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- Timo, not that one! on Farewell To Climate Warrior Toto
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- Margaret Smith on Farewell To Climate Warrior Toto
- dm on Farewell To Climate Warrior Toto
“Read my lips: no new temperatures.”
Wrong occupant, but right cliche’
“The price of fiefdom is infernal indolence”
Economics policy–fail.
Peace initiatives–fail.
Climate–refuses to cooperate.
It’s always somebody else’s fault!
When are we getting a president in the White House?
No one likes the current climate under a totalitarian, one-world government.
That was the threat we all feared fifty-seven years ago, when the USSR took control of space by launching Sputnik in 1957.
President John F. Kennedy blocked the USSR plans in 1960 by starting the US Apollo Program.
jFK was assassinated in 1963, his brother, Robert, was assassinated in 1968, and Henry Kissinger secretly flew to China in 1971 to re-establish peace with the USSR and China by ending the Apollo Program.
President Nixon announced the end of the Apollo Program in January 1972.
Since then, the US space program and NASA have been completely gutted.
Today, in 2015, the USA relies on Russian rockets for space travel to the International Space Station.
Senator Cruz may be seriously trying to salvage NASA’s space program:
It is not clear if Russia will allow the US to again compete for control of space and the right of people to regain self-governance on planet Earth.
Reblogged this on makeaneffort and commented:
I will Lie directly to you because You’re Stupid.
I found this priceless Google Scholar Alert in my Inbox
Death Matters: Victimization by Particle Matter from Coal Fired Power Plants in the US, a Green Criminological View (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10612-015-9266-7)
MJ Lynch, KL Barrett – Critical Criminology, 2015
Abstract The present study examines deaths and diseases associated with pollution from
coal fired power plants (CFPPs) and compares the volume of those deaths and diseases to
deaths and injuries associated with street crimes.
Did you know that you are being “victimized” by particles, and it’s just as bad as being hit with a baseball bat by a street thug? Who knew?
“To estimate the PM2.5-related benefits associated with reducing emissions from EGUs, the PIE model first calculates the impact on ambient air quality…”
More modeled mayhem.
“All models are wrong, but some are useful.”
Or, to put it another way :
All models are wrong, and some are useless.
how about ‘many are usless’?
A question on climate change and asthma
University of Rochester and their history of lying:
The University of Rochester experimented on my Mother. First she was exposed to a high level of radiation (called an accident) and then was used as a guinea pig in the first human chemotherapy trials which finally killed her. She died at age 62 from multiple heart attacks not cancer so the trial was a ‘success.’ Her heart had been fine prior to the Chemo. She had extensive tests before her radical mastectomy three months before. The doctors were well aware that chemotherapy attacked the heart but they played deaf and dumb. Chem Engineering News had just published a recent article stating Chemo ‘affected the heart’ which I repeatedly pointed out to the cancer doctor and the heart doctor but I got “That is not my area of expertise” from both – lying B@$t@rds.
Mayo Clinic, Where my Mother went for a second opinion prior to starting chemo, and Harvard Health Publications now both say Chemo increases heart disease (and so does radiation therapy) Nice to know Mom helped advance medical knowledge but it would have been nice if they didn’t take the experiment to the point when the UNKNOWING Guinea Pig died.
Congressional Hearings On Radiation Experiments…. REPORT: “American Nuclear Guinea Pigs: Three Decades of Radiation Experiments on U.S. Citizens”
March 22, 2013 EPA un-scrubs data base of experiment exposing children to diesel exhaust
Yes there were some mercury, arsenic and sulfur oxide ions in coal burning emissions.
However, work was done to remove the particles from emissions. None of these are considered to be greenhouse gases.
Incidentally, sulfur oxides, which are also prevalent in volcanic emissions will cool the atmosphere.
I like my lies, so i’ll repeat them….
Wonder why nobody talks about acid rain anymore. Wonder if any young people have ever heard about it?
The EPA already regulates sulfur so that issue is dead besides CO2 has a much bigger gain.
Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world. ~ Henry Kissinger
MONEY — Federal Reserve Act of 1913. the ‘reserve’ is effectively zero
(Remove *)
FOOD — Food Safety Modernization Act (Jan 2011) handed effective control of US farming to the WTO/OIE and FAO (WTO agreement on Agriculture) they have already written ‘Good Farming Practices’ and Good Agriculture Practices’ that US farmers must comply with.
ENERGY — this is what CAGW is really about.
But….but…I was really like super-excited waiting to see Obama wave his magic pen halting the rise of oceans so our planet might begin to heal. Why do the Dems hate polar bears?
Tony, Why are so many of my links causing word-press to not even dump the comment to moderation?
Are examples of three live links not verboten on your site.
I had the same problem at Jo Novas and at E.M. Smith’s —WEIRD!
(And yes I shut down and restarted and I use Opera and Linux)
Are examples of three live links
notnow verboten on your site.Thanks to the insight and ability of a few bloggers like you to communicate, “The Great Social Experiment of 1945-2015? is over.