Earlier today, Obama delivered a farewell speech in New Delhi, wrapping up his trip to India. The speech was only 33 minutes long, and yet…Barack managed to work in references to himself no fewer than 118 times
The man is a total psycho.
Earlier today, Obama delivered a farewell speech in New Delhi, wrapping up his trip to India. The speech was only 33 minutes long, and yet…Barack managed to work in references to himself no fewer than 118 times
The man is a total psycho.
I really don’t want to know what he does in front of a full length mirror.
Bring home Obama.
He seems to embarrass you guys when he’s on tour.
Obummer is a walking disaster. The best place for him is in Hawaii on a golf course.
Or under it.
Narcissist do what narcissist do.
ONLY 33 minutes?
Only 118 times? Did somebody have a serious talk with him?
I’m blaming TOTUS* for skipping a bunch of pages.
[*Teleprompter Of The United States]
7 years ago, you would have needed the explanation. Today, TOTUS is more famous than POTUS.
Did Barack Bellicheat tell any lies this speech?
Overall, I’m all for improved relations with India. I’ve encountered so many immigrants from India and they just love America. Plus, improved relations would send a message to Pakistan. So, I support Obama’s overdue efforts in this area of the globe.
He probably secretly went to tell them they better not build any coal fired generating plants. If so, they were politely not listening.
He tried, but they refused.
I blame Miriam Goderich.
I blame Miriam too. If she had told the truth — Obummer wrote the bio blurb for his book —- we would be saddled with Hitlery instead.
Mooch got blurred in India…
That should have been Saudi, of course. Perhaps she should be blurred everywhere..
when you have nothing to say i guess you have to fill the space with something.
It would seem that Obama HAS TO talk to himself because no one else is.
January 26, 2015 Cuba Walks Out On Talks With USA
Won’t see that on Huff ‘N Puff
Instead you get this Jan 26 2015 Headliner Fidel Castro Issues Statement Apparently In Support Of U.S.-Cuba
Also Michelle Obama refused to wear a headscarf to the Saudi King’s funeral and got slammed on Twitter by Saudi’s who saw it as disrespectful.
On Twitter, Saudis used a hashtag that translates to “#Michelle_Obama_Immodest” or “#Michelle_Obama_NotVeiled” to chastise the first lady for being disrespectful to Saudi traditions.
The Saudis were upset that she had worn a head covering on a recent trip to Indonesia but had not bothered to do so in Saudi Arabia.
Information from William Teach @ Pirates Cove N.C.
If their be-atch bows, why won’t his wife show similar respect?