Minnesotans believe that fossil fuels are burning them up. Tonight they should turn their fossil fuels off, and save the planet.
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The Inuits can teach them how to live in igloos.
… and the Vikings can teach them how to clear out.
Well played.
Let them stay where they are, I have no desire to be swamped by a flood of shivering Progressive Carpet Baggers.
Yep… These massive hypocrites are staying alive and keeping warm via what they hate… Fossil Fuel!!
Yo… Gots the solar n the breakin winds ?? Nope… Burnin the Fossil Fuel dope..
“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” – H. L. Mencken and Steven Goddard
I can see them all, gathered around their holy solar panel, holding hands and chanting….
“Ohm. Save the Planet. Save the Planet. Ohm.”
I have many relatives from Bemidji. One would think they would embrace some warming.
I live in Canada. A warm planet is a prosperous planet. It was -21C today. The cold had a life of its own. It went right through your clothes and grabbed you by the balls. I’ll take global warming any day, thank you.
But damn! If it was -28F, that’s -33C. That’s cold!
Wait! That says wind chill forecast. -21C (-6F) where I’m at is NOT windchill. It’s actual temperature. Windchill was colder than any of those forecasts.
Warmth is good for us, at least – by “us”, I mean Homo sapiens. We’ve learned to live in many climates, but by nature and genetics we are a tropical species.
For those of us from parts of the world that are not the US, can someone explain the map of continental USA with the red and blue bits?
That’s pretty easy, Truthseeker. The blue represents the left wing, progressive douchies that populate the citified areas of America, and where the majority of the leftist academics live near the coastline. Quite a voting bloc, I’d say. The red represents the remaining, thinking, conservative Americans.
Man, maybe I need to move back to KS. Only the Dotte & Douglas are blue.
It is the way the founders DESIGNED the Senate to look. The 17th killed that.
Here in North Dakota most of the blue is where the Indian reservations are.
I noticed that blue bit in south(central)eastern Montana, which was basically one huge res/trailer park when I was through there in 1994. I wonder how many old Buicks are still up on cinder blocks that were there 20 years ago.
They just repurposed the old Buicks and broken-down trailers. They’re now a casino.
I/2 of them, the rest went to “cash for clunkers”
Dakotas will return to the white buffalo?
Truthseeker, more than likely it is the color-coded results of the 2014 midterm elections broken down by county,in each state,red carried by Republican blue carried by Democrat?
Jerusalem is expecting cold weather ,winds, ice pellets and sand… sand? Up to two feet of snow in Israel. Saudi Arabia is also expecting freezing weather and snow
The great snowstorm in Turkey.
May the weather always be interesting in the Mideast.
This corresponds well with the circulation of the height 17 km. In winter it’s the polar vortex (stratosphere), controls the flow of air from the Arctic.
Minnesota is condemned by the large city, much like NY and Illinois. The leftards over in Minneapolis all think they’re cool and progressive. They push the legislature into idiocies like a law forbidding any new nuclear construction, forever. They also mandated 20% “renewable” rubbish in our power supply mix.
Without nukes that means a horizon blighted with windmills and solar farms. In a place where the sun doesn’t shine literally for weeks and the wind comes and goes randomly for days at a time. It gets so cold most of the windmill literally freeze up periodically as well.
They think if they emulate NYC and the Left Coast then those folks will think Minnesotans are also cool. Yeah. Lots of luck with that.
“….They think if they emulate NYC and the Left Coast then those folks will think Minnesotans are also cool.”
More like frozen than cool, as the electricity fails and Warren Buffet and Al Gore jack up the price of natural gas to astronomical levels. Of course New York is headed in the same direction as the NIMBYs stop Natural Gas pipelines and shut down coal. Nuclear is also targeted.
Vermont’s only Nuclear Plant is shutting down.
The Wind Turbine in Faribault along I-35 has been idle for the past three days, during this cold spell. I observe it on my commute back and forth a 730 AM and 6 PM. I wonder how much it gets counted towards our state wind generation capacity.
Gov. Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown Touts Bogus Climate Change Fight.
If these are the type of leftist fruitcakes that the warmists have on their side then I’d surmise that sanity lies with the skeptical side.
Wintry weather strikes Middle East, bringing cold, sandstorm.
ex-pat Canadian living in MN. (the only sucker to move 300 miles south for this crappy weather).
Politics here are dominated by liberals, and an old farmers union/labor union mentality that still permeates the landscape. DFL is the democrat arm here in MN. The blue in the iron range is labor union country. The farmers abandoned that nonsense long ago but ultimately it is the urbanites that have the numbers and vote red. Bleeding hearts. Lutheran Brotherhood (now Thrivent) immigration services is paid by the government to import tens of thousands of people. Automatic D vote. Want a head shake, investigate the federal budget for immigration services.
Did you run out of gas? Was Mason City out of reach?
The blue in Arizona is mostly reservations, except Tucson. The University of Arizona sits right in the middle of it. The blue southern districts would shrink to nothing if they didn’t snake across the state to include Yuma. As it is, most of that southern blue is on the Colorado and Sonoran deserts which are practically empty of population. Not to mention the huge bombing range east of Yuma.
In looking into the nuclear plant closing I found this.
FORBES: 6 Nuclear Plants That Could Be Next To Shut Down
It is an excellent example of economic trickery.
This has to be the oldest marketing scam in the book, perfected centuries ago. A few years ago I saw it happen in a town close to us.
#1. Open a new store (This was a feed store)
#2. Price goods well below market, attracting customers from the established small businesses. (I shop in several towns and the prices were much cheaper at this branch of the chain.)
#3. Small businesses bankrupt.
#4. Jack up prices well beyond market price to recoup losses and taking advantage of the captive market that you now OWN. Or at least think you do. In this case it didn’t work because farmers voted with their feet. That chain closed and another chain opened a couple years later with prices at the market level.
This is the same game plan the giants in the Energy industry are playing. Lessons from the global warming industry
Ged Davis was VP of Shell Oil when he was Ipcc lead author for scenarios. Of particular interest is his optimum scenario, Sustainable Development (B1) aka Agenda 21. No Nuclear, Coal and Oil phased out leaving Natural gas as the winner with ‘Green Energy’ also owned by BP, Shell and their internationalist buddies, as the big winners.
From the climategate e-mails
In case you doubt Ged Davis Scenario B1 is Agenda 21 note that while the ‘Governance’ section is conspicuous by its absence we do have this section:
Lets take that section apart.
This is where all the brainwashing from the MSM comes in along with Common Core and NGOs. NGOs are ‘social innovations’ from Maurice Strong that have no voting by the members but who claim to ‘represent us.’ Oh and don’t forget the Scientific Societies that claimed to support CAGW without consulting their membership as well as the Delphi Technique for driving ‘public opinion’ to the ‘correct’ conclusion at ‘Listening Sessions’ and town meetings.
Pascal Lamy lamented in a 2011 article. The reality is that, so far, we have largely failed to articulate a clear and compelling vision of why a new global order matters — and where the world should be headed.
He noted in his article Global Governance: Lessons from Europe a key problem — Legitimacy
In a speech at Oxford University Lamy is even more clear.
Back to Ged Davis and his B1 scenario.
The carefully designed cities he is talking about are the Transit Cities. One is even now being built in Christchurch New Zealand
Low emission technologies?
Well we already know what that is, and can add:
Micro-mini Apartments
California Declares War on Suburbia: “Planners want to herd millions into densely packed urban corridors. It won’t save the planet but will make traffic even worse.
..Metropolitan area governments are adopting plans that would require most new housing to be built at 20 or more to the acre, which is at least five times the traditional quarter acre per house…”
And this one I just love.
The Bicycle: The Simple Tool for 21st Century Urban Sustainability from none other than CEOs for Cities
careful management of land use?
Well you do not have to look far to find a UN Document that tells us:
preservation of large tracts of land, and active intervention to counteract the impacts of imprudent societal actions strengthen the resilience of the ecological system.
That is just another way of saying The Wildlands Project.
I have already written of the UN Biodiversity Treaty and Wildlands Project
Since ratification of the UN Biodiversity Treaty was stopped at the last minute we instead have Obama’s Executive Order 13575 – Rural Lands Takeover
Steve, I have a comment in moderation. I am sorry but I could see no way of writing it so it could be read without including all the links live..
Even I did not realize Ged Davis’s section 4.14 Communications, Settlement Patterns and Environment was the plans for Agenda 21 in a single paragraph and that those plans, every single one of them that he mentions, are being implemented under our noses.
Those are wind chill temps….
“There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.” – Scandinavian proverb, attributed to Roald Amundsen.
Leading Australian Warmist Dr Tim Flannery used to go on about sea levels rising. Like Al Gore, he bought a sea level water front property. They call themselves know all experts, so I did too! Only a shack, but it’s great. Like them, I also like to fly around the place and travel (only coach), and eat what I want.
Flannery was the one who convinced Australian Governments to build salt water to drinking water plants because it was never going to rain again. Shame it rained, and none of the plants are needed. Cost the taxpayers millions.