Hot Days Are A Thing Of The Past In The Midwest

Midwest summers used to be much hotter, but the frequency of 90 degree days has plummeted over the past 85 years.

ScreenHunter_8829 Apr. 30 07.33

Look for climate experts and government officials to continue lying about hot weather, for as long as they can get away with it.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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25 Responses to Hot Days Are A Thing Of The Past In The Midwest

  1. gator69 says:

    And 75% of those hot days are caused by your SUV, or something… squirrel!

  2. “Remember the nineties, when we we’re put in a panic;
    Global warming was coming, it would all get quite manic.
    The temperatures would rise like never before,
    Doom and disaster for us all, of that they were sure…”
    Read more:

  3. Winnipeg Boy says:

    Corn is very sensative to high temperatures. The corn yield graph is an exact inverse of that chart.
    It is not all temp related as genetic varieties, farming techniques, etc have improved dramatically, but the hot summer of 2012 showed that heat trumps all the tech we can throw at farming.
    Plants don’t have a political agenda.

    • darrylb says:

      Winnipeg. Living here in Southern MN where there is extremely rich corn growing soil,
      I find your information very interesting
      Thank You

    • Andy DC says:

      A study showed that heat is as much of a determining factor for the corn crop as rain. For example, the summer of 1918 was a fairly normal summer in the US corn belt, except for about 5 days of extreme heat in early August, when it was well over 100 degrees. Good rains and cooler weather followed, but just that one brief heatwave reduced the crop by approximately 10%

      Actually a cool, dry summer usually has above average yields. .

  4. Winnipeg Boy says:

    Tony: can i get that data in table form? I would like to add to my corn yield chart and send to customers.

    • First and last columns

      1930 32 7420 10.41828
      1931 32 8934 12.46355
      1932 32 5556 7.74474
      1933 32 8794 12.27698
      1934 32 9705 13.57589
      1935 32 5483 7.64607
      1936 32 10851 14.95225
      1937 32 7060 9.77095
      1938 32 5660 7.81671
      1939 32 6771 9.361
      1940 32 5649 7.81436
      1941 32 7726 10.56822
      1942 32 4440 6.09572
      1943 32 5961 8.17303
      1944 32 7061 9.67181
      1945 32 3794 5.23354
      1946 32 4047 5.56909
      1947 32 6481 8.86048
      1948 32 5255 7.14247
      1949 32 5345 7.3087
      1950 32 1412 1.92297
      1951 32 2509 3.39908
      1952 32 7008 9.44538
      1953 32 8222 10.99698
      1954 32 7273 9.80242
      1955 32 7907 10.60374
      1956 32 4755 6.38641
      1957 32 4150 5.52884
      1958 32 2359 3.15063
      1959 32 5554 7.43806
      1960 32 3859 5.10153
      1961 32 3386 4.4856
      1962 32 3858 5.05967
      1963 32 4713 6.15515
      1964 32 6743 8.79908
      1965 32 2976 3.90613
      1966 32 4938 6.45676
      1967 32 1999 2.60987
      1968 32 4313 5.69606
      1969 32 3425 4.48857
      1970 32 4570 5.93206
      1971 32 4128 5.33789
      1972 32 3873 4.99336
      1973 32 4015 5.27554
      1974 32 3454 4.53102
      1975 32 4923 6.4547
      1976 32 4170 5.46684
      1977 32 4793 6.2267
      1978 32 4646 6.11042
      1979 32 2241 2.92578
      1980 32 6615 8.59951
      1981 32 2423 3.09902
      1982 32 2256 2.88134
      1983 32 8535 10.90735
      1984 32 4122 5.31624
      1985 32 2800 3.57855
      1986 32 3541 4.56438
      1987 32 6017 7.6869
      1988 32 9420 11.93992
      1989 32 3173 4.00606
      1990 32 3234 4.06961
      1991 32 5737 7.16042
      1992 32 1034 1.29517
      1993 32 2688 3.39922
      1994 32 2884 3.62977
      1995 32 4951 6.2905
      1996 32 2455 3.15063
      1997 32 2776 3.54643
      1998 32 3582 4.60678
      1999 32 5039 6.42418
      2000 32 2282 2.96695
      2001 32 3903 5.1427
      2002 32 5743 7.55767
      2003 32 2788 3.76111
      2004 32 911 1.21431
      2005 32 5189 7.00516
      2006 32 3871 5.2405
      2007 32 4577 6.30293
      2008 32 1492 2.07513
      2009 32 1262 1.79665
      2010 32 4074 5.84782
      2011 32 4771 6.9355
      2012 32 7056 10.45132
      2013 32 2691 4.10601
      2014 32 1133 1.78063

  5. darrylb says:

    Why did I have to have those blasted hot days when I was a kid working all day!

  6. omanuel says:

    Thank you for showing how dishonest politicians and scientists work together to convert a few measurements of reality into scary headlines to frighten the public.

    We need to know how to convert reliable information on reality* into

    1. Faith in the benevolence of the powerful force that controls reality, and
    2. Fortitude to throw off tyrannical rule by crooked politicians and pseudo-scientists.

    *Reality: Humanity lives on a water-covered planet one AU (astronomical unit) away from the pulsar that

    _ a.) Made all of the chemical elements from neutrons
    _ b.) Birthed the solar system five billion years (5 Ga) ago
    _ c.) Gravitationally retained waste products (H & He) to moderate gamma rays into
    _ d.) Visible light to sustain the origin and evolution of life on Earth after 3.5 Ga ago
    _ e.) Still controls and sustains every atom, life and world and in the solar system today

    and the changing climate of every planet in a volume of space that has now expanded to be greater then the combined volumes of 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 Earth’s!

    That truth can free humanity from tyranny, but it is almost impossible to communicate. Have spiritual leaders tried to communicate the same truth to humanity under the guise of various religious teachings? We know only a little, but it appears that spirituality and science are merging on the same truth.

    • richard clenney says:

      Sadly, you are correct that there is nothing harder to communicate, than the truth.
      ” There are none so blind as one who will not see”. I am almost 74 yrs old, and have
      seen people cling to a sweet lie, in the face of contrary proof, most of my life. Those
      of us who think you just have to present the truth to win, are facing certain
      disapointment. They will drag their sweet lie to their grave. Illusion trumps reality.

      • gator69 says:

        “Science advances one funeral at a time.”
        -Max Planck

      • omanuel says:

        Thank you, Richard, for sage advice and gator69 for the quote from Max Planck. He was right.

        I am about five years (5 yr) senior to Richard Clenney, and will – like my research mentor (the late Paul Kazuo Kuroda) – go to my grave clinging to same truth:

        The birth of the world about five billion years ago was very much like the destruction of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945.

        Neutron repulsion in the core of the Sun violently fissioned the star in a supernova event that birthed the solar system five billion years (5 Ga) ago, . . .

        just as neutron repulsion in the core of uranium atoms fissioned the uranium atoms that vaporized Hiroshima on 6 Aug 1945.

  7. irtfyblog says:

    Praise God for the cooler temps!

  8. Children won’t know what hot days are.

  9. sfx2020 says:

    Actual real scientists are aware of the change for a large part of the US, and that it does not show the “AGW signal”. It’s called “the warming hole” and is the subject of research.

    • Donna K. Becker says:

      More on this subject, please.

      • Winnipeg Boy says:

        The states noted must be in the ‘warming hole’.
        I put an rsq plot against the %>90F data from 1980 and co2 and came up with 0.0163 with a negative slope. Translation: there is a very, very small chance that there is a relationship between co2 and days in the midwest above 90F, and if that improbable connection exists, it is a negative correlation.
        I would probably get a better relationship between the price of butter in Paris and kangaroo population in queensland.

      • sfx2020 says:

        “Only a few simulations exhibited the observed rapid rate of warming (cooling) during 1901–40 (1940–79).”

        You see? Actual real scientists are aware of the rapid warming, and then cooling, which was actually measured. Not the pseudoscience that tries to get rid of the two events. The wealth of data for the area means even with adjustments, there is no AGW warming observed, Why it’s such a mystery to the world is most likely politics, the bane of real science.

    • The US is the only large area with good contiguous data, so they assume it is an anomaly to their worthless models.

      • omanuel says:

        Yes, Steven, you figured out the game plan:

        LIE, and if they catch you, tell more and bigger LIES!

        Here are a few empirical facts uncovered by measurements during the first twelve years of my research career and then re-buried under additional consensus LIES:

        1. 1960: The Earth and meteorites formed four to five billion years (4-5 Ga) ago when radioactive iodine-129 (I-129) and plutonium-244 (Pu-244) were still alive and decaying. e.g., almost immediately after these were produced by violent nuclear reactions in a supernova.

        2. 1964: Solar-wind neon is systematically enriched in lighter mass isotopes from mass-fractionation in the Sun.

        3. 1967: Iron meteorites formed as early as so-called primitive meteorites and trapped as much short-lived iodine-129.

        4. 1971: The interior of the Earth still contains gaseous decay-products of 16-MY iodine-129 and 82-MY plutonium-244 from nucleosynthesis immediately before the solid grains formed that would eventually accumulate into planet Earth.

        5. 1972-1975: Carbonaceous chondrites formed directly from poorly mixed supernova debris before:

        _ a.) Elements from different layers of the supernova and
        _ b.) Isotopes of the same element made in different regions of the supernova . . .

        homogenized (mixed together).

  10. Sean Cash says:

    One Point that needs to be answer by the agw fanatics..
    Their claim: Co2 will destroy the planet; and its a greater threat than a nuclear iran.

    Question: if co2 is worse than nukes; because it will end the world .. do we not have a moral obligation to destroy China and India?? As their co2 output is increasing exponentially, putting us onto a path of world wide destruction.

    Whats a nuclear war, compared to increased Co2!!! Nothing … C02 is infinitely worse

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