Colorado Facing Floods Followed By 16 Inches Of Snow

Permanent drought, at its worst

ScreenHunter_9102 May. 09 12.05ScreenHunter_9103 May. 09 12.06

National Weather Service Watch Warning Advisory Summary

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to Colorado Facing Floods Followed By 16 Inches Of Snow

  1. irtfyblog says:

    Colorado is always in a perpetual state of drought no matter how much moisture they receive.

    • R. Shearer says:

      Not today.

      • annieoakley says:

        Too bad a season of moisture has to fall in one week.

        • R. Shearer says:

          Clustering seems to be “normal” in nature and something like that occurs in government too.

      • This is still not enough to take Colorado out of Drought… say the Models…

        When I say Permanent Drought, listen the **** up … it’s a DROUGHT OKay??

        Geez.. why can’t you people just embrace and accept the Church of Global Warming… its a Consensus do you hear me a Consensus!! … the Jupiter 2000 Climate Computer says Drought..

  2. ren says:

    Observations of the Sun’s corona during the space era have led to a picture of relatively constant, but cyclically
    varying solar output and structure. Longer-term, more indirect measurements, such as from 10Be, coupled by other
    albeit less reliable contemporaneous reports, however, suggest periods of significant departure from this standard.
    The Maunder Minimum was one such epoch where: (1) sunspots effectively disappeared for long intervals during
    a 70 yr period; (2) eclipse observations suggested the distinct lack of a visible K-corona but possible appearance of
    the F-corona; (3) reports of aurora were notably reduced; and (4) cosmic ray intensities at Earth were inferred to be
    substantially higher. Using a global thermodynamic MHD model, we have constructed a range of possible coronal
    configurations for the Maunder Minimum period and compared their predictions with these limited observational
    constraints. We conclude that the most likely state of the corona during—at least—the later portion of the Maunder
    Minimum was not merely that of the 2008/2009 solar minimum, as has been suggested recently, but rather a state
    devoid of any large-scale structure, driven by a photospheric field composed of only ephemeral regions, and likely
    substantially reduced in strength. Moreover, we suggest that the Sun evolved from a 2008/2009-like configuration
    at the start of the Maunder Minimum toward an ephemeral-only configuration by the end of it, supporting a
    prediction that we may be on the cusp of a new grand solar minimum.

    • And the alarmists will have the whole world leaning the wrong freaking way!! It ain’t gonna be the heat and famine that gets us, it’ll be the cold plus the famine that culls the population.

  3. ren says:

    Distribution of water vapor coincides with the temperature.

  4. phodges says:

    Enjoy the storm. Got about a foot out of it here in the Eastern Sierra. Going to the desert for the weekend, before the next storm rolls in!

  5. Judy F. says:

    I live in Northeastern Colorado and am currently under 6 weather advisories: River Flood Warning, Flood Warning, Tornado Watch, Flood Advisory, Winter Storm Watch and a Flash Flood Watch. I am 25 miles away from, and uphill from the river, so the River Flood Warning doesn’t affect me directly. However, we have had so much rain recently that our flat ground is flooding. One son who lives half a mile from me has water running through a draw on his place 3 feet deep and 100 feet wide. The “draw” is a slightly lower swale that is normally dry. The water is running so fast that it has taken out the braced, corner posts in his pasture. Another son 3 miles from me has water coming into his basement because his land is so flat that the water isn’t draining. My youngest daughter came home to celebrate Mother’s Day with me and has to go home north to Nebraska and pick up Interstate 80 to go west to I25 get home to Fort Collins, Colorado, because the local roads are flooding so badly. She will be leaving as soon as she gets home from helping her brother bail out his basement. She needs to leave soon because there is a Winter Storm Warning in Cheyenne, Wyoming, starting at 6pm MDT and I don’t want her caught in that. We’ve had 3 hail storms ( fortunately small hail) in the past 12 hours. Sheesh. A tornado would just be the icing on the cake at this point, and the day is still young.

    • AZ1971 says:

      My sympathies to you – but don’t tempt the Fates. They may not be done playing games in your part of the country today.

    • rah says:

      Hang in there. A sump pump sounds appropriate for the basement. But the outlet has to be where the water will drain away.

      • Judy F. says:

        It is now snowing and we are still under a tornado watch. The snow totals have jumped to a possible 8 inches. Oh yeah, and there is a local pollen alert out too. This is kind of like one of those Sci Fi Disaster movies: ” Pollen Snownado Flood”.

    • Hold on, Judy, because more is coming your way. I’ve seen it go down the mountain.

    • My Jupiter 2000 (aka a Commodore 64) Climate Model says the opposite… there is no precip in CO and you folks are in a Permanent Drought, permanently got that?? 97% of us do..

  6. Drought, rain, flood, tornadoes, blizzards, organic kale shortage, fracking and a right-wing mega-church taking over the precious progressive community of Lafayette, CO.

    • rah says:

      Everything ok in your neck of the woods Colorado?

      • Yeah. I did some work at our fire station and some time after I got home I realized I still have to go to town to finish a job. There were already several inches of heavy, watery slush on the road and more falling from the skies. After a few fancy side slides in the curves I started regretting I didn’t throw the chains into the truck for the way up.

        In town I finished everything in a hurry, topped off the tank and headed back up. There are several steep, curvy sections where you can’t lose a momentum or you won’t get going again. I knew the tires would not cut through the slush so I put her in 4W low and locked the diff at the bottom of the canyon. I was hoping nobody got stuck in the tight corners and nobody would be sliding down at me. I was lucky and I had the whole road to myself in the hardest climb. It was like floating the truck upstream.

        I knew I wouldn’t have made it one hour later and what’s worse, I could have avoided the whole trip had I planned my day better. So when I was safely back in our driveway, I called myself a few colorful names in multiple languages, said my thank you and prayers, and went in to rejoin the family and have a beer.

        Life is good.

        • rah says:

          Glad things are OK with you. That mountain driving is a different animal. Many flat landers just don’t understand how quickly it can change and how much worse things get with a little elevation. I’m glad I’m done with the winter driving for this season.

          Since last week I only went out Wednesday my battles have been in the yard. We had a bumper crop of Dandelions. I bought the concentrated weed and feed liquid at Tractor Supply and my neighbor and I had been trying to get our yards sprayed for a couple of weeks but between wind and rain we never had a chance. Finally got fed up and went and bought nine large bags of Weed & Feed in pellet form. Hooked the broadcaster up behind my 22 hp Craftsman tractor and got all of our yards done in less than three hours. Rain yesterday and last night activated the pellets so there should be no 2nd round of weeks.

          Neighbor has been wanting to get electricity run out to the back field for years. Thursday he had a contractor with a Ditch Witch out and I helped lay over 300′ of underground cable. Then we laid in 110′ of 1″ water line underground. So now he has hook ups for two RVs and electricity and water to the place where his Pavilion will be.

          Other than that it has just been a matter of going over to my parents place and trying to train my Dad on how to catheterize himself. Been going over twice a day every day since Thursday getting him trained and getting the care providers trained in how to set it up for him to do it for himself.

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