Carter To Defeat Reagan By 2:1 Margin

In February 1980, Jimmy Carter was polling ahead of Ronald Reagan by a 2:1 margin, and Republicans were desperate to get rid of him and replace him with Jerry Ford.

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14 Mar 1980, Page 70 – at

So how did those polls work out?


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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41 Responses to Carter To Defeat Reagan By 2:1 Margin

  1. philjourdan says:

    Right now it is purely name recognition. And everyone knows Clinton.

    • Planet8788 says:

      LOL… is this sarcasm or are you just another with Trump Denial Syndrome.
      Trump has people coming out in record numbers… across all demographic groups and people just think about it’s hate or because of their stupidity. It’s laughable.

      • philjourdan says:

        I am a trump nothing. However, people who pay attention know who Trump is. But that is less than 40% of the voters at this point. The majority still do not know who he is. But everyone knows clinton. She has had her face in front of the camera for 8 years now.

        You should study history a bit more.

        • Dave G says:

          And Trump hasn’t been on TV….?
          Clinton’s negatives are the same as Trump…
          Trump has more upside… because he has no record to criticize.

        • philjourdan says:

          You might want to quote where I said Trump has not been on TV. Then reread what I said. You are immersed in the election. MOST are not, and will not be for another 6+months. They know Hillary from Bill. They do not know Trump – yet.

          Seriously, if you cannot read what I write, do not comment on what I write.

      • Ernest Bush says:

        Trump’s hispanic demographic for Nevada sounds great until you learn that only 8 percent of Nevadan hispanics register as Republicans.

  2. That’s the thing with mysticism… unsupported by ascertained fact, it has to rely on prophesy.

  3. gator69 says:

    Trump has by far the worst negative polling since 1992. I saw a graphic yesterday that showed Trump’s negative polling to be twenty times more than any other candidate in the past 24 years. I am not here to bash any candidates (except for Bernie and Hitlery), but this is a metric we should be watching, along with all the others.

    • Planet8788 says:

      But he has over 8 months to fix that. All most people have seen is the media distortions… Once they listen to him… and here him explain simple things like why we pay 10X what the rest of the world does for drugs… And other simple things… They change their minds. Polls or fluid or they wouldn’t keep taking them every few weeks. And his negatives are on the way down. You are another one that isn’t paying attention, writing it off as insanity, or something else. There’s a revolution going on… Trump is going to split off the last bit of truly patriotic Democrats and I think he’s going to make a serious try for the black vote at the convention…

      • Ernest Bush says:

        It doesn’t matter if he even succeeds in getting 90 percent of the black Republican vote at the convention. Ninety percent of five percent of the total Black vote is…well… four and a half percent?

        • Dave G says:

          Black youth unemployment at 50% after 8 years of ObamaClintenomics…

          He will go after the black vote… He will win a sizable chunk. Republicans never do this… That’s why they lose… They don’t actually believe in their policies, they are just serving the interest of their corporate masters.

      • gator69 says:

        I’m well aware of the unwarranted adulations.

        • Planet8788 says:

          What adulations? His negatives went from 80 to 40 in the Republican Party over the last 8 months… Watch the same thing happen and continue to happen.

        • gator69 says:

          His negatives went from 80 to 40 in the Republican Party over the last 8 months

          That’s because Republicans are realizing he will likely be their candidate, and they are coalescing behind him, it’s not because they like him any better now. The smart Repbulicans learned a couple of things from the last two elections, don’t destroy other Republican candidates, and don’t sit at home when your guy isn’t the one. I hope that Trump zealots also learn this lesson, before it is too late once again.

        • Dave G says:

          Gator69 : That’s because Republicans are realizing he will likely be their candidate, and they are coalescing behind him, it’s not because they like him any better now. The smart Repbulicans learned a couple of things from the last two elections, don’t destroy other Republican candidates, and don’t sit at home when your guy isn’t the one. I hope that Trump zealots also learn this lesson, before it is too late once again.

          Tell that to the Republican Establishment who is going Full-Mississippi on Trump right now. Just like they did for Thad Cockroach.

        • gator69 says:

          Gator says:

          The smart Repbulicans learned a couple of things from the last two elections, don’t destroy other Republican candidates, and don’t sit at home when your guy isn’t the one. I hope that Trump zealots also learn this lesson, before it is too late once again.

          Trump zealot confirms Gator’s fears:

          Tell that to the Republican Establishment who is going Full-Mississippi on Trump right now. Just like they did for Thad Cockroach.

          Here we go again…

    • richard says:

      Gator, from my perspective, it’s not about Trump, he’s just the messenger.
      Sort of like the UPS driver. He touched on what has bothered me; I don’t
      like him, but I will vote for him, just like I don’t have to like my doctor, if he’s
      the best, I want him. Trump for potus, Trey Gaudy for At Gen, Carson for
      Surgeon gen, Ted for VP, get some retired 4 star gen for sec def.

      • gator69 says:

        Don’t get me wrong richard, I will gladly vote for Trump over the Demosocialist alternatives. I ilke much of what Trump says, but I am more interested in what Trump actually believes and does. What worries me are the Trump fanatics, and their ability to destroy our chances of defeating the left. It should not be about who wins the Republican ticket, it should be about a winning Republican ticket, and if we cannot agree on that we may as well give up now.

        • nancyg22 says:

          We did that with McCain and Romney, how’d that work out for us? You could even say we did that with Bush 43, where did that get us? Bush gave us The Patriot Act and he supported a path to citizenship for the 12 million illegals that were here at the time. The Bushes, Cruz, and Rubio are open borders globalists.

          Holding your nose to vote is not the best way to go about it. Trump and Sanders are a soft revolution. Let’s hope something changes before we come to a bloody revolution.

        • gator69 says:

          We did that with McCain and Romney, how’d that work out for us?

          Actually Nancy, we didn’t. Too many of us took our balls and went home in a huff and didn;t turn out. How did that work out for us? Eight years of Obama. And don’t try and pull that “they’re all the same” BS.

        • Planet8788 says:

          Actually it should be about a winning, coherent Republican message and policy offering… Just winning the White House only delays the death of America.

        • gator69 says:

          I’m all for delaying the death of America. Would you prefer prematurely euthanizing Her?

      • Doug says:

        “Trey Gaudy for At Gen”
        Oh, hell yes.

      • philjourdan says:

        Slight difference with you. Ted to take Scalia’s place (if the wimps keep to their promise). Get a strong Foreign Policy wonk for VP.

    • Ted says:


      If it makes you feel any better, Cankles isn’t doing much better. Quinnipiac has her only a single point better than Trump.

      Cankles……….37% positive – 57% negative
      Trump………….37% positive – 58% negative

      We’re looking at a strong possibility of an election where the two major party candidates are BOTH hated by clear majorities. That fact says far more about politics in this country right now than the results of any election could. The system is plainly, obviously, and pathetically, rigged. There’s no other possible explanation. The votes for Bernie and Trump are more about people objecting to that rigging, than about wanting any particular candidate to win.

      • Dave G says:

        Wait until Trump really solidifies his centrist message.

      • gator69 says:

        No Ted, That does not make me feel any better.

        Democrats (both alive and dead) will vote for the D (as many times as possible) no matter what he or she does or did. Negatives only effect the D when it comes to independents. Trump zealots will vote for T no matter what, but Republicans and independents do not turn out for massively flawed candidates like the D’s do. I already know many R’s who have said they will sit this one out if Trump is the R candidate.

        • Ted says:

          I can’t argue with any of that. You’re correct on all points. But you have to understand that this is now the nature of the republican party. Short of Reagan crawling back out of his grave, republicans simply aren’t going to unite around anyone. You’re right that millions will refuse to show up to vote for an arrogant jackass. But millions will also refuse to vote for a brilliant but not very likeable Canuck, and millions more will refuse to vote for the guy who’s ALREADY sold us out on immigration. I have no idea which “stay home” block would be biggest.

          The republican party leadership has drifted so far from it’s base, and screwed them over so many times, that there’s no trust left at all. We keep voting for republicans, and they keep letting Obammy do whatever he wants. Until republican politicians start actually challenging democrats, there doesn’t seem to be any benefit to having the R next to their names. And if the outcome is the same either way, why should people hold their noses to vote for a useless R? Personally, I don’t expect any of them to govern in a way I’d find acceptable. No exceptions. But with Trump, at least I see a realistic chance of finally getting the border closed. If the flood of new socialist voters isn’t stopped, soon, none of the other issues matter. We’ve already lost California. It was Reagan’s amnesty that gave California permanently to the democrats. Contrary to popular belief, whites here are still center-right. (probably 20% hard core socialists, 30% unapologetic conservatives, and the rest don’t much care) But the state is now less than half white, and dropping fast. So I’ll hold my nose and vote for the open jackass, because he’s the only one I think I’d get SOMETHING positive from. The fact that I doubt he can be bought off gives me a glimmer of hope for better things, but that hope is largely offset by the fear of the damage his ego could do. So for me, it really comes down to closing the border.

          Trump is just a symptom of a much bigger problem. The republican party is dying. Bernie is showing us that the democrats aren’t far behind. The system is broken. The country is broken. The damned WORLD is broken. Trump knows a sane world has no place for him in politics. That’s why he’s running now.

  4. gator69 says:

    One thing is for sure, the Trump zealots will show up in force as long as he is on the ballot.

  5. Planet8788 says:

    Reagan made a huge mistake in picking Bush as his running mate…. That probably gave us W. as well. But who knows… Trump/Carson is appealing…. No RINO’s on the ticket please. I don’t think Trump can do Reagan… But I could see him taking 40 of states.

  6. Andy DC says:

    Trump has been continuously mocked and demonized by the fluff headed, left wing media puppets from day one, so naturally his negatives have been high. But as a campaigner and with his ability to connect, he is so far ahead of anyone else, it is laughable. In that sense, he is a lot like Reagan.

    • Latitude says:

      Can you imagine what a mockery this election would have been without Trump?

      Two that are in it for the coronation, Two cubans that can’t decide if they are for or against illegal immigration, a crazy whack job that wants to clean us all out…..
      …and every one of them part of the machine

  7. nancyg22 says:

    I know I haven’t posted here in a while, but is there another reason why my comment above is in moderation?

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