R. Strauss is NOT Paul Strauss, the Shadow Senator representing Washington, D.C.

          Paul R. Strauss (now 68) married Ann Fenlon Santomasso on June 16, 1984 in the bridegroom’s Manhattan apartment. At that time Ann was a senior research biologist at the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, and Paul was a financial editor of Data Communications. They were married by Rev. Louis Giola. Paul received his master’s degree in communications from American University, and Ann received her degree from the College of New Rochelle. Today the Strauss’s live in a 5,329 sq ft. home in Arlington, MA, presently valued at $496,400.

          More recently, Paul appears to be retired, although in 2004 he worked for IDC Inc. as a Research Analyst. In 2004, Ann stated her place of employment as Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Click the symbol MLNM for the company’s market performance). Considering Obama’s private deal with big pharma, Ann’s connection to a biopharmaceutical company says all that needs to be said about her motives for becoming an obot for Obama.

          On January 25, 2010, smrstrauss (Paul R. Strauss) said on my blog, “ I am not Paul Strauss of Washington DC. I am Samuel Strauss of Cleveland, Ohio. And I have not been paid by the government. Just the reverse, I was a contributor to Obama’s campaign.”

          No records were found in Ohio to confirm his comment. However, from the very beginning I assumed that some portion of the moniker “smrstrauss” reflected the person’s real name, so I checked several campaign donor lists. I already knew from various ip addresses that smrstrauss lived somewhere in Arlington, MA. Thus I began my search using Strauss and the city and state as keywords, and voila! I found Paul R. Strauss, plus I found his wife, Ann, on the same page. As the contribution list below reveals, between 2004 and 2008 this couple donated $13,500 to Democratic candidates, so they are seriously involved in Democratic politics.


        • There was no Internet back then, and was very difficult to obtain information about people. It is beyond absurd to suggest that Acton and Dystel would waste vast amount of resources investigating, rather than asking Obama for a one paragraph bio.

        • gator69 says:

          Damn Gail! And all this time I thought S&M’r Strauss was the delivering obstetrician Dr. David Sinclair. I mean S&M’r speaks as if he were an eye witness to the birth, not to mention the original edit of Skeeter’s literary bio.

        • smrstrauss says:

          gator69 asked: “So which editor told this story?”

          Answer, that was a former classmate, not an editor, and notice that it does not claim that Obama was born in a foreign country. Children, BTW, do have their fantasies—and what is wrong with that?

          In any case, Obama really was born IN HAWAII, and his book says he was born in Hawaii, and the fact that an editor mixed up Barack Hussein Obama I (who was born in Kenya) with Barack Hussein Obama II (who was born in Hawaii) does not change that fact.

        • philjourdan says:

          Actually, you REALLY do not know that. You REALLY believe it. The truth is the ones who know are dead and the rest are just birther hanger onners. Like you.

        • gator69 says:

          Yes! I know! You were there and witnessed it all! 😆

          Tell Ann we all said hey!

        • gator69 says:

          Oh and I almost forgot. Obama never, ever, ever lies, so we can rest assured everything is fine. Don’t worry, your donation checks all cleared.

        • smrstrauss says:

          stevengoddard said: “It is beyond absurd to suggest that Acton and Dystel would waste vast amount of resources investigating, rather than asking Obama for a one paragraph bio.”

          That of course is what they SHOULD have done, but people and companies often do not do what they should have done. In fact, it is normal in publishing to ask authors to write their own bios. But sometimes people and companies do not do what is normal either.

          In this case, they had Obama’s bio book in front of them, and they thought that the quickest way to make a bio blurb was to assign a person to look at the book and to take salient information out of it and write the bio blurb so that they could have it for whatever they needed it for right away, and that is what she said happened.

          Since Obama had told the newspapers in 1990 when he was elected to the editorship of Harvard Law Review that he was born IN HAWAII, and since his book “Dreams from My Father” says that he was born in Hawaii (and, not to mention the little fact that he was indeed born in Hawaii), it is nutty to think that he told her or wrote that he was born in Kenya (where, BTW, only 21 people came to the USA from in the year Obama was born).

          So, it was—as she said—a mistake.

          How did she make the mistake? Well, duh, Obama’s father was called Barack Hussein Obama too, and he was indeed born in Kenya. That’s what she saw in Obama’s unpublished book that was open before her, and that is what she wrote—thinking that there was only one Barack Hussein Obama. But there were two, Barack Hussein Obama I and the writer, Barack Hussein Obama II. That was her mistake.

        • philjourdan says:

          Everyone is well aware that Obama is abnormal. That you now admit it is good therapy for you. It is step one of the 12 step process. Step 2 is to admit you are a liar. Now that may be sheer ignorance on your part and not intentional, but a lie is a lie.

          Steven has provided us with some facts – no conclusions. You on the other hand, as a charter member of the BHO, have only provided opinions – no facts. Of course your opinions are supported by provable lies, but that is mere sophistry for the true fanatic such as yourself.

          YOu have haunted every blog that even dares mention Obama – and you still have yet to provide even a scintilla of evidence to support your ignorance. Just your signed card of membership in the BHO, by the original birther, Obama.

        • Ri-chard says:

          smrstrauss still believes Obama is black even though he spent 9 months in the womb of a White trash woman. If he can’t except that truth how could he possible believe African is not a race of people, same as if it was stated on Obama’s counterfeit BC his father was of the American race. he still won’t admit during the time of Obama’s claim birth date all birth records were stored on micro film. Therefore a copy of the original BC record should represent that. Old micro film records were in many cases Photostat copied as an original record then scanned to a IBM 8086 computer during the 70s and 80s. These copies look just like the scanned copy of the original Photostat pic. These docs are passive in nature and cannot be manipulated without physically altering the surface of the paper copy. They do not look like a computer generated doc.in any appearance because there were no computer technologies available for condensing files. There was only Micro Film using Microfiche as a search tool for records..

        • smrstrauss says:

          gator69 said: “Damn Gail! And all this time I thought S&M’r Strauss was the delivering obstetrician…”

          Answer: Birth certificates are designed to prove the place of birth without someone having to be there—and Obama’s birth certificate (confirmed by the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii and by the Index Data and by the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii) shows that he was born in Hawaii.

        • philjourdan says:

          And another lie by Herr Strauß. No one has confirmed it because it is “lost”. That is a fact. Abercrombie tried to prove it, but could not! He just swore it was true.

          So where have we heard others swearing one thing and the truth is another? Around Obama, that happens every day.

          Your lies get no where here BHO.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Good for you Phil, and many thanks.

        • Obama says contradictory things every time he opens his mouth. The fact that he said something different somewhere else is meaningless.

        • smrstrauss says:

          stevengoddard said: “Obama says contradictory things every time he opens his mouth. The fact that he said something different somewhere else is meaningless.”

          However, you are claiming that the literary agent is lying—and you have no evidence for that whatever. Also, it isn’t very likely since (1) it was an easy mistake to make; (2) there is no evidence whatever that Obama told her that he was born in Kenya and since he had said that he was born in Hawaii before and after (which, BTW, he was), it is not at all likely.

        • philjourdan says:

          The literary agent IS lying. That is a fact. She either lied when she created the bio, or she is lying now. IN either case, the operative word is lying.

          What a fool you are Herr Strauß

        • Ri-chard says:

          I have worked as an FSO for over 20 years and have filed 5 birth certificates for DOD where the applicants born in HI from 1961 to 1967. Obama’s birth certificate looks nothing like there’s. Nothing what’s so ever. Everyone of these birth certs is a copy of the original microfiche film which was the only means for condensing file since there were no computers available.
          So, if Obama were to have submitted his birth certificate to me applying for a DOD contractor position I would have said NO I need a copy of your original BC and one that is not stamped that it could be an abstract, which his is clearly stamped as. Plus, Obama’s BC is not a Photostat copy of the original microfiche record of which are still available in HI. Also, the HI BC must have the HI State Seal on it as all others have..
          Therefore you no not what you speak of. Nice try.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard said:

          “I have worked as an FSO for over 20 years and have filed 5 birth certificates for DOD where the applicants born in HI from 1961 to 1967. Obama’s birth certificate looks nothing like there’s. Nothing what’s so ever. Everyone of these birth certs is a copy of the original microfiche film…”

          Answer: This is an image of Mitt Romey’s birth certificate:


          Notice that it uses the same short-form, computer-generated format as Obama’s short form birth certificate. That is because it is a legal copy—and most states use that approach now.

          In addition to the computer-generated short form for Obama, the state of Hawaii also sent him a long form, which was created by photocopying the PAPER (bound in a book in fact) copy of Obama’s original birth certificate onto modern security paper, and affixing the latest seal and the signature of the current registrar. And the officials in Hawaii have repeatedly stated that they sent that, and the short form to Obama, and that all the facts on the long form that the White House put online are exactly the same as on what they sent.

        • Ri-chard says:

          You truly are a public school product. Romney was not born in HI 1961 so all is BS that you present. again Romney is a part of the same Obama cabal anyway.

        • Ri-chard says:

          You still don’t get it. The State of HI has never ever issued a birth certificate that looks like what Obama and friends presented to the American people. You can not disprove that fact. Plus you cannot take that BC to a court of law as ID because it is stamped as a probable ABSTRACT.
          Eyes wide shut you have.

        • philjourdan says:

          Whoosh! Herr Strauß tries to interject a straw man!

          here’s a clue little one. Romney is not president. Here’s clue #2. The subject is Obama, the original Birther. And here is clue #3 – your childish antics get you nowhere because we EXPECT you to try to change the subject.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard said:

          “…Romney was not born in HI 1961 so all is BS that you present. again Romney is a part of the same Obama cabal anyway.”

          Answer: I’m sure that Romney would disagree about his being part of the Obama cabal, but the main question is about Obama’s birth certificate. The first one that Obama showed was a SHORT FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE, same as the only one that Mitt Romney showed. The example was to show that many states have adopted the short form birth certificate approach—and, BTW, they are perfectly legal and are accepted by the US government for issuing passports and for admitting people to the military, and are of course accepted by courts.

          Ri-chard said: “You still don’t get it. The State of HI has never ever issued a birth certificate that looks like what Obama and friends presented to the American people. ”

          Answer: So you claim—but it is not true. Obama’s short form looks just like other short forms issued by Hawaii, and his long-form looks like the long-forms sent to the Nordyke twins when you consider that the ones sent to the twins in 1961 were using an obsolete photocopy approach—in other words the format and the type are exactly the same. Obama’s long form uses modern photocopy technology and was put onto modern security paper—as it should be.

          Re: “Plus you cannot take that BC to a court of law as ID because it is stamped as a probable ABSTRACT.”

          Answer: Neither Obama’s short form nor his long form is stamped “abstract”—and, as noted above, you can take short forms to court—and long forms too for that matter, and Obama has shown both of them and the officials in Hawaii of both parties have confirmed that they sent them to him. (And there is the Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the “Health Bureau Statistics” section of the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 and ONLY the DOH could send birth notices to that section of the newspapers, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii.

          Eyes wide shut you have.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Obama can’t deny this as it was known in 2011 by millions of voters. Here is a partial list not wanting to test your reading comprehension skills.
          Margret Whiteman VP at Bain & Company, the California finance co-chair for the 2008 Mitt Romney presidential campaign and the SVP for the Walt Disney Company.
          Akin Grump Strauss Hauer and Feld is the lobby firm for the Walt Disney Company and Bain Capitol
          Veron E. Jordan Jr. is counsel at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP, an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), Valerie B. Jarrett’s great uncle, a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Thomas Foley is a partner at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and an executive committee member for the Trilateral Commission (think tank).
          John Vincent Weber a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank was the policy chairman for the 2008 Mitt Romney presidential campaign, a director at the NPR, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          William F. Weld is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), was the governor for the Massachusetts state government, and a supporter of the 2008 Mitt Romney presidential campaign
          See link for map w/ tools of relationships connected to Vernon E. Jordan Jr. Spend a little time dragging your pointer on this pie chart to connect relationships. Who knows maybe this would be interesting to one of Newt’s PAC supporters.

          Do you need the complete list for connecting the dots of cabal relationships?

        • Ri-chard says:

          Again you have no reading comprehension skills COLB has it clearly stamped on the bottom right.

        • philjourdan says:

          Ah, a new tactic by Herr Strauß! Projection! Are you capable of telling the truth? Over 240 lies so far, and still going strong.

        • philjourdan says:

          So you are calling Obama the first loony? I think Canadians would disagree with you, but ok.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “So you are calling Obama the first loony? ”

          To repeat, the literary agent made the mistake and did not show what she wrote to Obama so he could not fix it.

        • philjourdan says:

          To repeat, you do not KNOW that. You do not KNOW it was a mistake. You do not KNOW who made it.

          What we DO know is that for 17 years, Obama wrapped himself in it. period., End of discussion. Obama is the original Birther. Based upon FACTS alone.

        • Actually, the whole born in Kenya ‘birther’ thing started with Democrat Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania Phil Berg, who was on team Hillary in 2008.

          And since when do authors not write their own bios? It’s ridiculous to think that someone goes around and digs up information on an author that is signed to an agency. Authors are given forms, and the information presented is used to create the bio. I’m not sure why the agency would need to verify where an author stated they were born. Does that mean that Obama was born in Kenya? No, he simply could have said he was to sell more books.

          I believe the whole born-in-Kenya thing was started by Obama himself. Why? Because of the legal definition of the term-of-art ‘natural born Citizen’. The Supreme Court HAS weighed in on the issue before. After the 14th Amendment was ratified, a case was brought forward in which a woman from Missouri was suing the State for the right to vote. She claimed that voting was a right of Citizenship, and that by denying her the right to vote, the State was claiming her not to be a Citizen. Therefore, after the 14th Amendment she became a US Citizen, and the State could no longer deny her the right to vote.

          The Supreme Court ruled against her. It said that voting was not a right of Citizenship, and that she was a US Citizen even before the 14th Amendment. It did this by first construing what the term-of-art ‘natural born Citizen’ was, and declaring her a member of said class, and therefore a Citizen. The case is Minor v. Happersett.

          In the case the Court held –
          “The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first. For the purposes of this case it is not necessary to solve these doubts. It is sufficient for everything we have now to consider that all children born of citizen parents within the jurisdiction are themselves citizens. The words “all children” are certainly as comprehensive, when used in this connection, as “all persons,” and if females are included in the last they must be in the first. That they are included in the last is not denied. In fact the whole argument of the plaintiffs proceeds upon that idea.”.

          The court held –
          “children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens”.

          To get around this, some argue that this is merely dicta, which are parts of a decision that does not establish precedence – but they are wrong. A few years later there was another case – Ex Parte Lockwood. And in that case the same court said –
          “In Minor v. Happersett, this court held that the word ‘citizen’ is often used to convey the idea of membership in a nation, and, in that sense, women, if born of citizen parents within the jurisdiction of the United States, have always been considered citizens of the United States, as much so before the adoption of the fourteenth amendment of the constitution as since; but that the right of suffrage was not necessarily one of the privileges or immunities of citizenship before the adoption of the fourteenth amendment, and that amendment did not add to these privileges and immunities. Hence, that a provision in a state constitution which confined the right of voting to male citizons of the United States was no violation of the federal constitution.”

          Notice the words “this court HELD” – held means it was part of the holding, therefore it established precedence.

          The whole born-in-Kenya story, in my opinion was created to cast anyone who wanted to argue that Obama did not meet the natural born Citizen requirement because his father was not an American Citizen into the same light as those who believe he was not even born in the United States. It was simply created to cast doubt on any who would come forth and argue against Obama not being a natural born Citizen based on prior Supreme Court decisions. Not court will touch this issue mainly for that reason – they can not get around these prior Supreme Court decisions.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Philjordan said: “Actually, you REALLY do not know that. You REALLY believe it. The truth is the ones who know are dead…”

          Actually, three of the four officials who stated that they saw Obama’s birth certificate are still alive. That includes Fukino and Onaka. The former Republican governor of Hawaii stated that it had been sent to Obama as well. And, duh, there is also the Index Data and the birth notices sent to the “Health Bureau Statistic” section of the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 (and ONLY the DOH of Hawaii could send birth notices to that section of the newspapers, as the papers have confirmed, and in 1961 it only sent birth notices for births IN Hawaii), and there is even a note from a US INS inspector, who checked on Obama’s father’s residence status in 1961 and wrote: “They have one child, born in Honolulu.”

          IN contrast there isn’t even evidence that Obama’s mother had a PASSPORT in 1961 (and it was rare for 18-year-olds to have them at the time), and it was EXTREMELY rare for women to travel abroad late in pregnancy because of the risk of stillbirths. Yet a few highly GULLIBLE people think that it is a rational possibility that Obama’s mother was one of the few 18-year-olds to have passports and one of the extremely few women who traveled abroad late in pregnancy AND that Obama’s birth certificate is forged AND that the officials including the former governor of Hawaii are lying AND that the Index Data and the birth notice are forged AND that the INS inspector who wrote “They have one child, born in Honolulu” made a mistake.

          It is dumb and gullible to think that there is even a rational CHANCE that all of the above happened. So, we KNOW that Obama was born in Hawaii.

        • philjourdan says:

          And Obama promised you can keep your doctor. Lies are a dime a dozen (or cheaper in your case now that you are up to 313). Again, none of those liars KNOW. They are expressing their OPINION. Abercrombie COULD NOT PRODUCE IT – after promising he would. So another lie from Herr Strauß.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard said:

          “smrstrauss still believes Obama is black even though he spent 9 months in the womb of a White…”

          Answer: He is of mixed race, which his book states, and which I never said any differently about.

          And then he said: “how could he possible believe African is not a race of people, same as if it was stated on Obama’s counterfeit BC his father was of the American race. ”

          Answer: Regardless of whether or not African or American or both of them are races, you were allowed to write them in to describe your race in Hawaii.

          Re: “he still won’t admit during the time of Obama’s claim birth date all birth records were stored on micro film. Therefore a copy of the original BC record should represent that.”

          Answer: The long form official copy shows the curve that is normal when a paper copy is pressed against the glass of a copier.


          (See far left of the image.)

        • Ri-chard says:

          So you agree Obama is not the first black president it was Bill Clinton as we were told before. therefore all that call him black are liars. Thank you for seeing some of the truth. This also means you may realized Obama’s BC says his father was African and may mean his father also may not have been black.
          This is great, you are helping us find the truth.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard then said: “some city voting machines gave him [Mitt Romney] zero votes.”

          Answer: It is hardly surprising when the black vote was going for Obama by 90% that in some small black districts Obama got 100% and Romney got nothing.)

          Mitt Romney, BTW, expected to win the election and neither he nor anyone on his staff has ever claimed that the election was rigged.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Why would Romney say there was fraud his tem won anyhow. There were no political losers only The People because they were asleep about Romney and his connections to the Obama backers..

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “And another lie by Herr Strauß. No one has confirmed it because it is “lost”.”

          Here are SOME of the many confirmations:

          Here are the confirmations of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, repeated confirmations (and by the way, the one to the secretary of state of Arizona, a conservative Republican, was ACCEPTED by the secretary of state of Arizona, who then put Obama on the ballot):


          Here is the confirmation by the former governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican (and a friend of Sarah Palin’s), that says that Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital:


          Here is the statement of the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, after being told of birth in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, of a child to a woman named Stanley:


          Here are the birth notices of Obama’s birth in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961:


          (And as you can see the section of the paper is called “Health Bureau Statistics”. Well, as the name indicates, and as both the papers and the DOH confirm, ONLY the DOH could send notices to that section of the paper, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii.)

          Here is the Index Data file:


        • philjourdan says:

          and more lies by Strauß. Confirmation of a lie is still a lie. If you do not have the facts, lie with lies like Strauß does.

          They confirmed nothing. They expressed their opinion. As they were not there, and they cannot find the original, that is the best they can do. And that is all you are proving.

        • smrstrauss says:

          philjourdan said: “you still have yet to provide even a scintilla of evidence….”

          Here are the confirmations of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, repeated confirmations (and by the way, the one to the secretary of state of Arizona, a conservative Republican, was ACCEPTED by the secretary of state of Arizona, who then put Obama on the ballot):


          Here is the confirmation by the former governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican (and a friend of Sarah Palin’s), that says that Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital:


          Here is the statement of the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, after being told of birth in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, of a child to a woman named Stanley:


          Here are the birth notices of Obama’s birth in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961:


          (And as you can see the section of the paper is called “Health Bureau Statistics”. Well, as the name indicates, and as both the papers and the DOH confirm, ONLY the DOH could send notices to that section of the paper, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii.)

          Here is the Index Data file:


        • philjourdan says:

          Repeating your ignorance does not make it knowledge. But I guess a liar like Strauß has not figured that out yet.

    • Can we teach our progressive friends how to read …

      1. No.
      2. They are not our friends.
      3. Their condition is progressive but only in a narrow medical sense.

  4. futuret says:


    • smrstrauss says:

      You are entitled to your opinion. The fact is that there are some Americans who think that he is not liberal enough. (We did not even get the single payer OPTION in the Affordable Care Act). In any case, he was elected president and re-elected president, and last night he delivered the State of the Union Address.

      • philjourdan says:

        Some Americans still think the moon is made of green cheese. I guess you are equating the 2. Figures, you are a clueless BHO.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Birthers, who think that Obama really was not born in Hawaii, are certainly among the “green cheese” types. In any case, Obama certainly was born in Hawaii and certainly was elected and re-elected (with a clear majority of votes over Mitt Romney). Of course some people do not like that fact. That is normal in elections. But it did happen.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Hey clueless, it was never intended for Romney to win, heck some city voting machines gave him zero votes. He is the same as any NWO club member.

        • philjourdan says:

          and for the liar, Herr Strauß, the subject again is…. The Original Birther

          Who is…..Obama! Congratulations! All you said about Obama is true.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard said:

          “Hey clueless, it was never intended for Romney to win, heck some city voting machines gave him zero votes.”

          Answer: It is hardly surprising that when the overall black vote went to Obama by 90% that in some small districts Obama got 100% and Romney got nothing.

        • philjourdan says:

          If you are going to reply to Ri-Chard, reply to him, not me. I am sullied enough by your incessant lying Strauß

    • gator69 says:

      Obama is not a liberal, he is a Progressive. Progressives do not believe in liberty, they believe in an all powerful government. I am far more liberal than that imposter, I believe in Liberty, which by definition means a smaller government.

      • Ri-chard says:

        My hope is Obama will be convicted by lawful means of treason and sentenced to be executed promptly. The execution will be filmed and shown by cable TV providers as a Pay-Pre-View event. All proceeds will go to the Wounded Warriors and their surviving family members.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Dream on.

        • Ri-chard says:

          No dreaming just facts. And that millions have known what you deny proves you are the product of being farmed in government run school systems. At one time you may have been a useful innocent but is obvious you graduated to useful idiot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwDqXFCy0Bo
          I don’t expect you will comprehend this video because there are no facts to dispute it.

        • philjourdan says:

          A favorite word of the original birther! Dreams of his male parental unit, dreamers getting benefits, Seems the original birther has lots of dreams.

        • philjourdan says:

          Non sequitur Herr Strauß. We are talking about the first birther and lying. Both of which are Obama. Frankly, no one here but you cares where he was hatched.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Phil what this idiot refuses to admit is hundreds of forensic experts say what they said not Sheriff Joe on his own. And yet there has been no factual rebuttal by any of the Cabal.

        • philjourdan says:

          Again, WHO CARES! Apparently you do, but that is due to your handicap of not being able to read. And your psychological propensity to LIE continuously. What a poor sap you are Herr Strauß

        • smrstrauss says:

          philjourdan said: “We are talking about the first birther and lying…..”

          Actually, I was responding directly to Ri-chard.

        • philjourdan says:

          No, you were trying a non sequitur and got caught it Herr Strauß, liar.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard then said:

          “Phil what this idiot refuses to admit is hundreds of forensic experts say what they said not Sheriff Joe on his own. And yet there has been no factual rebuttal by any of the Cabal.”

          Answer: Ri-chard made up the “hundreds.” There were about six, of whom only one was ever qualified as a forensic expert—and even he had not seen the research on how the Xerox Workcenter works. The others include such nuts as Doug Vogt, who has claimed to have found “the original altar of Abraham” (but he never showed it, I wonder why not??) and Paul Irey, who has insisted that Obama did not attend Columbia College, despite Columbia University having repeatedly said that he attended and that he graduated.

          With the exception of Reed Hayes (who has admitted not being informed about the Xerox WorkCenter research, Sheriff Joe used the WND “experts.” He never consulted, nor did any birther site show, the findings of these real experts:

          Dr. Neil Krawetz, an imaging software analysis author and experienced examiner of questioned images, said:“The PDF released by the White House shows no sign of digital manipulation or alterations. I see nothing that appears to be suspicious.”

          Nathan Goulding with The National Review: “We have received several e-mails today calling into question the validity of the PDF that the White House released, namely that there are embedded layers in the document. There are now several other people on the case. We looked into it and dismissed it.… I’ve confirmed that scanning an image, converting it to a PDF, optimizing that PDF, and then opening it up in Illustrator, does in fact create layers similar to what is seen in the birth certificate PDF. You can try it yourself at home.”

          John Woodman, independent computer professional, who is a member of the Tea Party (who says that he hates Obama’s policies but found no evidence of forgery) said repeatedly in his book and in various articles on his Web site that the claims that Obama’s birth certificate was forged were unfounded.

          Ivan Zatkovich, who has testified in court as a technology expert, and consultant to WorldNetDaily: “All of the modifications to the PDF document that can be identified are consistent with someone enhancing the legibility of the document.” And, by the way, when WND received Zatkovich’s article that said that he found nothing wrong with Obama’s birth certificate, WordNDaily simply did not publish it.

          Jean-Claude Tremblay, a leading software trainer and Adobe-certified expert, who has years of experience working with and teaching Adobe Illustrator, said the layers cited by doubters are evidence of the use of common, off-the-shelf scanning software — not evidence of a forgery.“I have seen a lot of illustrator documents that come from photos and contain those kind of clippings—and it looks exactly like this,” he said.

          Moreover there are the findings of the research done on the Xerox WorkCentre:


          Moreover: One proof that Obama’s birth certificate is not forged is Obama’s short-form birth certificate.

          Short-form birth certificates are created by a clerk reading the information from the document in the file, and filling out the computer form that generates the printed short-form birth certificate. The officials in Hawaii have confirmed that they sent a short-form to Obama. So, unless they are lying—and they were Republican officials–the only way that Obama’s birth certificate could have been forged was that it was forged in 2007 and slipped into the file just before the clerk looked at the file. That is not very likely, is it? And it is especially unlikely since at the time Obama was not even the candidate of the Democrats. He was still in the primaries at the time, and he was only a junior senator from Illinois.

          And the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii have repeatedly confirmed that they sent the short form and long form birth certificates to Obama and that all the facts on the copies that were put online are exactly the same as on what they sent to him.

        • Ri-chard says:

          You better study up. there were at least 35 FSOs that I work with that performed mock background checks on Obama and all noted it was dead ended by the birth certificate being full of anomalies and his SSN could not be verified by any state or place of employment. The rest are posted all over the web and by mike Zullo and other lawyers.
          Please note you don’t even need to be an expert to see this counterfeit doc was made by pedestrians in haste.

        • philjourdan says:

          See how the lies twist Strauß into all sorts of knots? He claims that BOTH governors sent Obama the original, but called Gator a liar for saying he HAD the original. There are so many lies in his stupidity as to defy rational thought! 2 people could NOT send him the original, and by his own admission, no one would EVER send him the original.

          On top of that, Abercrombie could never FIND the original, even after promising he would. Lies, on top of lies on top of lies for Strauß

      • smrstrauss says:

        Ri-chard said:

        ” by the birth certificate being full of anomalies and his SSN could not be verified by any state or place of employment. ”

        Re: “Anomalies.”


        Re SSN not being able to be verified. That is because when Obama’s SSN was published, he had it cancelled and got a new one (which has not been published). The birthers who checked Obama’s SSN in E-Verify checked the OLD cancelled number.

        Re the alleged 35 “FSOs” that Ri-chard claims—well, show them.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Your an idiot, these cursory checks were done of government computers with background search tools just like the Clintons did beginning in 2007. You can also add their camp to the total of people that knew Obama was an invented person.
          Do your own research for people identifying the manipulations done on his BC.

  5. jdseanjd says:

    Progressives not interested in facts, correct. Insults are more their staple fare.
    Republicans, not much better, I’m afraid. It’s just the same in UK.

    Here’s the best video presentation of our present world predicament I’ve yet seen.
    Chap even has a solutions section at the end. A real achievement.

    Skip the first 34 mins, & come back to that if the rest of the 2 hr 12 min video grabs your interest.

    Title should be: Bankster plot for World Domination Exposed, but, inexplicably it’s:
    Enlightenment of the truth in the world [Documentary], which you can put in the youtube search box.

    Most commendably, Foster Gamble does not denigrate any race or religion.

    Worth it.

  6. Martin says:

    Seems that Dystel & Goderich have changed their Obama resume – it now reads:

    BARACK OBAMA is the 44th President of the United States. He is also the author of the New York Times bestseller DREAMS FROM MY FATHER: A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE.

    I wonder why they needed to reduce the number of words about their most prestigeous client ??

    Whoever invented the wayback machine was a genius 🙂

    • Robertv says:

      Isn’t he 50 % white ?

    • gofer says:

      Without the cover story of the book, there would be no history or mystique surrounding him. People bought the story, not the man. He is wholly a creation of marketing. Change his skin color and all that disappears and all that is left is an unaccomplished unknown that blends into the crowd.

      • smrstrauss says:

        You are entitled to your opinion. However, the US voters have spoken in two elections, showing that they preferred Obama to John McCain and to Mitt Romney.

        • philjourdan says:

          Non Sequtiur. They also showed the preferred Nixon twice. But that says nothing about his lies or where he was born.

          You are not very bright Herr Strauß

        • smrstrauss says:

          philjourdan said:

          “Non Sequtiur. They also showed the preferred Nixon twice. But that says nothing about his lies or where he was born.”

          The claim I was responding to was that Obama was “wholly a creation of marketing.”

          I was pointing out that if so, it was successful marketing. Richard Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, CA—and Obama was born in Honolulu. HA.

          As to Nixon and Obama having been good presidents—that is a matter of opinion in both cases.

        • philjourdan says:

          Non sequitur again. The subject is not yours to decide. Whether Obama was a marketing creation or a failed abortion is not the subject matter. The first birther is. And the answer is…..

          Obama! Try to keep up Herr Strauß

  7. Send Al to the Pole says:

    Miriam Goderich was attempting to cover for the maggot. Another author from their stable said all authors wrote their own Bio. Expanding on your observation, Tony, if Miriam failed in fact checking, she now fails to explain why the “facts” wouldn’t simply be gathered from the most available source, the author. Who in their right mind would bother to assemble a bio about someone they are in ready contact with without consulting the author themselves?

    Besides, “Kenya” is almost the exact same place as “Hawaii”, no? Everybody mixes them up.

    I find it rather implausible that a sixteen year old would travel alone to such a desolate place to give birth in third world facilities rather than just pop here in the USA on Uncle Sam’s dime. Where did she get the airfare? Why would her parents allow it? Since Hawaii seems to have difficulty finding a BC, the little parasite may have been born at home, or in another state.

    The answer is known, even among the GOP, but nobody is talking. There has to be a reason for that.

    • Martin says:

      Stanley Ann Dunham (b. 29 November 1942) gave birth to her son on 4 August 1961 – source Wikipeadia. So that means she was 18 years old not 16.

      • Send Al to the Pole says:

        Wiki is the last place to find the truth on this. But, whether 16, or 18, it doesn’t matter.
        His reported birthdate is about as reliable as his birthplace, or his name at birth, his father, his photos with family and friends, etc.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Obama was born in Hawaii as his birth certificate and the confirmations of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii and the Index Data and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 and the INS inspector who wrote: “They have one child, born in Honolulu” all show.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Again you have not produced proof of a HI certified birth certificate that is the standard for anyone born in the 60s or before.
          No certified original copy of a HI BC was ever stamped as it could be an ABSTRACT. That stamp never existed in 1961. Plus Obama’s BC is the only one ever stamped with a word TXE. then they used multiple typewriters on the same certificate. Wake up.

        • philjourdan says:

          Another lie from Strauß. They did not confirm the original. They only said they THOUGHT he was born in Hawaii. But Strauß wants everyone to believe that is proof. Yet Obama “thought” he was born in Kenya for 17 years. So who is the bigger liar?

    • B says:

      Dig up the article “all in the company” on Obama’s family CIA connections. It all makes sense after reading that and everything falls into place.

      • futuret says:


    • gofer says:

      It defies all logic to believe the information didn’t come from him or to believe he never read the bio for all those years. A real honest media would have been all over this and to ignore it is journalistic malfeasance.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Since she did not tell him that she had written it, and did not tell him when it was put online, he could not fix it.

        • philjourdan says:

          And you were there when she did not tell him? How did you manage that trick Herr Strauß? Are you in her pants 24×7? Or is that simply another lie from you?

        • smrstrauss says:

          philjourdan then said: “And you were there when she did not tell him? ”

          Answer: That is what she said, and mixing up Barack Hussein Obama I with Barack Hussein Obama II is hardly a difficult mistake to make, and she admitted to making a mistake. So her explanation that she did not tell Obama and that is why he could not fix it is true too. Obama had, BTW, told the NYT in 1990 that he WAS BORN IN HAWAII, and he wrote in his book Dreams published in 1995 that he WAS BORN IN HAWAII. So the notion that he changed in the middle and lied in 1991 and said he was born in Kenya (where, BTW, only 21 people came to the USA from in the year that he was born) has nothing whatever to support it.

        • philjourdan says:

          So you lied again Strauß! I did not ask you what she said. Lies are cheap (and in your case a dime a dozen). You were asked to PROVE it, yet you have no clue!

          Just another lie from Strauß

      • gator69 says:

        A real honest media would have been all over this and to ignore it is journalistic malfeasance.

        They are too bust running digging through dumpsters and writing fake stories about his critics.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Send Al to the Pole says: “Miriam Goderich was attempting to cover for the maggot. Another author from their stable said all authors wrote their own Bio….”

      It is even simpler than that.
      #1. Obama was supposedly a writer. Who else would you ask to write his bio, some gofer ??? And that was what Miriam Goderich was at the time. A gofer.

      #2. Obummer was a nobody at the time. A black who had just graduated from law school. From WIKI
      “After graduating with a J.D. magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991, he returned to Chicago.” The ONLY thing to recommend him was he was “the first black president of the Harvard Law Review gained national media attention and led to a publishing contract and advance for a book….” (WIKI)

      No busy office is going to babysit this guy. Especially when he is just one of many Blacks who “made it good” in that time period

      Look at Herman Cain during the same time period:

      Cain was born in Memphis, Tennessee, to Lenora (Davis) Cain, a cleaning woman…. and Luther Cain Jr., who was raised on a farm and worked as a barber and janitor, as well as a chauffeur ….. [NOT a well to do family as Obama was]

      …Accepted for graduate studies at Purdue University, Cain received a master of science in computer science there in 1971 while he also worked full-time as a ballistics analyst for the U.S. Department of the Navy as a civilian….

      Cain’s success at Burger King prompted Pillsbury to appoint him president and CEO of another subsidiary, Godfather’s Pizza. On his arrival on April 1, 1986, Cain told employees, “I’m Herman Cain and this ain’t no April Fool’s joke. We are not dead. Our objective is to prove to Pillsbury and everyone else that we will survive.”…. In a leveraged buyout in 1988, Cain, executive vice president and COO Ronald B. Gartlan, and a group of investors bought Godfather’s from Pillsbury…

      Cain served as chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Omaha Branch from January 1, 1989, to December 31, 1991.[13] He became a member of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in 1992.[13] He served as deputy chairman from January 1, 1992, to December 31, 1994, and then as its chairman until August 19, 1996….

      In comparison Obummer was literally a nobody with little to recommend him except as the token Black nominated to be the first black president the Harvard Law Review.

      • smrstrauss says:

        She says that she wrote the bio blurb, and made the mistake, and Obama’s book “Dreams from My Father” says that he was born IN HAWAII. So, that is confirmation that she wrote the bio blurb and made the mistake.

        You have the right to your opinion that Cain is better than Obama, and others have their right to their opinions. In any case, Obama was born in Hawaii and is a Natural Born Citizen, and was elected president and re-elected president, and last night he delivered the State of Union Address.

        • It is absurd to think that she would have wasted time researching Obama’s past in 1991, before the Internet existed – rather than simply asking him for a short bio. It was very difficult to do that sort of research prior to the Internet.

        • philjourdan says:

          Strauß is the king of the absurd! He loves elevating his ignorant opinion to fact level. But no one believes him. he is doing more for the BHO* than anyone else!

          *Birther Hanger Onner movement – of which BHO is leader.

        • smrstrauss says:

          stevengoddard said:

          “It is absurd to think that she would have wasted time researching Obama’s past in 1991, before the Internet existed – rather than simply asking him for a short bio. ”

          As noted above, that is what she SHOULD have done—and what is normal in publishing. But sometimes people and companies do not do what they are supposed to do.

          BTW, the notion that she would have had to have done research on the Internet is irrelevant. She had an autobiography written by Obama right in front of her, and she assumed that she could take the facts out of it. She saw that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya—and she assumed that that was the author of the book. In fact, there were two Barack Hussein Obama’s—Barack Hussein Obama I (who really was born in Kenya) and the author, Barack Hussein Obama II, who was born in Hawaii.

          She saw that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, thought that it was the author, and that was the cause of her mistake. She has admitted to making a mistake, and there is no evidence whatever—and plenty to indicate the other way—that Obama told her that he was born in Kenya. He had told the New York times when he was elected the president of Harvard Law Review that he was born IN HAWAII, and his book “Dreams from My Father” says he was born IN HAWAII—so the notion that he switched from saying “I was born in Hawaii” to “I was born in Kenya” and then back to “I was born in Hawaii”—-is fanciful.

          She admitted to making a mistake, and it was a mistake. Obama was indeed born in Hawaii, and there is no indication whatever that he said that he was born in Kenya.

        • philjourdan says:

          BHOs rely on lies. That is why they can never tell the truth. Obama Corleone made her an offer she could not refuse. Prove she did not lie.

          Show us the proof. otherwise, Occam Razor remains in effect. Obama is the original cast member of your sad club of BHO

        • Gail Combs says:

          And people DON’T LIE? Especially when the POTUS directs them to?

          What the hell planet do you live on? Politicians and their Suck-ups lie all the time.

          Heck most people lie when the boss directs them to. I saw that all the time when I was a quality engineer and the manager of QC labs. Want to keep your job? Well then you better be ready to lie or you are out the door.

          Which reminds me. I would never ever set foot on an airplane again after working for the guys who manufacture the turbine blades for Boeing, Pratt and Whitney, and G.E.

          That was the last place I got fired from for refusing to lie about the quality of the product.

        • gator69 says:

          I miss Joe Wilson…


          “Fact-checkers: How terrible Wilson shouted this! “Obama can make a pretty thorough case that reform doesn’t apply to those here illegally.”

          Fast-forward to 2014, and lo and behold, the Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Burwell “called for extending Obamacare benefits to DREAM-eligible illegal immigrants.”

          Burwell was speaking on a public Google hangout with prominent Latina bloggers to promote Saturday’s opening of the Obamacare enrollment period when she shifted to her thoughts on immigration reform.

          “DREAMers are not able to be covered in the marketplace. And this is an issue that I think is more than a health care issue — it is an immigration issue,” Burwell said in response to a question about whether families with mixed immigration statuses can get coverage.

          “And I think everyone probably knows that this administration feels incredibly strongly about the fact that we need to fix that. We need to reform the system and make the changes that we need that will lead to benefits in everything from health care to economics to so many things — a very important step that we need to take as a nation.”


        • smrstrauss says:

          Gail Combs said: “And people DON’T LIE? Especially when the POTUS directs them to?”

          Answer: Birthers lie quite a lot. Here are some examples:

          (1) Birthers said that Obama’s draft card was forged, but Obama did not post his draft card, nor did any representative of Obama—so, if it were forged, who do you think forged it? (Okay, I’ll make it easy—the guy who posted it.)

          (2) Birthers have said that Obama became a citizen of Indonesia—but a telephone call to the Indonesian Embassy shows that he was never an Indonesian citizen. Why do you suppose that the birthers did not call the Indonesian embassy to check? The same goes for the claim that Obama went to Pakistan on an Indonesian passport. It is easy the check with the Indonesian Embassy whether Obama ever had an Indonesian passport—they will tell anyone who calls that Obama never had an Indonesian passport because he was never an Indonesian citizen.

          (3) Birthers said that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya—but the transcript of the call shows that she said that he was BORN IN HAWAII—why do you suppose they did not quote her accurately and in fact cut off the tape recording of the call on their sites just before she said “born in Hawaii, where his father was studying at the time.” Why do you suppose they did that?

          (4) Birther sites did not tell you about SS Administration clerks making lots of mistakes and that a single digit entered wrong in the zip code would generated a SS number from a place other than where it was applied from. Why do you suppose they did not tell you that?

          (5) Birther sites did not tell their readers that the Kenyan government said that Obama was NOT born there. Why do you suppose they did not tell their readers that?

          (6) Birther sites did not even tell their readers that there is no evidence that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961—or how very few 18-year-olds did in those days, or how EXTREMELY few women traveled abroad late in pregnancy in those days because of the high risk of stillbirth. Why do you suppose they did not tell you that?

          (7) Birther sites posted videos of Obama that claimed to show that he said “I was born in Kenya”—but you cannot see his mouth move and the originals of those videos have been found, and they do not say “I was born in Kenya..”” Why do you suppose that they forged and posted those videos? (Ditto, by the way, for three forged “Kenyan birth certificates.” And what do you suppose was the motive for forging them??)

          So, people do lie. But it is unlikely that the literary agent did because: (1) we know that Obama had said that he was born in Hawaii to the press in 1990 and in his published book Dreams in 1995—so the notion that he was lying in between is fanciful; (2) it was an easy mistake to make since Barack Hussein Obama I was really born in Kenya while his son, Barack Hussein Obama II, was born in Hawaii.

          The motive for alleging that the publicist lied when she admitted to making a mistake is much like the motive behind the birther lies listed above. In any case, there is NO evidence that she was lying and since Obama had said that he was born IN HAWAII both before and after the bio blurb, it is highly unlikely that he said that he was born in Kenya in the middle.

        • philjourdan says:

          Yes, we know Obama lies quite a lot. Just as you do. But that is irrelevant. Deal with facts. Oh, wait – you have none! So all you are doing is convincing us of the truth of the facts by your lies and your admission that Obama is a liar.

        • philjourdan says:

          That is confirmation of your own ignorance and bias. Nothing else. But then as a BHO, you cannot discern facts from fiction.

          17 years Obama claimed he was born in Kenya. That is a fact. All the rest is pure speculation and hearsay.

        • smrstrauss says:

          stevengoddard said: “It is absurd to think that she would have wasted time researching Obama’s past in 1991, before the Internet existed – rather than simply asking him for a short bio. ”

          Answer: She had Obama’s full autobiography BOOK in front of her, so she THOUGHT (wrongly) that it was a waste of time to ask him for a bio when she could get the facts out of the book herself and write it herself. Well, that is what she did, and when she was doing it she saw that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, and she thought that that was the author, but it wasn’t, it was Barack Hussein Obama I, not the author, Obama, who is Barack Hussein Obama II.

        • philjourdan says:

          More ignorant assumptions by the liar Herr Strauß.

          I doubt you will ever learn that making up stories to fill in the gaps of your knowledge is a losing situation. Yet that seems to be what you are trying to do, and it is as transparent as glass.

    • smrstrauss says:

      Re: “Another author from their stable said all authors wrote their own Bio.”

      Do you mind showing that ALLEGED author? (Or do you think that it is just fine to make things up???)

      • gator69 says:

        Former publisher Tom Lipscomb does not buy Goderich’s explanation for a New York minute. “As someone who has run a number of top bestseller publishers, I think this is an amazing MIRACLE,” writes Lipscomb emphatically on Power Line. “It is the ONLY case I have ever heard of in which an editorial assistant INVENTED a biographical detail. I have heard of typos, wrong dates, misspellings of names. But to pick a really weird country of origin like Kenya for an author?”

        The Breitbart people followed up with a piece by Steve Boman, a Jane Dystel client in the mid-1990s, who noted, “All material she used in our proposals came directly from me and my writing partner.” This is standard. In the eight books I have written under my own name, I have reviewed all biographical information sent out about me either by agent or publisher. Like most authors, I have let a little fluff pass, but not much.

        The most interesting “tell” in the 1991 Acton & Dystel brochure relates to what was said about Obama’s career in the business world. Obama, the reader learns, “worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation.”

        In Dreams from My Father, Obama inflated his stint at Business International even more and transformed it into a faux moment of racial awareness, one of at least a half-dozen concocted racial melodramas in the book. As Obama tells the story, a “consulting house to multinational corporations” hired him and promptly promoted him to the position of “financial writer.”

        Here, he felt like “a spy behind enemy lines,” and a guilty one at that. “As far as I could tell,” he adds, “I was the only black man in the company.” He does not boast of his racial uniqueness. Rather, in full grievance mode, he considers it “a source of shame.” Indeed, the whole experience troubled him:

        I had my own office, my own secretary, money in the bank. Sometimes, coming out of an interview with Japanese financiers or German bond traders, I would catch my reflection in the elevator doors-see myself in a suit and tie, a briefcase in my hand-and for a split second I would imagine myself as a captain of industry, barking out orders, closing the deal, before I remembered who it was that I had told myself I wanted to be and felt pangs of guilt for my lack of resolve.

        As early as July 2005, however, former co-worker and Obama fan Dan Armstrong revealed Obama’s whole account to be a “serious exaggeration.” Obama worked at not a multinational corporation, but a “small company that published newsletters.” He was not the only black person who worked there. He did not, as claimed, have his own office, wear a jacket and tie, interview international businessmen, or write articles. He mostly just copy-edited business items and slipped them into a three-ring binder for the company’s customers.”


        Liar in Chief strikes again!

        Spit or swallow gullible gulper.

        • smrstrauss says:

          There is absolutely nothing in the above that shows that ALL or even most of the clients of that literary agent wrote their own bios, and while it is undoubtedly true that Obama distorted his background in his book (which turns out to be standard in campaign biographies) even that does not prove that the literary agent lied and that Obama had told her that he was born in Kenya (which he wasn’t and which his book does not say, in fact it says that he was born in Hawaii). Obama may have distorted many other things in particular his time at Business International, but he did say that he was born in Hawaii—-and that is the truth.

        • philjourdan says:

          No Herr Strauß, it is NOT standard. It is in the world of liars that you habituate. But not in reality.

          Just more lies from Herr Strauß. Up to 293 now.

        • gator69 says:

          So let’s try a test of logic. Let’s say I am a minority who has hired a literary agent to handle my book and bio. I am also a politician with great ambition. Do you think for a second that I would not proof read what was just written about me? If you answer yes, you are the most gullible gulper in the universe.

          Spit or swallow.

        • Ri-chard says:

          I agree with your logic. A guy like Obama would never make sure he got what he paid for. His Birth Cert is a prime example – it claims his father as African, that mean his father could be White, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese or other African races living as citizen on that continent. therefore at min Obama is a zebra, mulatto, or some version negro-nese. Again, what we do know is what he isn’t, Obama is not a Black African man

        • smrstrauss says:

          gator69 said: “Do you think for a second that I would not proof read what was just written about me? If you answer yes, you are the most gullible gulper in the universe.”

          The answer is still YES, and the explanation is that if they do not tell you that they wrote it and do not tell you that they put it online, then you cannot proofread it.

        • philjourdan says:

          No, Herr Strauß the liar, the correct answer is YOU DO NOT KNOW. And that is the only fact you have presented here.

        • gator69 says:


          You are the most gullible gulper in the universe! 😆


          We had ways to proof read items before the internet.

          There was an entire WORLD before the internet, moron.

          Skeeter was a paying client, and is an egomaniac. So of course he read the product for which he paid, and that was meant to help elevate his political career.

          Spit or swallow.

  8. Ri-chard says:

    DEMOCRATS where the first political birthers but they wouldn’t tell the people as that would have hurt their self-serving needs. One year later all Republicans knew of this and still no one said the Office of the president has just been usurped.


    • smrstrauss says:

      And do you also believe in the tooth fairy? IF there had been such a threat, the Clinton’s would just have threatened back.

      • Ri-chard says:

        The Clintons were not a part of the Obama and Romney cabal and had no power but to go away. If the Clintons would have threatened back Chelsea would have been black bagged. However, Hillary did receive her appeasement job for being a good girl. The Clintons knew of this in 2007 seven and remained silent due to their self-serving needs just like any politician would have done. Never doing the right thing in this case makes the Clintons Traitors.

        • smrstrauss says:

          It is a myth that in this situation anyone threatened anyone. At the time, BTW, Chelsea was protected by the Secret Service and Obama’s children were not yet protected by the Secret Service—-so a threat by the Clintons would have been a more powerful threat than one by Obama.

        • philjourdan says:

          Just like it is a myth about Obama’s BC, that only children believe.

        • smrstrauss says:

          philjourdan said: “Just like it is a myth about Obama’s BC, that only children believe.”

          Here are the confirmations of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, repeated confirmations (and by the way, the one to the secretary of state of Arizona, a conservative Republican, was ACCEPTED by the secretary of state of Arizona, who then put Obama on the ballot):


          Here is the confirmation by the former governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican (and a friend of Sarah Palin’s), that says that Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital:


          Here is the statement of the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, after being told of birth in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, of a child to a woman named Stanley:


          Here are the birth notices of Obama’s birth in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961:


          (And as you can see the section of the paper is called “Health Bureau Statistics”. Well, as the name indicates, and as both the papers and the DOH confirm, ONLY the DOH could send notices to that section of the paper, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii.)

          Here is the Index Data file:


          And, guess what, there isn’t even a sign that Obama’s mother had a PASSPORT in 1961, and it was extremely rare for women to travel abroad late in pregnancy at the time due to the high risk of stillbirths.

          So it is truly NUTTY to believe that there was a reasonable chance that both of the above highly unlikely things happened AND that the birth certificate is forged AND that the officials of BOTH parties including the former Republican governor are lying AND that the Index Data file and the birth notices are forged.

        • philjourdan says:

          Another straw man by the liar Herr Strauß. What is it they all said? Did they say they had seen the original? No, indeed they said they could not FIND the original. What they did say is they BELIEVED the story of his birth to be accurate. The other story, not the one Obama told for 17 years about his being born in Kenya.

          Again, where is the evidence? your links are just more idiots expressing stupid opinions which you do very well. So why do you need more idiots expressing more stupid opinions when the final answer is no one can find the original, and no one has seen it. And those there at the birth are all dead.

          But Obama claims be was born in Kenya – which is the best anti-birther argument there is! Because he is almost as big a liar as you.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Here is the whole list, but I know your reading and therefore you won’t understand the connections.
          Margaret C. Whitman was a VP at Bain & Company, the California finance co-chair for the 2008 Mitt Romney presidential campaign, and the SVP for the Walt Disney Company.
          Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP is the lobby firm for the Walt Disney Company.
          Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP was the lobby firm for Bain Capital.
          Vernon E. Jordan Jr. is of counsel at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP, an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), Valerie B. Jarrett’s great uncle, a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Thomas S. Foley is a partner at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and an executive committee member for the Trilateral Commission (think tank).
          Martin S. Feldstein is a director at the Trilateral Commission (think tank), was a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Klaus Kleinfeld is a member of the Trilateral Commission (think tank), a trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), the chairman of the U.S.-Russia Business Council, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          James A. Johnson is a member of the Trilateral Commission (think tank), a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), a member of the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Jessica Tuchman Mathews is a member of the Trilateral Commission (think tank), a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), the president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (think tank), a board member for the International Crisis Group, a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), was an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Ed Griffin’s interview with Norman Dodd in 1982
          (The investigation into the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace uncovered the plans for population control by involving the United States in war)

          NORMAN DODD: So then, in 1909, they raised the second question and discussed it, namely: “How do we involve the USA in a war?”
          Well, I doubt at that time if there was any subject more removed from the thinking of most of the people of this country than its involvement in a war. There were intermittent shows in the Balkans, but I doubt very much if many people even knew where the Balkans were. Then, finally, they answered that question as follows: “We must control the State Department.” That very naturally raises the question of how do we do that? And they answer it by saying: “We must take over and control the diplomatic machinery of this country.” And, finally, they resolve to aim at that as an objective.
          James F. Collins is a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (think tank), an honorary director, director at the U.S.-Russia Business Council, and was a senior advisor at Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP.
          Richard N. Haass was a senior associate for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (think tank), the director of policy planning for the U.S. Department of State, a VP at the Brookings Institution (think tank), and is the president of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank).
          Cyrus F. Freidheim Jr. is an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago, was the chairman & CEO for Chiquita Brands International, Inc., an honorary life director at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
          Carl H. Lindner Jr. was the chairman of Chiquita Brands International, Inc., and the Ohio finance co-chair & national finance co-chair for the 2008 Mitt Romney presidential campaign.
          William M. Daley is a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago, Mayor Richard M. Daley’s brother, the chief of staff for the Barack Obama administration, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and a director at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
          Michelle Obama is a director at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, married to Barack Obama, a friend of Valerie B. Jarrett, was a lawyer at Sidley Austin LLP, and Mayor Richard M. Daley’s staffer.
          Barack Obama is married to Michelle Obama, and was an intern at Sidley Austin LLP.
          R. Eden Martin is counsel at Sidley Austin LLP, and the president of the Commercial Club of Chicago.
          Richard M. Daley is William M. Daley’s brother, a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago, the Chicago (IL) mayor, Michelle Obama was his staffer, and Valerie B. Jarrett was his deputy chief of staff.
          Valerie B. Jarrett was Mayor Richard M. Daley’s deputy chief of staff, is a friend of Michelle Obama, a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago, the senior adviser for the Barack Obama administration, and her great uncle is Vernon E. Jordan Jr.
          Rahm I. Emanuel is a member of the Commercial Club of Chicago, was the White House chief of staff for the Barack Obama administration, and Ari Emanuel is his brother.
          Commercial Club of Chicago, Members Directory
          Ari Emanuel is Rahm I. Emanuel’s brother, and the co-CEO & director for William Morris Endeavor Entertainment.
          Condoleezza Rice is a client of the William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), a director at the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank), an overseer at the International Rescue Committee, was the secretary for the U.S. Department of State, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          John Vincent Weber is a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank was the policy chairman for the 2008 Mitt Romney presidential campaign, a director at the NPR, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          William F. Weld is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), was the governor for the Massachusetts state government, and a supporter of the 2008 Mitt Romney presidential campaign.
          George Soros is a benefactor for the NPR, and a board member for the International Crisis Group.
          Richard L. Armitage was a board member for the International Crisis Group, the deputy secretary for the U.S. Department of State, the president of Armitage Associates, is a director at the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank), and a trustee at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (think tank).
          Henry A. Kissinger was a lifetime trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), the secretary for the U.S. Department of State, is a director at the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank), a trustee at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (think tank), an overseer at the International Rescue Committee, a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank) and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Matthew R. Simmons was a director at the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank), and the Texas finance committee member for the 2008 Mitt Romney presidential campaign.
          Madeleine K. Albright is a trustee at the Aspen Institute (think tank), a director at the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank), an overseer at the International Rescue Committee, a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), a friend of Susan E. Rice, a director at the National Democratic Institute (think tank), a professor at Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, was the secretary for the U.S. Department of State, and the chairman for the National Democratic Institute (think tank).
          Susan E. Rice was a director at the National Democratic Institute (think tank), the assistant secretary for the U.S. Department of State, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), a senior fellow for the Brookings Institution (think tank), is a friend of Madeleine K. Albright, and her father is Emmett J. Rice.
          Emmett J. Rice is Susan E. Rice’s father and was the U.S. alternative director for reconstruction & development for the World Bank.
          Robert B. Holland III was the U.S. representative for the World Bank, and the Texas finance committee member for the 2008 Mitt Romney presidential campaign.
          James D. Wolfensohn is a director at the National Democratic Institute (think tank), an overseer at the International Rescue Committee, an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), was the president of the World Bank, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Elizabeth Cheney Perry was the attorney for the World Bank, a staffer at Armitage Associates, the deputy assistant secretary for the U.S. Department of State, the senior foreign policy adviser for the 2008 Mitt Romney presidential campaign, is a University of Chicago Law School graduate, her husband is Philip J. Perry, and her father is Richard B. Cheney.
          Philip J. Perry is married to Elizabeth Cheney Perry, the general counsel for the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, and the general counsel for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
          Clark Kent Ervin was the inspector general for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the inspector general for the U.S. Department of State, a lawyer at Vinson & Elkins, and is an analyst for CNN.
          Joseph C. Dilg is the managing partner at Vinson & Elkins, and was the Texas finance committee member for the 2008 Mitt Romney presidential campaign.
          George P. Shultz was a director at the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Janet A. Napolitano is the secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a University of Virginia School of Law graduate, and her brother is Leonard M. Napolitano Jr.
          Robert F. Bauer is a University of Virginia School of Law graduate, Barack Obama’s personal counsel, the White House counsel for the Barack Obama administration, and his wife is Anita B. Dunn.
          Anita B. Dunn is married to Robert F. Bauer, was the communications director for the Barack Obama administration, and was Tom Daschle’s senior political adviser.
          Leonard M. Napolitano Jr. is Janet A. Napolitano’s brother, and David S. Addington’s childhood friend.
          David S. Addington is Leonard M. Napolitano Jr’s childhood friend, a Georgetown University School of Foreign Service graduate, and the The Dark Side central figure.
          Barack Obama‘s personal counsel is Robert F. Bauer, was a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School.
          Richard B. Cheney is the The Dark Side central figure, Elizabeth Cheney Perry’s father a trustee at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation, and a trustee at the American Enterprise Institute (think tank).
          Henry A. Kissinger is a trustee at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation, a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank) and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Richard N. Perle was a director at the American Enterprise Institute (think tank), is a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Melvin F. Sembler is a trustee at the American Enterprise Institute (think tank), and the national finance co-chair for the 2008 Mitt Romney presidential campaign.
          Paul Wolfowitz was a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (think tank), the ambassador to Indonesia for the U.S. Department of State, the president of the World Bank, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Tom Daschle‘s senior political adviser was Anita B. Dunn, is a director at the National Democratic Institute (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Christopher J. Dodd is a senior advisory committee member at the National Democratic Institute (think tank), and his wife is Jackie Clegg Dodd.
          Jackie Clegg Dodd is married to Christopher J. Dodd, and was the vice chairman & first VP for the Export-Import Bank of the US.
          John D. Macomber was the chairman & president of the Export-Import Bank of the US, and is a director at the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank).
          William H. Draper III was a director at the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank), the California finance co-chair for the 2008 Mitt Romney presidential campaign, the chairman of the Export-Import Bank of the US, and is a director at the United Nations Association.
          James H. Lambright was the chairman & president for the Export-Import Bank of the US, a VP at Credit Suisse First Boston, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), and the interim chief investment officer for the 2008-2010 financial bailout.
          Richard C. Holbrooke was the vice chairman for Credit Suisse First Boston, a director at the Atlantic Council of the United States (think tank), a director at the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), an assistant secretary for the U.S. Department of State, the special envoy to Afghanistan, Pakistan for the U.S. Department of State, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          William J. McDonough is the co-chairman at the United Nations Association, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Ted Turner is the director emeritus at the United Nations Association, the founder of CNN, and the co-chairman for the Nuclear Threat Initiative (think tank).
          Alex Castellanos is a frequent guest analyst for CNN, and was the media adviser for the 2008 Mitt Romney presidential campaign.
          Warren E. Buffett is an adviser for the Nuclear Threat Initiative (think tank).
          Jessica Tuchman Mathews is a director at the Nuclear Threat Initiative (think tank), a member of the Trilateral Commission (think tank), a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (think tank), the president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (think tank), a board member for the International Crisis Group, a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), was an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Ed Griffin’s interview with Norman Dodd in 1982
          (The investigation into the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace uncovered the plans for population control by involving the United States in war)
          Robert A. Day Jr. was an honorary trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), gave maximum donation, California finance co-chair for the 2008 Mitt Romney presidential campaign, and is a governor for the Broad Foundations.
          Lawrence H. Summers is a governor for the Broad Foundations, was a trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), the National Economic Council chairman for the Barack Obama administration, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Thomas E. Donilon is the White House deputy national security adviser for the Barack Obama administration, a director at the American Friends of Bilderberg (think tank), was a trustee at the Brookings Institution (think tank), the chief of staff for the U.S. Department of State, and a 2008 Bilderberg conference participant (think tank).
          Gov. Perry attending Bilderberg Like Clinton, Perry has attended a Bilderberg meeting. In June 2007 Perry attended the Bilderberg confab in Istanbul, Turkey, making the mandatory promise of secrecy and to follow orders. At the time, Perry was chastised in the newly aroused independent press but it received no more attention.
          Please note; this list is far from complete due to the secretive nature of the Bilderberg operations. Many independent news links have pulled down their past reporting on attendees and true purpose of the Bilderberg.

          Remember this is what security officers know how to do.
          Please give me your full name, address, DOB, Fathers name, SSN and I show you what I find by 1/26 3:pm about you.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Good site – they even report on what the BRICS are all about. nothing like sunlight.

      • philjourdan says:

        They did Herr Strauß. Another won goal by the BHO.

  9. MrX says:

    The Internet existed in 1991. The web didn’t. FTP and email existed and some other apps. But yeah, the web became somewhat common a few years later.

    • philjourdan says:

      Archie, Gopher, Veronica, Jughead. Yea, those were NOT the days.

      • JLP3 says:

        The first web server went live late in 1990, running on a NeXT PC. So, the web “technically” did exist, but most people weren’t ware of it until a few years later (1993/4++)


        • philjourdan says:

          It was a novelty back then. We had an SA that was creating a page of her family (long before stalkers). Coming from a Mac perspective, Mozilla was very confusing as I tried to click on the buttons that did not work! (they were not buttons, they just looked like the Mac hyperlink buttons) It has come a long way.

        • futuret says:

          Obamadeath care in more ways than you can possibly imagine. It means salvation, more that is proven:


        • philjourdan says:

          Logan’s Run.

          And thank you.

        • Gail Combs says:

          And the Hackers will come up with a device for killing the chip. There are just too many people out there who are opposed to the crap.

          Heck a tin foil shield will work.

          You might want to keep your cell phone and drivers license in a tin foil lined container.


          The big problem is the GPS sensors in the new cars. I was just talking to a customer a few weeks ago. He parked his brand new car in an underground parking lot at the airport and came back to find he could not get it started. Come to find out with no signal the GPS sensor would not allow the car to start. Dealer didn’t know what to do so they had to call the manufacturer for the override instructions….

          No wonder Obummer wanted to pay cash for running clunkers.


          With the proliferation of RFID devices and related privacy concerns, it seemed due time to create the RFID Blocking Duct Tape Wallet. There are many ways to prevent Radio Frequency ID tags from being transmitted from devices. I often use my work badge and school ID which both contain RFID tags. With drivers licenses, credit cards, and cash now beginning to contain RFID tags, why not create a protective wallet.

          RFID chips now exist in:
          Chase’s Blink Credit Card
          Mastercard PayPass Credit Card
          Many Corporate IDs
          Many University IDs
          United States Passports
          Euro Passports

          There are two materials which impede Radio Signals with incredible success… Water & Metal. Although you could fill a bag full of water and place your money, wallet, or whatever else in it, let’s continue with the metal route. A single layer of aluminum foil of only 27 microns thick is often enough to block the RFID signals of most readers or 1mm of dilute salt water. A quick test at my work place using my badge confirmed the effectiveness of a layer of aluminum foil. (insert obligatory aluminum foil hat joke) So… the next step was to design a wallet with aluminum foil embedded inside. Using the plans to make Duct Tape Wallets I created previously, it was simple to modify them to include the aluminum foil.

          If you’re simply looking for a bit of casual protection, simply stacking your cards next to each other will assist in reducing their strength….

  10. JPinBalt says:

    I am not going to dispute his Hawaii birth certificate, but I would bet real money that Obama lied on his college and graduate school applications claiming he was an Indonesian or Kenyan citizen to get international student scholarship for reduced tuition or acceptance preference at Occidental, Columbia, and/or Harvard, and still he refuses to release his college records where he likely claims foreign citizenship as an act of fraud.

  11. Ri-chard says:

    I think when everyone realizes there are no legal records anywhere with the name Barack H. Obama, II it will be understood he is playing the game “Try to Prove a Negative”. He is an invented person.

    • Gail Combs says:

      HMMMmmmm Barack Hussein Obama and Harrison J. Bounel

      First time I heard that one.

    • smrstrauss says:

      There are legal records, and the officials in Hawaii have repeatedly confirmed that they sent the official short form and long form birth certificates to Obama and that all the facts on the copy that the White House put online are exactly the same as on what they sent to him.

      • Ri-chard says:

        You can’t or can anyone else put in writing they have viewed the original Micro Film record. No Hi official has ever stated that or they would have made a Photostat copy like anyone else requesting one born before 1970 in HI. Those request are made to the Hi Registrar even today.

        • smrstrauss says:

          That is precisely what they DID state. However, the original is still on PAPER, in a bound volume.

          For example: “Fukino said she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama’s original birth certificate.”



          Here are the confirmations of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, repeated confirmations (and by the way, the one to the secretary of state of Arizona, a conservative Republican, was ACCEPTED by the secretary of state of Arizona, who then put Obama on the ballot):


        • Ri-chard says:

          Just BS for the useful idiots both BCs have been determined fraud docs just like his Selective Service records and SSN. Wake up and stimulate you brain cells.

        • philjourdan says:

          Another lie by Herr Strauß. No one has seen this mythical document. Even the governors of Hawaii. it may exist, but you lie when you state it DOES exist.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard said: “BCs have been determined fraud docs just like his Selective Service records and SSN.”

          All three statements are false. Birthers just keep saying that Obama’s birth certificate and Selective Service card are forged (Obama did not even put his selective service card online, so the only one with the chance to have forged it was the guy who put it online, a birther). Obama did put his short form and long form birth certificates online, which birthers promptly CLAIMED were forged—–what else would you expect, they are birthers after all. But they did not show their readers all (or any) of the real experts who say that there is nothing wrong with Obama’s BC:

          Dr. Neil Krawetz, an imaging software analysis author and experienced examiner of questioned images, said:“The PDF released by the White House shows no sign of digital manipulation or alterations. I see nothing that appears to be suspicious.”

          Nathan Goulding with The National Review: “We have received several e-mails today calling into question the validity of the PDF that the White House released, namely that there are embedded layers in the document. There are now several other people on the case. We looked into it and dismissed it.… I’ve confirmed that scanning an image, converting it to a PDF, optimizing that PDF, and then opening it up in Illustrator, does in fact create layers similar to what is seen in the birth certificate PDF. You can try it yourself at home.”

          John Woodman, independent computer professional, who is a member of the Tea Party (who says that he hates Obama’s policies but found no evidence of forgery) said repeatedly in his book and in various articles on his Web site that the claims that Obama’s birth certificate was forged were unfounded.

          Ivan Zatkovich, who has testified in court as a technology expert, and consultant to WorldNetDaily: “All of the modifications to the PDF document that can be identified are consistent with someone enhancing the legibility of the document.” And, by the way, when WND received Zatkovich’s article that said that he found nothing wrong with Obama’s birth certificate, WordNDaily simply did not publish it.

          Jean-Claude Tremblay, a leading software trainer and Adobe-certified expert, who has years of experience working with and teaching Adobe Illustrator, said the layers cited by doubters are evidence of the use of common, off-the-shelf scanning software — not evidence of a forgery.“I have seen a lot of illustrator documents that come from photos and contain those kind of clippings—and it looks exactly like this,” he said.

          Nor have they explained this: http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2013/11/blogger-shows-obama-birth-certificate-artifacts-caused-by-xerox-machine-no-joy-in-birtherville/

        • Ri-chard says:

          Again, you have poor reading comprehension skills. the birthers are not coming to the counterfeit conclusions, it is the document experts and forensic personnel.
          Also, again this was known by the Clintons in 2007-08 as they did their own background investigations on Obama. You cannot rewrite history as if you were a school board member of a government run school system.

        • philjourdan says:

          And more lies from Strauß. Actually you had 3 in one sentence. Plus the obligatory non sequitur and straw man.

      • philjourdan says:

        There are records, just not of his birth, as Abercrombie was forced to admit Herr Strauss. So since there are no records available, they lied! Imagine that, a politician who lied! You are in good company Herr Strauß

        • smrstrauss says:

          The story that Abercrombie said that he could not find Obama’s birth certificate WAS MADE UP BY A BIRTHER SITE. He never said any such thing. And three officials in Hawaii all stated that they saw the original birth certificate in the files. (Not to mention the Index Data and the birth notices and the US INS inspector who checked on Obama’s father’s residence status and wrote: “They have one child, born in Honolulu.”

        • Ri-chard says:

          So you are saying he when into the environmentally controlled document vault and witnessed Obama’s original micro film records. What devise was he using to read them? Did he tell you?
          Nice try again no proof of discovery. We all know there is no record of this lie you tell.

        • philjourdan says:

          No, it was muttered by Abercrombie after he PROMISED to produce it but could not. Another non sequitur and lie on your part Strauß. NO ONE alive has seen it. We have been treated to dubious copies, outright forgeries, and bald faced lies. But no original.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Phil, you are spot on. if there were records in HI all they would have to do is got to the records (Micro Film) and take a picture of the strip over a white background and it done and all this goes away. But I’m sure you know they can’t take a picture of what never existed. I.e. A Hawaii State Certified original BC record and post it for all to view with Barack h. Obama, II name on it.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Just as the site you posted having no comments I have none as well.

  12. Laz M says:

    Thank you Jeri Ryan. Thanks to your release of divorce papers out of spite, and to idiotic voters who were “appalled” that your ex husband went with you to “kinky clubs” … I mean that he “took you” to said clubs, we have had two terms of this nonsense.

  13. dom says:

    Thanks for all the information in all these postings! A glimpse of reality.

    When considering the realities of a fraud and/or a propped-up leader (in this case, our dictator; the biggest scandal in US history), a person can cursory-read through the works of Niccolo Machiavelli and realize, find solace, or recall three constants: 1. This isn’t the first or last time this will happen, 2. Obama is in office because of both myopic and malicious supporters, and 3. Discourse is rarely welcomed….no matter which side people finds themselves on.

    “One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived”.
    Niccolo Machiavelli.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Willi Muenzenberg made Niccolo Machiavelli look like an amateur.

      You might want to read the book Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America by Kent Clizbe

      Willi Muenzenberg was a KGB agent used to ‘prepare the battleground’ for the spread of Communism into the USA.

      The goal of the operations was to make Americans feel that their country was bad. The KGB utilized Willing Accomplices to spread the message that America was an evil, racist, imperialist war- monger and that Communism was a benign, noble experiment designed to rid the world of corruption, oppression and injustice.

      Covert Influence Payload
      Babette Gross, wife of KGB agent Willi Muenzenberg, explained the content of the Soviet payload to Stephen Koch:

      * You claim to be an independent-minded idealist.
      * You don’t really understand politics, but you think the little guy is getting a lousy break.
      * You believe in open-mindedness.
      * You are shocked, frightened by what is going on right here in our own country.
      * You’re frightened by the racism, by the oppression of the workingman.
      * You think the Russians are trying a great human experiment, and you hope it works.
      * You believe in peace.
      * You yearn for international understanding.
      * You hate fascism.
      * You think the capitalist system is corrupt.

      This payload exactly matches today’s PC-Progressive message. The message that Soviet covert operators propagated through American Willing Accomplices. The Willing Accomplices, wittingly or unwittingly, spread the anti-American message. And this message bloomed and grew into the pernicious set of taboos and strictures that we call PC today. It is important to note that Soviet espionage simply planted the seeds of PC. The seedlings did not need continued communist cultivation. The Soviets’ American Willing Accomplices nurtured the anti-American message in universities, newsrooms, and in Hollywood.

      After the payloads were planted, the vast majority of the communist intelligence operatives met the fate of most stooges of totalitarian thugs—violent death at the hands of their comrades. ….

  14. globalcooler says:

    Reblogged this on Globalcooler's Weblog and commented:
    Duh??!! I think I recall the birth certificate was quite bogus… Proportional fonts, cut and paste, called “Black” when that was not in use at the time of his birth……?????

  15. gator69 says:

    … his book “Dreams from My Father” says that he was born in Hawaii… That’s what she saw in Obama’s unpublished book that was open before her, and that is what she wrote.

    Just like a lefty to have it both ways! 😆

    And just like a loony lefty to “know” something that is by definition “unknowable“.

    How is Ann today?

  16. gator69 says:

    Paul Strauss says:

    Birth certificates are designed to prove the place of birth without someone having to be there—and Obama’s birth certificate (confirmed by the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii and by the Index Data and by the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii) shows that he was born in Hawaii.

    That is one side of the story, and there are two sides dummy. And no, you were not there.

    • smrstrauss says:

      The fact that Obama was born in Hawaii has been shown overwhelmingly.

      It has been proven by (1) his Hawaii birth certificate; (2) the repeated confirmation of their sending it to Obama and all the facts on it being the same as what they sent by the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii; (3) the public Index Data file; (4) the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 (and ONLY the DOH could send birth notices to that section of the papers, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii); (5) the Hawaii teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, after hearing of the birth of a child to a woman NAMED STANLEY from the head of obstetrics at Kapiolani Hospital; (6) the INS inspector who checked on Obama’s father’s residence status and wrote: “They have one child, born in HONOLULU.”

      Moreover, there isn’t even evidence that Obama’s mother even had a PASSPORT in 1961, and very very few 18-year-olds did at the time, and EXTREMELY few women traveled abroad in the last few months of pregnancy. Yet birthers hope a few GULLIBLE people will just assume that both of those happened AND that Obama’s birth certificate is forged AND that the officials of both parties are lying, AND that the Index Data and the birth notices are forged, AND that the INS inspector made an error in his “one child, born in Honolulu” note, and that the teacher who wrote home was lying. But you’d have to be terribly GULLIBLE to think that all of that happened.

      • gator69 says:

        Let’s see. I claim not to know because there are conflicting claims, which would make me the opposite of gullible, skeptical.

        You however, believe whatever the Liar in Chief says, making you gullible.

        Project much? 😆

        • smrstrauss says:

          Naturally there are conflicting claims. Making claims that Obama was not born in Hawaii are what birthers do—I wonder what their motive could be. But, as Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck and the National Review all say, the claims are crazy.

          For Obama to have been born in a foreign country:

          (1) Obama’s relatives would have had to have been rich enough (and they weren’t. In 1961 Obama’s grandfather was a furniture salesman, and his grandmother was a low-level employee in a bank [she did not become a vice president until 1970], and his father went from Kenya to Hawaii on a free flight) and dumb enough to send their daughter at high risk of stillbirth to a foreign country to give birth—-—despite there being fine hospitals in Hawaii;

          (2) Obama’s mother would have had to have traveled overseas ALONE (since WND has proven with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961) and somehow got Obama back to the USA without getting him entered on her US passport or getting a visa for him (which would have had to have been applied for in a US consulate in that country and the records would still exist);

          (3) Obama’s relative would have had to have gotten the officials in Hawaii to record his birth in Hawaii despite (as birthers claim) his being born in another country and somehow got the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley to lie (and since the woman’s father’s name really was Stanley, Obama’s relatives would have had to have found one of the very few women in Hawaii with fathers of that name to do it).

          And there isn’t even proof that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961, and very very few 18-year-olds did, and EXTREMELY few women traveled abroad late in pregnancy in 1961 because of the risk of stillbirths. Yet birther sites hope that a few GULLIBLE people will just assume that she was one of the few to have a passport and one of the extremely few women to travel abroad late in pregnancy, and that the birth certificate is forged and the officials of BOTH parties who have confirmed it and the Index Data and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers and the teacher who wrote home are all lying.

        • philjourdan says:

          And another lie by Herr Strauß. Birthers do not do that. Obama does that. There are early Obama believers and late obama believers. But the root of both is Obama.

          YOu believe late obama, Others believe early Obama. And Obama is the original birther, so you are talking about him. Or I should say lying about him.

        • gator69 says:

          Oh look, Paul “Gullible” Strauss has another hook in his mouth!

          Parrot some more Organizing for America talking points.

          How does it feel to be a useful idiot for the Marxist?

        • philjourdan says:

          He will probably say it feels fine. But he does not think about it. Thinking is for sentient beings, feelings are for liberals.

        • philjourdan says:

          Believe him WHEN though? For 17 years (1990-2007) or for 7 years (2008-2015).

          That is the fun thing about BHOs. Everyone can believe the liar in chief and if that is their only rationale for claiming correctness, everyone is correct!

        • smrstrauss says:

          Philjourdan said: “And another lie by Herr Strauß. Birthers do not do that. ”

          The facts are shown above. Here are some links that confirm them:

          Here are the confirmations of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, repeated confirmations (and by the way, the one to the secretary of state of Arizona, a conservative Republican, was ACCEPTED by the secretary of state of Arizona, who then put Obama on the ballot):


          Here is the confirmation by the former governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican (and a friend of Sarah Palin’s), that says that Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital:


          Here is the statement of the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, after being told of birth in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, of a child to a woman named Stanley:


          Here are the birth notices of Obama’s birth in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961:


          (And as you can see the section of the paper is called “Health Bureau Statistics”. Well, as the name indicates, and as both the papers and the DOH confirm, ONLY the DOH could send notices to that section of the paper, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii.)

          Here is the Index Data file:


        • philjourdan says:

          repeating a lie does not make it the truth, liar Strauß. Again, first know the subject, second, stop saying such nasty things about Obama! he is not paying you to libel him. Or maybe he is as neither of you are too swift.

      • philjourdan says:

        And another lie. There is no “fact” about him being born in Hawaii. There is only a “belief”. There is no evidence. Forged BCs are not facts, they are evidence of a coverup. Testimony of paid liars are not facts, they are more evidence of a coverup. The fact is Obama claimed for 17 years to be born in Kenya. Now we know that Obama lies just for the hell of it, so that is merely a fact that he claimed it. Not a fact that he was.

        However your insistence on being BHO is also a fact that supports Obama’s claim for 17 years.

        • smrstrauss says:

          philjourdan said: ‘And another lie. There is no “fact” about him being born in Hawaii. There is only a “belief”. There is no evidence.”

          Here is SOME of the evidence:

          Here are the confirmations of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, repeated confirmations (and by the way, the one to the secretary of state of Arizona, a conservative Republican, was ACCEPTED by the secretary of state of Arizona, who then put Obama on the ballot):


          Here is the confirmation by the former governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican (and a friend of Sarah Palin’s), that says that Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital:


          Here is the statement of the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, after being told of birth in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, of a child to a woman named Stanley:


          Here are the birth notices of Obama’s birth in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961:


          (And as you can see the section of the paper is called “Health Bureau Statistics”. Well, as the name indicates, and as both the papers and the DOH confirm, ONLY the DOH could send notices to that section of the paper, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii.)

          Here is the Index Data file:


          As for the CLAIM that Obama’s birth certificate is forged (well, if it were, ALL the above would have to be lies and forgeries too), birthers have not shown their readers all (or any) of the real experts who say that it is not forged. For example:

          Dr. Neil Krawetz, an imaging software analysis author and experienced examiner of questioned images, said:“The PDF released by the White House shows no sign of digital manipulation or alterations. I see nothing that appears to be suspicious.”

          Nathan Goulding with The National Review: “We have received several e-mails today calling into question the validity of the PDF that the White House released, namely that there are embedded layers in the document. There are now several other people on the case. We looked into it and dismissed it.… I’ve confirmed that scanning an image, converting it to a PDF, optimizing that PDF, and then opening it up in Illustrator, does in fact create layers similar to what is seen in the birth certificate PDF. You can try it yourself at home.”

          John Woodman, independent computer professional, who is a member of the Tea Party (who says that he hates Obama’s policies but found no evidence of forgery) said repeatedly in his book and in various articles on his Web site that the claims that Obama’s birth certificate was forged were unfounded.

          Ivan Zatkovich, who has testified in court as a technology expert, and consultant to WorldNetDaily: “All of the modifications to the PDF document that can be identified are consistent with someone enhancing the legibility of the document.” And, by the way, when WND received Zatkovich’s article that said that he found nothing wrong with Obama’s birth certificate, WordNDaily simply did not publish it.

          Jean-Claude Tremblay, a leading software trainer and Adobe-certified expert, who has years of experience working with and teaching Adobe Illustrator, said the layers cited by doubters are evidence of the use of common, off-the-shelf scanning software — not evidence of a forgery.“I have seen a lot of illustrator documents that come from photos and contain those kind of clippings—and it looks exactly like this,” he said.

          Nor have they explained this:


        • Ri-chard says:

          You have got to be kidding – there is no proof of an original BHO birth cert. Don’t you read or listen to what you post.

        • philjourdan says:

          There is some evidence the moon is made of green cheese. But it is so miniscule as to be easily dismissed. There is no evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii. There is a lot of hearsay. But no hard evidence, And the hearsay?

          Can you say liar Strauß?

    • smrstrauss says:

      Here are the confirmations of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, repeated confirmations (and by the way, the one to the secretary of state of Arizona, a conservative Republican, was ACCEPTED by the secretary of state of Arizona, who then put Obama on the ballot):


      Here is the confirmation by the former governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican (and a friend of Sarah Palin’s), that says that Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital:


      Here is the statement of the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, after being told of birth in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, of a child to a woman named Stanley:


      Here are the birth notices of Obama’s birth in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961:


      (And as you can see the section of the paper is called “Health Bureau Statistics”. Well, as the name indicates, and as both the papers and the DOH confirm, ONLY the DOH could send notices to that section of the paper, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii.)

      Here is the Index Data file:


      • The issue is Obama lying about his birthplace, not where he was born.

        If the mistake was as simple as you claim (confusing Obama with his father) Miriam would have said so three years ago.

        • smrstrauss says:

          IF he had said that he was born in Kenya, he would have been lying. But he didn’t. The literary agent wrote the bio blurb, and she admitted to making the mistake. As to when she said it, she probably only said it because she was asked it, and that did not occur until the Breitbart site wrote the article about the bio blurb.

        • philjourdan says:

          He DID say it. For 17 years. And we KNOW he is a liar, just like you Herr Strauß. And the truth is he does not know nor do you. But everyone knows he lied about it. Except you.

        • gator69 says:

          But he did say he was born in Kenya…

          “Among other claims, she told PBS that, as a young child, Obama told his classmates that he was Kenyan royalty or an Indonesian prince — fascinating claims that she discussed in great detail.


          You are an idiot.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: ““Among other claims, she told PBS that, as a young child, Obama told his classmates that he was Kenyan royalty or an Indonesian prince…”

          That is what is known as HEARSAY, and even it does not say that Obama was born in Kenya or in Indonesia. (Royalty and princes can be born in countries other than where the royal line comes from you know.)

        • philjourdan says:

          OMG! He finally got one right!

          now Herr Strauß, apply that to all your sources. Because that is ALL they are.

        • gator69 says:

          And your claims are hearsay. You have never seen the BC, you are not an expert on BC’s, and you only accept the story of one side.

          Spit or swallow gullible gulper.

        • The point is what he said, not where he was born.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “You have never seen the BC, you are not an expert on BC’s, and you only accept the story of one side.”

          I have seen images of Obama’s short form and long form, and when the officials in Hawaii have repeatedly confirmed that they sent them to Obama and that ALL the facts on them are just the same as what they sent to him (and that is also confirmed by the Index Data and the birth notices and the INS inspector who wrote: “they have one child, born in Honolulu”—that is evidence and not “hearsay.”

          See the links to some of the evidence above.

        • philjourdan says:

          No you have not. Until the originals are verified (which they cannot be since they do not exist), you cannot see images of them. period.! Do you even try to think Herr Strauß?

        • gator69 says:

          You have never seen the BC, you are not an expert on BC’s, and you only accept the story of one side.


          Spit or swallow gullible gulper.

        • “a fact checking error by me”

          Until she says whose “fact” she was checking, everything else is BS

          “Fact checking” is not research. It implies you are checking someone else’s work.

        • smrstrauss says:

          stevengoddard said: “Until she says whose “fact” she was checking, everything else is BS.”

          Maybe if you hold your breath she will give additional details. For most sensible people when a fact that should have been checked is wrong, that is a fact checking error. She should have checked the fact but she didn’t. That applies to what she wrote as well as to what anyone else writes. She should have checked the fact, but she didn’t—it was a fact checking error.

        • philjourdan says:

          Maybe if you hold your breath Herr Strauß, you will stop lying. But I doubt it,

        • The error you insist occurred implies original research – not “fact checking” That tells me your explanation is bogus.

        • smrstrauss says:

          stevengoddard said: “The error you insist occurred implies original research – not “fact checking” That tells me your explanation is bogus.”

          Answer: She did not check what she wrote. That was bad “fact checking.”

        • philjourdan says:

          No, just bad lying. Everyone confuses Kenya with Honolulu – they are spelled so similarly. Right herr Strauß?

        • philjourdan says:

          “Veto” Corleone had not offered to spray her brains all over the table then.

        • smrstrauss says:

          philjourdan said:

          “He DID say it. For 17 years.”

          Answer: No, the mistake by the literary agent simply was not fixed for 17 years. It still was her mistake—and she has admitted it.

        • philjourdan says:

          No, you BELIEVE that to be the case. But you do not KNOW It. However we know it was in HIS bio for 17 years. And he never refuted it. That is ALL we know. The rest is pure BS Strauß

      • philjourdan says:

        None of that is “confirmation”. What it is, is unsupported testimony. Nothing more. Another lie from Herr Strauß

        • smrstrauss says:

          It’s confirmation.

          Here are the confirmations of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, repeated confirmations (and by the way, the one to the secretary of state of Arizona, a conservative Republican, was ACCEPTED by the secretary of state of Arizona, who then put Obama on the ballot):


          Here is the confirmation by the former governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican (and a friend of Sarah Palin’s), that says that Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital:


          Here is the statement of the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, after being told of birth in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, of a child to a woman named Stanley:


          Here are the birth notices of Obama’s birth in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961:


          (And as you can see the section of the paper is called “Health Bureau Statistics”. Well, as the name indicates, and as both the papers and the DOH confirm, ONLY the DOH could send notices to that section of the paper, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii.)

          Here is the Index Data file:


          Moreover, there is no indication whatever that Obama’s mother even had a passport in 1961, and very very few 18-year-olds did at the time, and EXTREMELY few women traveled abroad in the last few months of pregnancy. Yet birthers hope a few GULLIBLE people will just assume that both of those happened and that Obama’s birth certificate is forged and that the officials of both parties are lying, and that the Index Data and the birth notices are forged, and that the INS inspector made an error in his “one child, born in Honolulu” note, and that the teacher who wrote home was lying. But you’d have to be terribly GULLIBLE to think that all of that happened.

        • Ri-chard says:

          You fell for this knowing there is no original Micro Film record or a copy of the Micro Film original?
          Everyone born in Hawaii during the 1960s has a much different BC copy than Obama’s counterfeit one he submitted.
          Wake up this is simple fact. no one can produce what doesn’t exist – a copy of the original record or even a copy of a copy of the original record. you cannot alter a passive doc without physically destroying at least a part of that doc to alter it. This is why Obama had to try and release a computer generated doc to fool you. Get it YET!

        • philjourdan says:

          non sequitur again Strauß. It is not confirmation of anything about his birth. It is a couple of idiots expressing their opinion. Nothing more. No one has produced the original Abercrombie said he could not produce it. Those are facts. That is the confirmation. Yours is merely another lie.

    • Ri-chard says:

      Lies Lies and Lies no one would ever put that conformation in writing and never did. News paper birth announcements are only what is reported to the paper not a legal statement of doc. These announcements do not come from the hospital or registrar.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Newspapers are certainly not legal documents, but they often are used to confirm documents, and the issuing of Obama’s birth certificate by Hawaii is a good example of that. You see, the section of the newspaper in which the birth notice appeared was the “Health Bureau Statistics” section, and as the name indicates (and as both the papers and the DOH of Hawaii have said) only the Health Bureau, which is what the DOH of Hawaii was called in 1961, could send birth notices to the Health Bureau Statistics section of the newspaper. The section did not accept advertisements posing as official Health Bureau notices; it ONLY took notices from the Health Bureau, the DOH of Hawaii—-and at the time the DOH of Hawaii only sent out birth notices for children born IN Hawaii.

        Here are the confirmations of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, repeated confirmations (and by the way, the one to the secretary of state of Arizona, a conservative Republican, was ACCEPTED by the secretary of state of Arizona, who then put Obama on the ballot):


        Here is the confirmation by the former governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican (and a friend of Sarah Palin’s), that says that Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital:


        Here is the statement of the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, after being told of birth in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, of a child to a woman named Stanley:


        Here are the birth notices of Obama’s birth in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961:


        (And as you can see the section of the paper is called “Health Bureau Statistics”. Well, as the name indicates, and as both the papers and the DOH confirm, ONLY the DOH could send notices to that section of the paper, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii.)

        Here is the Index Data file:


        Moreover, there isn’t any evidence that Obama’s mother even had a PASSPORT in 1961, and very very few 18-year-olds did at the time

        Also, EXTREMELY few women traveled abroad in the last few months of pregnancy at the time due to the relatively high risk of stillbirths.

        Yet birthers have found a few GULLIBLE people who just assume that both of those highly unlikely things happened AND that Obama’s birth certificate is forged AND that the officials of both parties are lying, AND that the Index Data and the birth notices are forged, AND that the INS inspector made an error in his “one child, born in Honolulu” note, AND that the teacher who wrote home was lying. But you have to be terribly GULLIBLE to think that all of that happened.

        • This post is not about Obama’s birthplace. Please stop trying to change the subject.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Again a private person can call the news paper and place that announcement over the phone. No way would that announcement have any standing in a court of law for ID. The announcement has no bearing on HI States Records and therefore no one checks to vet it.
          By Federal Law I can only submit a State Certified copy of the original birth record. The problem for Obama is when he was born original records were kept on Micro Film and/or a copy was made as a Photostat and is held for future copies to be made by scanning it.
          this is exactly why what Obama submitted and is something the State of HI never produced for any other birth record.. Obama’s birth record is unique as he is.
          When I was born the method of keeping birth records was the same as the time Obama was born. Every FSO (Facility Security Officer) across the country knows this. So, when we interview a applicant saying he lost his BC we tell him/her where to go to get a copy of it. the record today is a scanned doc in a computer that is printed out and mailed. That record is a copy of the original birth record. Again this is not what Obama can present because it never existed. And again our issue is not where Obama was born but why he submitted a Hawaii counterfeit doc. Also, by our rules and guidelines Obama stated he has used another name, Barry Soetoro. This means there should be a passport record to proof that. That means there should be legal name change docs. to support Barack to Barry back to Barack. That means there should be another passport record to proof that event/s. This is where a copy of your BC again comes in handy when you apply for a passport. these claims of name changes and travel overseas multiple times come from BHO’s own birth narrative.
          Therefore we (FSOs) are convinced he is playing the game for all to try, to prove a negative. There are no legal documents in the name Barack H. Obama, II. never were. However, legal docs may exist but in other names he used. Again we cannot prove whom he is, but can prove whom he isn’t is a court of law. And Barack/Barry or other name he used cannot prove who he is with any legal docs.

        • smrstrauss says:

          stevengoddard said: “This post is not about Obama’s birthplace. Please stop trying to change the subject.”

          Answer: I was replying directly to Ri-chard.

        • philjourdan says:

          And another lie by Herr Strauß. You are spamming the subject. indeed, you have yet to offer any factual evidence you even understand it. You started it, so you are not replying to anyone but your straw men and lies.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard said: “Again a private person can call the news paper and place that announcement over the phone.”

          Answer: Baloney. The section of the newspaper was called: “Health Bureau Statistics”. And both the papers and the DOH have said that only the Health Bureau, as the DOH of Hawaii was known at the time, could place notices in the “Health Bureau Statistics” section of the papers, and in 1961 it only placed birth notices for children who HAD BEEN BORN IN HAWAII.

          While the birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials of BOTH parties is more than sufficient (especially since one of them was the former Republican governor, a strong supporter of Sarah Palin), the birth notices can be accepted as additional evidence, and they would for sure be accepted by courts.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Yoh Clueless! anyone can place a death notice as well no mater what the column is called

        • philjourdan says:

          And anyone could have called and said they were from the health bureau! As you already claimed, there was no fact checking. You keep swishing and swirling Herr Strauß

        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard said: “The problem for Obama is when he was born original records were kept on Micro Film and/or a copy was made as a Photostat and is held for future copies to be made by scanning it.”

          Answer: The original paper copy of Obama’s birth certificate does exist, in a bound book, and it was photocopied onto security paper and the current seal and current registrar’s signature attached to make the official long form copy—which the officials in Hawaii have confirmed they sent to him.

          Re: Obama having changed his name. No, he used his step-father’s Indonesian name when in Indonesia, that is all. He never was adopted nor did he change his name, and he certainly did not become a citizen of Indonesia—-which you (or a rational person, not necessarily YOU) can check by simply calling up the Indonesian Embassy, asking for the press officer and ASKING. Here’s the number: (202) 775-5200 (Ask for the press officer. BTW, you can also ask about the birther claim that you had to be an Indonesian citizen to attend school in Indonesia—it is also false, as is the claim that Obama was adopted or legally changed his name).

        • Ri-chard says:

          You are full of it everyone knows what a Micro film copy looks like except useful idiots like you.

        • philjourdan says:

          Prove it exists. Produce it. If you cannot, you are lying again. You are repeating what you have been told. And not even that accurately as you are lying through your teeth herr Strauß

        • Ri-chard says:

          Thanks, paper files were destroyed long ago due to paper doc decomposing from high humidity and the requirement for space saving needs. Hence, Micro Film at that time was the solution. FACT

        • philjourdan says:

          legally, if you create a photocopy (not a xerox) or a digital image AND destroy the original, the copy then becomes the original. However Abercrombie was not able to produce ANY of those. It may have existed at one time. It may not. I do not know. But what I do know is that it no longer exists. And Strauß is a liar.

        • philjourdan says:

          Newspapers are the opinions written by fallible men. They are no more truthful than your fanciful lies. Grasping at straws now Herr Strauß?

  17. Gail Combs says:

    There is another reason why the news articles above claimed Obummer was born in Kenya. While most would not read the book or would not notice the claimed Hawaiian birth in the book if they did read it, people he went to school with WOULD notice the cover blurb and the news articles.

    Given the sealed records at the expense of millions, it is logical to conclude there is some dirt hidden and a claim he was born in Kenya to get foreign student aid is probable. If right after school he then claimed to be born in Hawaii, some of his classmates, who were now lawyers and who he had pissed off were very likely to see to it he was brought up on charges.

    How could anyone have figured back in 1991 that the internet would come back and bite Obummer in the ass?

    He probably though it would be fine to lie until the lie was no longer useful.

    • smrstrauss says:

      MAYBE people would be more likely to read a book written by a person born in Kenya than one written by a person born in the USA, and maybe not. But it is CERTAIN that Obama’s father, Barack Hussein Obama I, really was born in Kenya.

      Obama’s records are no more “sealed” than anyone else’s records. BTW, the “claim that he was born in Kenya to get foreign aid” notion is particularly STUPID because you can call Occidental and Columbia and ask whether or not he was registered as a foreign student (ask for the PR departments in both cases), and the fact is he wasn’t (the story actually comes from an APRIL FOOL’S article).

      • philjourdan says:

        2 lies from Herr Strauß! #1 – You cannot call them and ask as Obama has SEALED his records. Which proves you lied a second time when you said his records were no more sealed than anyone elses.

        They are a lot more sealed than Rep Ryans. 2 lies in one comment. Going for a record Herr Strauß

        • smrstrauss says:

          You can call them and ask—so why not do so?

          (Obama’s records are no more sealed than Mitt Romney’s records or John McCain’s records. None of them released their college records either, nor did Clinton or Bush41 or Reagan or Carter or Ford, etc.) So Obama’s records are not “sealed.” He simply did not release them and they are covered under the normal privacy laws.

          However, the subject of whether a person was or was not a foreign student is not protected under the privacy laws that bar the release of grades, so you can call the check—and you should call to check (but for those who are too lazy to call, Obama was never a foreign student nor did he receive financial aid as a foreign student, and, at Columbia University, the “student ID” that claims to show that he was a foreign student was forged. Columbia has never issued a student ID that identifies foreign students any differently than US students—-and when and if you call them, you can ask about that too—ask for the PR department).

        • philjourdan says:

          Again for the slow Strauß nose gay, HE SEALED HIS RECORDS. So you can call them all day every day and you will get NOTHING. Period.

          You sure are not too swift.

  18. Gail Combs says:

    Notice how the Strauss Troll has effectively distracted everyone from more important discussions.

    You would thing after over a half decade the Strauss Troll would have moved on. Instead the Strauss Troll spends all its time searching the net for yet another blog that mentions Obummers questionable birth record.

    Either it is a religious fanatic protecting its messiah or it is a paid troll.


    • smrstrauss says:

      I’m not paid, and this amuses me.

      • Ri-chard says:

        I agree and know you are not paid, as no one would pay a fairy tale teller.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Here are the confirmations of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, repeated confirmations (and by the way, the one to the secretary of state of Arizona, a conservative Republican, was ACCEPTED by the secretary of state of Arizona, who then put Obama on the ballot):


          Here is the confirmation by the former governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican (and a friend of Sarah Palin’s), that says that Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital:


          Here is the statement of the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, after being told of birth in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, of a child to a woman named Stanley:


          Here are the birth notices of Obama’s birth in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961:


          (And as you can see the section of the paper is called “Health Bureau Statistics”. Well, as the name indicates, and as both the papers and the DOH confirm, ONLY the DOH could send notices to that section of the paper, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii.)

          Here is the Index Data file:


          And, birther sites have not even shown that Obama’s mother had a PASSPORT in 1961, and it would have been rare for her to have one since so few 18-year-olds did in that year.

          And EXTREMELY few women traveled abroad late in pregnancy in 1961 (and she would have had to have traveled late in pregnancy since she was attending college for most of the year) because of the risk of stillbirths.

          Yet birthers have convinced a few highly GULLIBLE people to assume that she was one of the few 18-year-olds to have a passport and one of the EXTREMELY few women to travel abroad late in pregnancy, AND that Obama’s birth certificate is forged AND the officials of BOTH parties are lying about it AND so is the Index Data AND so are the birth notices AND so is the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, after hearing of the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Again there are no legal docs anywhere with the name Barack H. Obama, II. They don’t exist. This is why he had to present a counterfeit BC doc. You and no one else can provide and legal docs for his claimed ID for whom he is. Or this would have been done to put this issue to rest.

        • philjourdan says:

          Going back to his old trick of repetition. Sorry, repeating a lie 5 times does not make it any less a lie herr Strauß

        • gator69 says:

          Here are 957 well sourced examples of Obama’s lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc


          Considering the veracity of the Liar in Chief, there is uncertainty about what he told people in the past.

          Swallow or spit.

        • This post is about Obama lying about his birthplace, not where he was born.

        • Ri-chard says:

          You are the professional story teller. It does not make any difference where Obama was born because he cannot provide any legal docs to prove a birth place anywhere. This is why a counterfeit BC was presented to the American people.

        • smrstrauss says:

          stevengoddard said: “This post is about Obama lying about his birthplace, not where he was born.”

          IF Obama had said that he was born in Kenya, then he would have been lying. But there is no evidence that he did, and the literary agent said that she made the mistake. AND, to insist that he lied despite her statement requires you to charge HER with lying about making a mistake. Well, there isn’t any evidence of that either. People do make mistakes; one way that they do that is they misread texts—and mixing up Barack Hussein Obama I, who really was born in Kenya, with Barack Hussein Obama II, who really was born in Hawaii—-is one way of making a stupid mistake.

        • philjourdan says:

          Obama did say it, Obama did lie, as did Herr Strauß. So far, on this one thread alone, he has lied 237 times.

        • gator69 says:

          Once again, you basic premise is false. Obama lied about his birthplace early and often.

          “Among other claims, she told PBS that, as a young child, Obama told his classmates that he was Kenyan royalty or an Indonesian prince — fascinating claims that she discussed in great detail.


          I have never lied about my birthplace.

        • Why didn’t she say that when the issue first came up three years ago? If it was that simple, she could have explained it.

          She said “it was a fact checking error” not a research error. A fact checking error implies that she was checking someone else’s fact.

          Your explanation doesn’t hold water.

        • Ri-chard says:

          You are off point as you have no reading comprehension skills.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “Why didn’t she say that when the issue first came up three years ago? If it was that simple, she could have explained it.”

          Answer: She said it when the issue came up when the Breitbart site wrote the story. That was in May 2012—-which was indeed almost three years ago.


          She did indeed say that it was a “fact-checking error.” Her error was that she failed to fact-check what she wrote.

        • Ri-chard says:

          And what did Barry say when he passed this announcement on to others that she wrote? I did read it? Idiot!

        • philjourdan says:

          She lied about it in the first place, she lied about it when exposed, and she is lying now. Do you really think that liars change their stripes? You have not Herr Strauß

        • gator69 says:

          Likely her error was not checking the veracity of what Skeeter told her, and many others over the years…

          “Among other claims, she told PBS that, as a young child, Obama told his classmates that he was Kenyan royalty or an Indonesian prince — fascinating claims that she discussed in great detail.


        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard said: “Again there are no legal docs anywhere with the name Barack H. Obama, II. They don’t exist. This is why he had to present a counterfeit BC doc.”

          Answer: Obama’s birth certificate is not counterfeit—though birthers keep on claiming that it is (now I wonder why they would do that?)


          And the short form and long form birth certificates that Obama has shown images of ARE legal documents, and the officials in Hawaii of both parties have confirmed that they sent them to him and that all the facts on the copy that the White House put online are exactly the same as on what they sent.

          See links.

        • philjourdan says:

          IF (big word) there is a real BC, you are right it is not counterfeit. However, since NO ONE has seen it, and no one has even ADMITTED seeing it (neither of the hearsay governors of your previous claim), there is no way to know if one exists or not! Gator is right. I was trying to be nice to you Herr Strauß, but you defy kindness with your sheer stupidity,

        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard said: “And what did Barry say when he passed this announcement on to others that she wrote? ”

          Answer: Since she did not tell him that she wrote it and did not tell anyone that she had put it online, he could not have “passed the announcement on to others” since he never even saw it.

        • philjourdan says:

          Prove she did not tell him Herr Strauss. And given she is already a proven liar, we are going to require more than the hearsay of proven liars.

        • gator69 says:

          “I understand that he told his fifth-grade class that he was Kenyan royalty, but I never heard that story until years later. My sister and I remember very clearly that he was an Indonesian prince and that he would be going back there. So there was some reference to where he had come from, and the understanding was his family was there.
          -Kristen Caldwell, attended Punahou School with “Barry” Obama

        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard said: “Again there are no legal docs anywhere with the name Barack H. Obama, II. They don’t exist. ”

          Answer: Yes they do, and the officials in Hawaii of both parties have repeatedly confirmed that they sent them to him and that all the facts on the copy that the White House put online are exactly the same as on what they sent him.

          See links to documents.

        • Ri-chard says:

          If that were true Mr. Gullible they would have released their discoveries for all to see as anyone else could do.. But we know they can’t release a negative.

        • philjourdan says:

          And another lie. Neither have confirmed anything! They have alleged. That is all. You are a liar Herr Strauß

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “Kenyan royalty” “Indonesian prince.” (Hearsay)

          And, neither are claims to have been born in a foreign country.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Again it makes no difference where he was born he absolutely cannot prove where he was born by presenting any legal documentation in a court of law. It can only be proven he was not born where his birth narrative states.

        • philjourdan says:

          Nor are they claims of infallibility. But you seem to think that anything that you say is. Kind of hypocritical Herr Strauß. Especially given your multitude of lies right here.

        • gator69 says:

          Your claims are also hearsay.

          You have never seen the original documents and are not an expert.

          You were not present to hear Skeeter claim on multiple occasions that he was foreign born.

          Hearsay is all you have, second hand knowledge.

          But we see that you are truly delusional, claiming you know what is in my safe.

          OK gullible gulper, which DOH has my original BC?

          Spit or swallow.

        • Ri-chard says:

          It is required of all contractor working within the DOD fed agency space that they pass a background investigation to achieve a security clearance. the first two ID’s that are required of the applicant are a copy of the original BC and SSN. If that applicant is to travel overseas then a passport history is required. At that point I pursue the Employment history, Residence, Edu and criminal history.
          Should this be required of all politicians that are to represent us before their name is placed on the ballot, for a seat in Congress, Senate or POTUS we would not know the name Barack H. Obama, II or Barry.
          He has not cannot provide any legal documents with the name he claims to be his. This has been known since 2007 by the Clintons.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard said: ” first two ID’s that are required of the applicant are a copy of the original BC…”

          Answer: Nope, all that they require is a copy of the official copy of the BC. People often lose the first copies that were sent to their families, and so government agencies have to accept subsequent copies that the people ask for the replace the ones that were lost. Those also are official COPIES.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Yep, it is still a copy of the original no matter how you word it, or you are not hired. We can not except an ABSTRACT. An abstract is not a legal doc. sorry.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard said:

          “Yep, it is still a copy of the original no matter how you word it, or you are not hired. ”

          Answer: Quite true. Your original statement was not as clear as the above.

          He then said: “We can not except an ABSTRACT. An abstract is not a legal doc. sorry.”

          Answer: Were you thinking that Obama’s birth certificate—either the short form or the long form—is an abstract? No, neither of them are.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Again all birth certs must have this stamped signed / initialed as an original, not as could be an Abstract.
          Also, all birth cert have the same single type Obama’s has multiple type set characters. The obvious was stating Obama’s father was African. African is not a race. he should have been ID’ed as the other N-word Negro.
          FYI; This old news. As you are an advocate for this criminal I would think you would have known this as have millions of Americans and Europeans since its release from the White house.

        • philjourdan says:

          Hmmmm, Abstract has many meanings from Miriam Webster:

          Full Definition of ABSTRACT
          a : disassociated from any specific instance
          b : difficult to understand : abstruse
          c : insufficiently factual

          Not one.
          Not 2
          Could be 3. INSUFFICIENTLY factual. And since no one has seen the mythical birth certificate, that must be what Herr Strauß is talking about.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Yes, the BC with a could be ABSTRACT stamped on it.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard said:

          “Again all birth certs must have this stamped signed / initialed as an original, not as could be an Abstract.”

          Answer: Obama’s short form and long form birth certificates are both stamped and signed by the registrar, and there is no word “abstract” printed on them, and, it is loony to think that birth certificates are “abstracts” when they do not say that they are abstracts. Both the short form and long form BC of Hawaii are valid legal birth certificates.

          He also said: “Also, all birth cert have the same single type Obama’s has multiple type set characters.”

          Answer: That is truly nutty. Of course birth certificates have multiple different fonts. There is the printed fonts for the sections where the information should be filled in, and there is the typed fonts for the information that IS filled in. There are NO differences in the typeface of the typewritten sections.

          And poor Ri-chard then said: ” The obvious was stating Obama’s father was African. African is not a race. he should have been ID’ed as the other N-word Negro.”

          Answer: In Hawaii you were allowed to write in ANY word to describe your race (some people even wrote “American”—which, duh, is not a race, but Hawaii allowed it, and the word “American” is on some Hawaii birth certificates). And the word that AFRICAN exchange students commonly used to describe their race in the 1960s was AFRICAN.

          FYI; (as you said) “This old news.”

          It is INDEED old news. The facts are shown above. YOUR not knowing the facts does not change the world, you know.

        • Ri-chard says:

          Nice try – No Pont in response – it clearly states ABSTRACT

        • philjourdan says:

          Another lie by Herr Strauß. No facts are listed in any of your comments. Just ignorant opinion based upon hearsay and stupid opinion.

          learn the difference Herr Strauß.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Ri-chard said: “If that were true Mr. Gullible they would have released their discoveries for all to see as anyone else could do..”

          That is precisely what they did do. They confirmed that they had seen Obama’s birth certificate in the files and confirmed that they had sent the short form and long form copies to Obama and confirmed that all the facts on the copy that the White House put online are exactly the same as on what they sent to him.

          Here are the confirmations of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, repeated confirmations (and by the way, the one to the secretary of state of Arizona, a conservative Republican, was ACCEPTED by the secretary of state of Arizona, who then put Obama on the ballot):


          Here is the confirmation by the former governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican (and a friend of Sarah Palin’s), that says that Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital:


        • Ri-chard says:

          You still don’t get it – the long form BC is a fraud Abstract. No one has ever come forward on any MSM new show and said what is claimed in theses videos. The can’t and won’t because the docs are counterfeits.
          Also, no forensics expert have explained away why Obama’s BC has so many anomalies making it unique to all other BC issued from the State if HI.
          You keep posting this BS you have fallen for as a typical useful idiot. Please look at any other HI BC and you will see the State of HI never issued a BC in the name of BHO. Impossible.

        • philjourdan says:

          You are lying Strauß. They admitted they could NOT confirm the original. That was actually in the papers, but I understand you want that to be put there by some birther – say Obama the original one?

        • philjourdan says:

          WRONG! Obama is paid – by the people.

        • smrstrauss says:

          philjourdan said: ” Sorry, repeating a lie 5 times does not make it any less a lie ”

          True—and it is a lie that Obama was born in Kenya, and it is a lie that he was born anywhere else than in Hawaii, and the links shown on this page confirm the overwhelming evidence that Obama was born IN HAWAII.

        • philjourdan says:

          Non sequitur again Strauß. No one cares about your lies. We only are discussing the first birther lies. And that is Obama maintaining for 17 years that he was born in Kenya. As I have said countless times now (almost as many as you have lied), I do not care WHERE he was born, nor does this article. We only care about the first birther. Obama.

        • philjourdan says:

          One more thing Strauß. Given that you now have over 350 lies on this page alone, and most are laughably easy to spot, anyone stopping by to find out who the original birther was, will know 2 things. #1 it was Obama, and #2 anything you say is a lie. So when you say he was NOT born in Kenya, or that he WAS born in Hawaii, they are going to go away with the exact opposite understanding.

          You do your job so well liar.

        • futuret says:

          Everyone take notice of other matters and events as well. We know that we all have a Marxist Government. Roberts has sworn in Obama, which he Constitutionally should not have done. We must adhear to the Congress, Supream Court, House, Executive Branch, among others as one Marist Communistic Package. His birth certificate does not matter, since it mattered to no one in government. We MUST FOCUS our eyes on more than one thing:


        • and it is a lie that Obama was born in Kenya

          Woah, smrsrauß finally comes clean & admits that Obama is a liar! Just like the original post he is commenting under says.

          Boy, that sure took long enough.

        • philjourdan says:

          That is the problem with liars. They have to keep making stuff up until they wind up swallowing their tail.

        • Neal S says:

          Thanks to futuret for using mixed case and for the link to the article about non-citizens voting (http://madworldnews.com/illegals-constitutional-right/) which I found informative and have now shared with others.

        • philjourdan says:

          Agreed! However, in the case of DC, since they vote 87% democrat anyway, it will have almost no impact.

      • They talk most who have the least to say.

      • philjourdan says:

        So they welched on their agreement to pay you! 😆 What a putz.

    • The Strauß are programmed to do this. They run. They recognize patterns and respond. I wrote programs like that before. I did not pay them to run.

      • Gail Combs says:

        What I find hilarious is the Strauß type trolls and the Occupy Wall Street types do not realize that Obummer is nothing but a Bankster Puppet.

        The MSM put Obummer into office and the MSM is owned by J.P. Morgan et al.

        The Fabian/Progressives are in bed with the Banksters. Nathan Rothschild bankrolled the Fabian founded London School of Economics. J.P.Morgan hired former Fabian chair and ex prime minister Tony Blair who is good buddies with Bill Clinton. (Both lecture at LSE) Both are pushing Anthony Giddens ‘Third Way’ aka Fascism or Neo- corporatism. That is socialism run by Big Business. The worst of both worlds.

      • _Jim says:

        smrstrauss = idiot;

        Notice the Lvalue on that assignment …

        • Gail Combs says:

          If The Strauß says it isn’t a paid Troll then it must be a religious fanatic protecting its messiah.

        • philjourdan says:

          Whatever it is, it is not doing a good job. It is convincing everyone that Obama was never born in Hawaii.

        • Gail Combs says:
          January 21, 2015 at 11:27 pm

          If The Strauß says it isn’t a paid Troll then it must be a religious fanatic protecting its messiah.

          Based on the juvenile, stilted prose & the inability to quit babbling no matter how stupid it is, I’m going to go out on a limb here & suggest that “smrstrauss” is actually Barack Obama.

        • I still believe the Strauß are just an ill-defined and poorly written piece of code left behind on some server but whatever the darn thing is, it seems to be imbued with a distinctly irritable sense of ownership. You could be right.

        • philjourdan says:

          Ok, I know some, to the chagrin of Steven Hawking, are working on Artificial Intelligence. But you say someone has invented artificial stupidity?

        • I am not ready to say that at this time. We know that first-class stupidity manifested itself in the Strauß phenomena. I’m saying that there is some indication that it is Artificial Stupidity.

          The things we do not know:

          1. If the Strauß are in fact Artificial Stupidity, have they been invented on purpose or are they just a runaway malfunction of some AI experiment gone awry?
          2. If so, are they self-replicating? We seem to have established that they are not self-improving—they must have very primitive firmware but that could make them even more resilient.
          3. Is “smrstrauss” the ID of one member of the Strauß collective or an alias for the whole?
          4. We must also keep in mind that we have not yet falsified Gail’s and Neal’s hypotheses.

        • Ri-chard says:

          what should we call the kids being farmed in out government and union run school system? Useful Innocents soon to graduate as Useful Idiots for the voting booths?

        • philjourdan says:

          Interesting questions. remember the first Internet worm? it was rapidly detected because it basically killed the systems it infected – due to a defect. This Strauß seems to be doing the same thing, proving the birthers correct when no one here cared about the birthers or the original one (other than who it is).

          We could go on for days about AS vs AI. But AS is not getting a good start it seems.

        • philjourdan says:

          No, not vindictive enough.

        • Neal S says:

          One could check for Strauß postings when POTUS is on the golf course. I think it rather unlikely that he could manage both at the same time.

        • philjourdan says:

          From what I have heard of his golf game, yes the auto pen would work.

  19. gator69 says:

    Ri-chard on January 21, 2015 at 10:57 pm

    Now that’s real smart, if you lose your records no one has the original – NOT that stupid is your states record keepers. Again you only are given a copy or a computer generated record never the original.

    The government has a copy, and that is more than enough. It is my birth record, it does not belong to the government, and niether do I.

    I also have my original medical records, which the government also tried to claim as theirs. I am not property of any man or entity.

    Do I need to call the cops and report strangers have broken into my safe? 😆

    • Ri-chard says:

      U-said – The government has a copy, and that is more than enough. It is my birth record, it does not belong to the government, and niether do I.
      Ans. – It is a State record which you are entitled a copy only.

      U-said – I also have my original medical records, which the government also tried to claim as theirs. I am not property of any man or entity.
      Ans. – your original medical records are on the Hospital computer. You received a print out of their records on you.

      U-said – Do I need to call the cops and report strangers have broken into my safe? 😆
      Ans. – LOL! If you have a SSN, have a bank loan, have checking and savings at a Bank, have a drivers license, have a passport and pay taxes you are public not private. Your master has already broken into you safe. LOL You are owned.

      • gator69 says:

        My BC and government medical records predate the computer era. I have the only copy of those medical records and I have my original BC.


        I have no loans.


        I do pay taxes (who doesn’t), have licenses (duh), and bank accounts. I pay no interest or annual fees on my accounts, in fact they pay me.

        I am owned by no man.

        Pick your targets better, and prioritize for Pete’s sake. 😆

      • smrstrauss says:

        gator69 said: “I have my original BC..”

        No, the original is still in the files of the DOH. What they sent your parents is the first official copy.

        • gator69 says:

          No you lying idiot, it is THE ORIGINAL.

          It was not mailed to my parents. It came off of a manual typewriter and has the indentations of the key strikes. The DOD kept a COPY in their file, and my father walked out with THE ORIGINAL.

          All you do is lie, and claim that you know things that you cannot.

          You are without a doubt the dumbest commenter I have ever come across.

          Spit or swallow.

        • Ri-chard says:

          What is a professional story teller?

        • smrstrauss says:

          gator69 CLAIMED: “It was not mailed to my parents. It came off of a manual typewriter and has the indentations of the key strikes. The DOD kept a COPY in their file, and my father walked out with THE ORIGINAL.”

          Answer: So you say.

        • philjourdan says:

          Given he is talking about his own experience,and given your 351 lies so far, I go with gator. You have no way of knowing. So you are bluffing.

        • futuret says:

          Roberts should not have constitutionally sworn Obama in office. Apparently our Marxist Government approves of Obama, birth certificate or no birth certificate. It is clearly defined that we MUST treat all branches of government as one massive Marxist Package. We MUST FOCUS ON MANY OTHER EVENTS AROUND US AS WELL. Let us not just get caught up on one issue, where there are others putting us to death. BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS AND ENVIRONMENT:


        • gator69 says:

          I am not a known liar, so you have no reason to doubt me. Skeeter on the other hand is known for lying constantly.

        • Ri-chard says:

          My father stole the original record WTF – story teller. The original BC record is copied into a computer and paper is destroyed having no rooms large enough for these paper files.

        • smrstrauss says:

          gator69 claimed: : “It was not mailed to my parents. It came off of a manual typewriter and has the indentations of the key strikes. The DOD kept a COPY in their file, and my father walked out with THE ORIGINAL.”

          Repeat, that is what he CLAIMED.

        • Ri-chard says:

          I assume you father was born before the 1970s. That be the case the original record kept on him was on Micro Film not paper. The paper files were destroyed for improving the space saving and life expectancy of Micro Film. FYI: Just like everyone one else across America had during this time frame. Sorry for the facts.

        • Neal S says:

          The Strauß machine will not rest until and unless its post is the last of any thread. Either that, or he gets docked for failing to have the last post in any thread.

        • gator69 says:

          Just as you claim you have all the facts, which you clearly do not.

          You went on record as saying that you know I have a copy of my BC, when any fool can see you are talking out of your ass again.

          Again, my father walked out of the hospital with the original, which is in my safe as we speak. For you to claim otherwise simply shows that you are an idiot, and beneath any birther I have ever met,.

          Spit or swallow gullible lying gulper.

        • philjourdan says:

          Again, prove it! But we know you cannot because of your ignorance and arrogance. I will let gator drop the other shoe on your infantile assumptions. I will merely point out that is all you have put forth here! Not one scintilla of evidence Herr Strauß

  20. Ri-chard says:

    Spit or swallow gullible lying gulper.
    Isn’t that a gay statement or bone smokers job?

  21. gator69 says:

    I find it amusing that some folks find it impossible for someone to have their original BC. Newsflash! This world is NOT perfect, and there are exceptions to EVERY rule.

    I was born in a tiny hospital run by the DOD before the computer age. They did not keep originals, or at least not in my case.

    Others here make claims about their person that could also be easily disputed, but it is pointless and stupid to do so.

    The way some of you respond to a simple fact, you would think I claimed to have photographic evidence of Bigfoot. 😆

  22. rah says:

    Personally, I have reserved judgment on all of this until the time that Obama releases his full medical and academic records. One thing I know. I, am American citizen born here, with the records to prove it. I have been questioned by authorities far more than about my place of birth than our current president ever has. Every time I cross the border from Canada to the US and every time I have come up from Laredo, Pharr, Del Rio, or Eagle Pass Texas or anywhere near the Mexican border by any route in a big truck I have to pass through a check point and they have asked. They do so coming in from Canada even though they have my blue pass port in their hands. When they ask “Are you a US citizen? I always answer “All my life” and that almost always elicits a smile.

    I have had all three different types of US pass ports at different times in the service of my country and have had everyone from the FBI to CIA and God only knows what other government agencies investigate my back ground for various security clearances that would stretch longer than my arm in a flip out card holder. I have been finger printed for some kind of clearance or another by my government more times than I can remember! The last time being Aug 2014 for my HazMat re-certification for my CDL. The time before that for my Permit to carry concealed. If one goes to North Side Jr. HS in Anderson they will find my name on the wall of the gym for the record in the 155 lb class in wrestling and I have my HS year book. My picture is in a couple of IU handbooks. My picture is in the book from my class at Jump school. I have my transcripts from both HS and college and even a few of my grad school report cards.

    IOW there is all kinds of evidence, both documentary and anecdotal that I am who I say I am and where and when I was born. But the president will NOT produce his. WHY?

    • Gail Combs says:

      Not only will The Obummer NOT produce evidence, and as his EMPLOYERS we have a right to inspect that evidence, Obummer has paid over FOUR MILLION in legal costs to keep his records hidden!

      if Obummer has nothing to hide why is he spending big bucks to hide his records? Heck former Columbia classmates with the same Major claim they do not remember him taking any classes with them. Perhaps he was too stoned out of his mind to bother and he just got an Affrimative Action “A” record.

  23. Gail Combs says:

    This contains a listing of some of the ‘Obummer Records” that have been scrubbed by Obama’s Lawyers:
    The Mystery of Barack Obama

    Hadn’t hear this one before:

    …. Khalid Al-Mansour, an advisor to Saudi prince Al-Walid bin Talah, told Manhattan Borough president, Percy Sutton, that he was raising money for Obama’s Harvard tuition. Incidentally, Prince Tala is the largest donor to CAIR, a Muslim group declared by the U.S. Government in 2007 as an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorist financing trial. At least three of CAIR’s leaders have been indicted for terrorist activities. Al-Mansour’s admission opens up speculation as to whether Muslim interests have assisted Obama’s career in the hope he would eventually be in a position someday to promote their interests…..

    Of course I already knew Obama was a Muslim practicing ‘taqiyya’

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