In Case You Doubted You Were Living In The Dark Ages

The morons at National Geographic actually believe that Obama is a prophet.

ScreenHunter_9934 Jul. 15 10.04

Exclusive: Obama Tells Us What’s to Come on Climate, Drought

Why are the rest of us forced to suffer these fools?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to In Case You Doubted You Were Living In The Dark Ages

  1. omanuel says:

    The methods of physical science were removed from climatology because there are more physical variables than can be quantified.

    Fortunately, it is not necessary to specify quantitative values for each climate variable best available experimental data and observations from the Nuclear and Space Ages

    Show that EARTH’s HEAT SOURCE, the Sun . . .

    is inconsistent with the SSM (Standard Solar Model) ASSUMED in all AGW models.

    No physical scientist pretends the ability to predict the future for the Sun’s pulsar core, but recorded history of Earth’s climate and sunspots suggests that global cooling is now more likely than global warming.

  2. omanuel says:


    Fortunately, it is not necessary to specify quantitative values for each climate variable because the best available experimental data and observations from the Nuclear and Space Ages

    • omanuel says:

      We have been slipping back into the Dark Ages since nations and national academies of science were united in a giant, world-wide Orwellian Ministry of Consensus Science (UN)Truths on 24 Oct 1945 to prevent public knowledge of NEUTRON REPULSION – the source of energy in cores of galaxies, ordinary stars, some planets and all atoms heavier than ~150 amu (atomic mass units), including atoms of uranium and plutonium that vaporized Hiroshima and Nagasaki and drove leaders of nations and national academies of science into fear-based insanity (loss of contact with reality).

      They did not heed Marie Curie’s sage advice: “Nothing is to be feared. It is to be understood.”

      As NEUTRON REPULSION is revealed as the source of energy that powers the cosmos, the Sun and endowed us with “inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” . . .

      Rest assured we are all products of a benevolent universe that the current set of selfish world leaders cannot control or manipulate:

  3. Andrew S says:

    “Asked about his personal link to nature, Obama speaks of Hawaii’s Hanauma Bay, a cove on Oahu’s southeast coast.
    “As a kid, I’d swim and snorkel and climb along the rocky outcroppings that ring the bay, all the way to a place called the ‘toilet bowl,’ a hole in the rocks that the tide would fill and empty quickly,” he says. “It eventually was closed down for being too dangerous.”
    Now, we know.

    “Obama also predicts this multiyear drought may be the first of many. “While no single drought event can be traced solely to climate change, the fact of the matter is with a warming climate we’re going to see more frequent and more severe droughts in the West in the future,” he says.”

    Why just the West?
    Back assward! It’s a cooler world that sees more drought and desertification. Largely due to decreased evaporation and increased sea ice as well as water locked-up in land ice, glaciers, ice sheets.
    Jetstream meridionality is what is driving this years spike in rainfall, bringing moisture laden air up North from lower latitudes. And that meridionality is tied directly to the Solar slowdown.

  4. It’s a disease called Obama
    A contagion that spreads.
    And with his “man-made” affliction
    He likes to mess with our heads.
    Are the lies too convincing?
    Are they too hard to deny?
    Or are we too apathetic
    To even care why?

  5. mat says:

    “Error establishing a database connection” at new site…

  6. omanuel says:

    Nations and national academies of science were united in a giant, world-wide Orwellian Ministry of Consensus Science (UN)Truths on 24 Oct 1945 to prevent public knowledge of NEUTRON REPULSION – the source of energy in cores of galaxies, ordinary stars, some planets and all atoms heavier than ~150 amu (atomic mass units), including atoms of uranium and plutonium that vaporized Hiroshima and Nagasaki and drove leaders of nations and national academies of science into fear-based insanity (loss of contact with reality).

    They failed to heed Marie Curie’s sage advice:
    “Nothing is to be feared. It is to be understood.”

    AGW is only one of four Nobel Prize-winning falsehoods promoted as consensus science by the Orwellian Ministry of Consensus Science (UN)Truths!

    1. AGW: Anthropologic Global Warming
    2. SNM: Standard Nuclear Model
    3. SSM:Standard Solar Model
    4. BBC: Big Bang Cosmology

    All were designed to hide NEUTRON REPULSION – the source of energy that powers the cosmos, the Sun and endowed us with inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    It appears that all humanity lost WWII,
    but we are products of a benevolent universe that selfish world leaders still cannot control or manipulate:

    For example, my research mentor, the late Professor of Nuclear Geo-chemistry at the Imperial University of Tokyo, Dr. Paul Kazuo Kuroda:

    _ a.) Risked his life by retaining secret possession of Japan’s successful atomic bomb design for fifty-seven years:

    _ b.) Published numerous papers that showed supernova-produced extinct Pu-244 was present in the early Earth and in meteorites (1960-2001).

    Sir Fred Hoyle, the late nuclear astro-physicist, mathematician, and cosmologist exposed fraudulent solar science by admitting in his 1994 autobiography that the composition of the Sun was abruptly and irrationally changed from:

    _ c.) Mostly iron (Fe) in 1945 to
    _ d.) Mostly hydrogen (H) in 1946.

    Loss of contact with reality threatens the ability of humanity to survive and prosper 1AU (astronomical unit) from the pulsar-centered star that made our elements and sustains our lives.

  7. emsnews says:

    After RECORD blizzards and snow and tons of rain ruining crops and the wettest June/July ever…all these clowns talk about are ‘droughts’ and this is because LA is dry. I keep saying this, LA is the center of their tiny universe. Wish they were all stuck there forever. HEHEHE.

  8. Eric Simpson says:

    “Obama’s speech on climate change was scary. It will lower our standard of living and raise costs of fuel & food for everyone.” -Donald Trump

  9. Gee.

    I guess Oblabla will not be visiting us (in Idaho) again any time soon???

    The last week has seen nightly thunderstorms, some with downpours of rain – in MID-JULY ! ! !

    This has been the quackiest July I have ever experienced here.

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