Professor Calls for Death Penalty for Climate Change ‘Deniers’
It is as inevitable as the rising of the sun; the Left, when thwarted in their quest for power, suggests the use of lethal force to compel those who disagree.
Articles: Professor Calls for Death Penalty for Climate Change ‘Deniers’
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This is 2015, not 1715, right? Sheesh.
Seriously, what is their qualification/definition for “d*nier”?
“….what is their qualification/definition for “d*nier”?”
People who are not lemmings.
The guy is Musicologist! He has ZERO idea of what he is talking about and is just following the crowd. That is what is so scary.
Reminds me of the Caribou crossing the Copper River below my house, the leader jumps and the rest just follow 😉
thank god none of us deny that the climate changes, always has, always will. with or without Parncutt’s SUV….
The similarity between fanatic CAGW and religious believers is so obvious. It makes me think that they seek the same solice. Moral high ground, peer respect and percieved martyrdom.
Be careful how broad a brush you use to paint religious believers. As a Christian I am certainly not in any rush to martyrdom, perceived or real. There are hundreds of thousands of academics in the U.S. who perceive they have the moral high ground. I feel no need to assert any such thing about myself. Further, I don’t see any Christian fanatics calling for the mass killings of people based on their disagreement with Christ’s teachings. Almost all of the 250 founding fathers of America would be considered fanatical Christians by today’s standards, yet they left room in our Constitution for others to peacefully practice their religious beliefs or not. Many CAGW Alarmists seek to shut off that freedom by murder, if necessary.
I would say that the CAGW alarmists threatening violence have more in common with spoiled 3-year olds who strike out angrily because they did not get their way, based on their behaviors. They are children wearing adult bodies.
Pretty damn scary. Last fall, I came close to being physically attacked by two environmental activists when I stated that I didn’t believe in greenhouse warming.
They are very scary.
We lived in the Boston area for a while and had one guy say to my husband, “When we take over we are going to kill people like you!” and he actually meant it.
They are very willing to kill those who do not believe as they do.
The Salem witch hunts were nothing compared to what these people would like to do.
I once had a warmist tell me that if Jesus were still alive, he would strangle me to death. I started using a pseudonym to protect family who work in DC (NASA), and now am glad I have some anonymity, as the threats are heart felt and real.
It’s amazing how often leftists like to put words in the mouth of Jesus. Christ’s teachings are about personal salvation and leading a life of fulfillment. Anything else is something else. I like to think that God wants to have a special conversation with people like that. Meanwhile, they are another reason to carry concealed.
I had the featured Northeast weather blog at weather underground from ’08 till ’10. I had to curtail that when one global warming nutcase came to my apartment and threatened me. Found me through my PWS location.
Now I own a house and have a way to deal with some rouge psycho should they come onto my property in a threatening manner…
The Austrian Inquisition?
The original statement by the person in question was back in December, 2012.
Here is my comment at the time on Jo Nova’s blog. It got 77 “green thumbs” …
You now have seventy eight thumbs up
A thumbs up from you is worth at least 10 from mere mortals …
Truthseeker says on January 8, 2015 at 2:40 am:
Remember, though, this is the SAME Gail that did not see Obama coming ‘down the pike’ until AFTER he was elected and started pulling his shenanigans (from a comment of hers a week or two back).
She ONLY makes these ‘clarion calls’ of hers AFTER the horses have already left the barn … for all her supposed ‘insight’ and knowledge, she apparently has little foresight or ability to extrapolate into the future based on the past, leading one to conclude she is still fully fraught with her fair share of human frailty and limited forward vision, just like the rest of us, except a LOT of us saw through the charade (given the ample number of signs and signals SHE MISSED) that was BHO, whereas she may have even voted for him, much like Ann Althouse of Althouse blog.
Air Force flight crews have a saying that, “You know you’re over the target when you start taking flak”. I have been catch flak from _Jim for years. He even followed me from WUWT to here. Seems I must be over the target.
_Jim says “….Remember, though, this is the SAME Gail that did not see Obama coming ‘down the pike’ until AFTER he was elected….”
Busy making up stories again _Jim? After so many years you should be getting good at it but instead you are still just pitiful.
Good old trojan horse _Jim would have ZERO way of knowing WHAT I thought about Obummer because he was never part of the blogs I was posting on most of the time when Hitlery and Obummer were going head to head.
….Unless of course he had knowledge not available to ordinary citizens…..
He has only read me at WUWT where any discussion of the Hitlary/Obummer/McCain/Ron Paul election campaigns was roundly discouraged.
For what it is worth I have always said Obummer is a Muslim. If he was not he would have changed his name as my Grandfather did when he converted from Islam to Christianity or as Cassius Clay did when he converted to Islam.
The fact Barry Soetoros became Barack Obama tells you all you need to know about his religion, that and the fact that lying to non-Muslims is encouraged. So why ever would I support a lying Muslim Community Organizer with nothing to recommend him? Especially after 9/11?
As far as that election went I saw nothing I was willing to vote but I held my nose and voted third party. With luck the Republicans will notice their supporters really really do not like where the party’s leadership is going and do something about moving in the correct direction. Unfortunately I doubt it because neither they nor the Democrats represent the interests of the common folk. Of course _Jim is not interested in what is best for the common folk want either. He has made it clear he supports Big Banks, keynesian economics and the Federal Reserve. (Go see his comments at WUWT. Very Very few are not attacks on me especially when I say something against the banks or mention Mises.)
Voters Still Give Congress Dismal Reviews …survey finds that just seven percent (7%) of Likely U.S. Voters rate Congress’s performance as good or excellent.
Someone who can give such accurate and in-depth analysis of a situation is always valuable. Gail is such a person. You on the other hand have never offerred anything of real value in any of your comments on any of the blogs where I have seen your efforts.
You are a little person trying to look bigger by trying to make someone else look small.
Now, Truthsquatter,what you posted was an out and out ad-hom.
I posted critique and criticism based on continued observation of what Gail has posted, and which remains as evidence to this day for all to examine. You instead post-up some artifact based on your warped and limited powers of observation and distinct lack of comprehension, and because as you don’t like the message conveyed, and by extension, you don’t like the messenger either.
Do you see how that works yet?
I don’t expect anything near a rational answer, so you don’t have to bother with a response. You have effectively become nothing more at this point than a ‘white knight’ defending your imagined SJW girlfriend’s honor.
Hey _Jim. Gail Combs has great street creds here. She has the courage to speak openly and passionately about her life and her beliefs. As far as I can tell, you are a large mouth Troll, with nothing useful to add to any conversation. It seems you are also a stalker.
Thanks for all the articles and postings; a glimmer of hope that there is still a place where the truth can be expressed and shared.
The actions of this person is merely the Port Huron Statement being adhered-to; I do not believe the pendulum will swing-back in the other direction (to the right) in my life time. Now, for our reluctance to nip liberal intolerance, socialism, and communism in the bud; we pay, our children pay, and the silent majority stays largely silent…resting comfortably in their self-sufficiency capabilities.
This is an old article … and the fool has been well dealt with already.
It may be an old article but the ‘disease is still around.
Old fools become immune to facts. IMO
The real tragedy is that a “musicologist” is barely more out if his depth in the discussion than the “97%”. It takes a year of study to get up to speed. Who besides the independent can afford it? Grad students and lecturers can’t afford it. Non tenured professors can’t afford it. The general public just isn’t going to do it, yet somehow they seem to have an innate sense for bs, particularly when they are freezing their butts off.
Anyway, the pleadings of the musicologist will fall on deaf ears. Far better to focus our efforts on Gavin Schmidt and Kevin Trenberth. Both brilliant men in my opinion who are somehow blinded by the musicologist disease.
A lot of “brilliant” men/women get false ideas into their brain, which no amount of logic or proof can remove. IMO
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” – Einstein
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” – George Orwell
Given their Warmist attitude , they would like to have us burnt at the stake . That reminds me of the Salem Witch Trials where believers ran with spurious evidence ( like from NASA, IPCC ) to condemn those that challenged their faith… it does look very familiar !
So the Left, who are either Atheists or Occultists, and virulently anti-religion (excepting Islam, which they all love), are in reality ‘religious’ fanatics.
Heck, what do they know about themselves, right? Fortunately you are there, with your usual genius, to repair this grievous misconception. Yay.
Not that you seem to care, at all, but these people have far more in common with a Soviet Political Officer (an ideological fanatic who thinks that humans are worthless meat) than with some crazy Pastor (a religious fanatic who thinks that humans have eternal souls, and really wants them not to go to Hell).
But then that would leave you with absolutely nothing, would it not? And such a simple, basic, thing as truth simply cannot be allowed to cause you lot some inconvenience.
Do note that you have chosen to MAKE people like me despise you: I for one see no difference between you and Hansen – that is real does not matter to you, only self-selected, comforting, mindless illusion… Oh, hey, that what I get accused of by people just like you… Mmmm.
Actually cb ; in simple terms, the biggest threat is to free speech & democracy !!
Society has already reached the discrimination stage,, (“deniers”) ; what’s next ?
Far out……………. good tho.
You do not even know why some call it a ‘religion’
1. Those who sincerely believe CAGW believe they are right, and that they have an obligation to share that conviction with us. That is called “religious proselytizing” an attempt to convert someone to one’s own religious faith.
2. While the believe in CAGW and want to convert us, on the whole, they are not much interested in the science, the data, the observations or the arguments.
3. What they do believe is that humanity is in crisis. They see the looming crisis wherever they look — in what comes out of chimneys, in holes in the ground, in the parched land they see in television news broadcasts, in polar bears on ice floes, in the awful photos of fires, floods and tsunamis. That humanity could become extinct if we don’t reduce greenhouse gas emissions
4. More important they know that we, their fellow humans, are responsible for these blemishes on what ought to be a beautiful world.
5.More important we could do something about it! We can repent, and change our ways, and move to a decarbonised economy and society — if we do what they are asking us, instructing us, to do the earth will be SAVED!!
6.But what is most important is no one is allowed to have a say unless they are a
priestClimate Scientist and ONLY a climate Scientist of the correct beliefs. Dr lindsen, Dr gray, Dr. Happer, Dr. Horst-Joachim Lüdeck, Dr Ball and many many more scientists are all shouted down because only the CAGW pushing scientists hold “The Truth.”There is zero science in that only blind belief in what the ‘Priests of the CAGW religion’ aka Climate Scientists tell them.
If we ‘deny’ their belief they react not with reason arguments and debate but with anger – BURN the Heretics! they say.
So from the outside it looks very similar to a religion. It is certainly not science because no debate is allow. No ‘inconvienent’ data is allowed to be published that disproves the belief.
From the time of Witch Doctors and Shaman, religion or what passes for it has been used to control the general population. CAGW is just another in a long list. That is why the Constitution separated the church and government.
Yes, the Religion of CAGW and Government is now one & the same in the USA . Your inclusion Gail , should be copied & applied to many other situations ; good one .
Usually , Australia follows America like a lap dog ; but not so with this CAGW …
Following your self-serving, blind, stupid, ‘rewrite’, the Political Officers of the good old USSR were really, actually, religious fanatics… ’cause morons like you cannot face the simple truth: the average atheist fanatic of X is an order of magnitude more into murder, lies, corruption etc, than the average religious fanatic of Y (excluding branches of Satanism like Islam.)
You made my point perfectly: and Goddard is just as much a reality-denying fool as you are.
If you had been a long-time reader of this blog, you would know that Tony Heller has stood up against the persecution of Christians in past posts. Notice he used the words “Religious Fanatics” in the headline which got morphed to “religious believers” in tat least one post. I automatically assumed it was a reference to so-called radical Islamists, they being the only religious group in the news calling for “Death to Blasphemers.”
Using profanity and name-calling will not invite people to agree with you.
To Ernest (there is no ‘reply’ beneath your response).
Bullshit, again.
1. I am not so deeply deluded as to desire agreement with the people here: as I said above, they are equivalent to the Hansen’s of this world in their rapid, psychotic, atheism.
Facts be damned, correctness be damned, the One True Ideology must be served.
2. If Goddard had said “Islamists”, or similar, that would have been fine: because it would have been SUFFICIENTLY ACCURATE.
The use of the generality, instead, is SUFFICIENTLY INACCURATE – so much so that the underlying maliciousness becomes, after the endless repetition, clearly exposed.
This generalized contempt and derision (and more than that) of ALL who are ‘religious’ is not some unique occurrence – I thought it must surely be so when I first started reading this site – but is rather firmly stated, regularly.
While there are the few exceptions, the general rule is this: Christians will, despite the foulness of its corrupt leaders (the true scum of this world always seek leadership, anywhere they can get it), fight and die for truth and freedom.
This is not true, AT ALL, for atheists, or pretty much any other ‘religion’: as much as they rant and scream the opposite, this remains a solid truth.
So why should I respect, in any way, someone like Goddard who is, when everything is said and done, is indistinguishable from the Mann’s of this world? Who is, in the end, as much a part of actual core of the problem, e.g. Leftism, Humanism, Socialism, etc as they are?
Sure, Goddard has an issue with Hansen. But Muslims have problems with other Muslims: that does not make one group of Muslims any less filth than any other.
I am not the deluded one here. You are.
By your definitions, fascism could be considered a religion. Most of what you describe is simply a government body using religion to attempt to exercise power over others, Islamic states included. Specifically, what I see is a bunch of power-hungry, leftist, politicians and money-grubbing, leftist, academics disguised as scientists using CAGW in their latest bid to rule us all. It matters not if you are talking about the U.S. Government, any Socialists government, or the U.N. Most of these people have rejected most of the worlds’ religions as being in the way of their desires. The one exception is Islam, which they seem to admire and protect because of its absolute subjugation to authority, that which they desire from the rest of us.
The Alarmist’s Creed:
I believe in AGW, the Mother of all apocalypse, destroyer of heaven and earth.
I believe in Al Gore, his only movie, ‘An Inconvenient truth’, which was conceived by the Holy Alarmists, born of the fascist left, suffered under credibility, was panned, died, and was buried, it descended to the discount aisle. On an absurd day it rose again; it ascended into legend, it is in the DVD players of the faithful, and it will come to judge the deniers and the evil oil companies.
I believe in the Unholy molecule, the holy IPCC Church, the communion of grantologists, the forgiveness of carbon, the resurrection of communism, and the lie everlasting.
Tongue in cheek ‘gator’ but true at the same time…
Yes, let’s encourage more of this…
Well, bin Laden was on their side.
Michael Crichton summed it up very well in these essays.
Too bad his official website caretakers took these down. He had them up while alive. They were true then and even more true now that evidence mounts against the CAGW adherents.