One Of The Clearest Injustices Of A Dimwitted Corrupt Left Wing Press Corps

CNN says that you are making the Marshall Islands disappear.

Screenshot 2016-02-04 at 09.46.23 PM

You’re making this island disappear –

Sea level at the Marshall Islands has been plummeting for several years, and is now about the same as it was in the 1950s.

Screenshot 2016-02-04 at 09.43.54 PM

Screenshot 2016-02-05 at 03.39.15 AM

Sea Level Trends

The level of stupid on display by John D. Sutter is off the charts. And he is not alone.

Mr. deBrum’s focus is squarely on the West’s wallets

Screenshot 2016-02-05 at 03.46.27 AM-down

The Marshall Islands Are Disappearing – The New York Times

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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88 Responses to One Of The Clearest Injustices Of A Dimwitted Corrupt Left Wing Press Corps

  1. Marsh says:

    Rising Sea Levels; now serves as a trap for Climate Extremists. With most Harbors of the World showing an almost static situation; only a corrupted Media could regurgitate such “rising” lies…

  2. AndyG55 says:

    You’ll laugh at this one, too…… its like….. let’s duck for cover !!

    They seem to not know about the AMO. !!

    • Marsh says:

      Maybe one concession too many… North Atlantic Ice growing will also cool the Arctic.!
      We have to wonder, how many concessions will be made, before the penny drops ; that the World is Not Warming…

  3. Bloke down the pub says:

    How much of the recent drop is attributable to El Niño ?

  4. Gail Combs says:

    We have a problem folks.
    Obama quietly signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement in New Zealand. The White House tried to minimize it because it knows the public isn’t pleased with the deal.

    A Tufts University study found the TPP will cost nearly 450,000 American jobs in the next nine years………..

    For the USA the EU equivalent is The Sovereignty-Busting Trans-Pacific Partnership

    My earlier comment on The Trans-Pacific Partnership

    “Marco Rubio Casts Deciding Vote For Obamatrade Without Even Reading It”
    “Cruz: TPA Doesn’t Give Obama More Power, Jeff Sessions ‘Not Accurate’ On TPP”
    “Ted Cruz Channels Paul Ryan: ‘A Lot of Misinformation’ on Obamatrade That ‘You Can Get on the Internet”

    May that whole sleazy bunch of traitors rot in Dante’s ninth He!!

  5. “Left wing” sort of vaguely suggests nonreligious looters, whereas “right wing” sort of conjures up prohibitionist looters wild-eyed with mystical religious zealotry. On these climate talks “rich nations” really means non-communist or non-socialist, and “emerging” or “undeveloped” actually refer to collectivist dictatorships or, at best, heavily-mixed economies crusted over with the parasites Adam Smith called “unproductive hands.” Translation: water vapor in atmosphere means noncommunists must make involuntary transfer payments to communist dictatorships.

    • gator69 says:

      Prohibition was a product of the Progressives, and not a right wing religious movement. As leftists often do, they coopted the churches to advance their agenda.

      Historical myths sometimes die a slow death. One myth long held by Americans and many of their historians is that prohibition was a singularly conservative measure, promoted primarily by fanatical rural drys. In this little book, a happy combination of good scholarship and good writing, James Timberlake has snuffed out this notion by finding, as it were, the proper home for prohibition. He argues that prohibition was an integral part of progressivism; indeed, it was one of the more important (and least understood) reforms of the Progressive movement. Essentially a middle-class reform, deeply rooted in the American reform tradition, prohibition cut across geographic and class lines. It was successfully stitched into the Constitution, not merely because of the astute tactics of the Anti-Saloon League, but fundamentally because it was buttressed by the moral, economic, social, and political idealism of progressivism itself.

      • JohnFtLaud says:

        Learn something new everyday! Thanks Gator!

      • Gail Combs says:

        Nice find Gator, though I can not say I am surprized. At one point The Church was one of the pillars of the Left., along with the Media and Acadamia.

        The Regressives are liars and cheats and have been rewriting history faster than Winston Smith. It is part of their Political Gaslighting of the US voters and used to make those who pay attention unsure as the past keeps changing. It also makes those who pay attention look crazy to the low info types. We have certainly seen this in the CAGW battle.

        On the lying and cheating front I came across some intreresting articles (Don’t know if any is true)
        Disinformation 101 A bit on the kooky side but it looks like they may have some decent information too.

        Bots Are Now 61% Of Internet Users – disinformation

        BUSTED! Police Trace IP of White House Disinfo Operatives!

        Ted Cruz using firm that harvested data on millions of unwitting Facebook users

        Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign is using psychological data based on research spanning tens of millions of Facebook users, harvested largely without their permission, to boost his surging White House run and gain an edge over Donald Trump and other Republican rivals, the Guardian can reveal.

        A little-known data company, now embedded within Cruz’s campaign and indirectly financed by his primary billionaire benefactor, paid researchers at Cambridge University to gather detailed psychological profiles about the US electorate using a massive pool of mainly unwitting US Facebook users built with an online survey.

        As part of an aggressive new voter-targeting operation, Cambridge Analytica – financially supported by reclusive hedge fund magnate and leading Republican donor Robert Mercer – is now using so-called “psychographic profiles” of US citizens in order to help win Cruz votes, despite earlier concerns and red flags from potential survey-takers.

        Documents seen by the Guardian have uncovered longstanding ethical and privacy issues about the way academics hoovered up personal data by accessing a vast set of US Facebook profiles, in order to build sophisticated models of users’ personalities without their knowledge….

        • RAH says:

          If your on face book you already have made it clear by that action that communication is more important to you than security.

        • Gail Combs says:

          There is no way in Hades I would be on Facebook or Twitter. But how many low-info types understand exactly what Facebook and Twitter are doing?

          Many of the articles I want to comment on demand I get a Facebook account first so there is certainly presure to sign-up. A lot of teens and women signup as a way of communicating with friends and have ZERO idea of what it means.

          Now employers are demanding your Facebook and Twitter information so they can vet your opinions before hiring. If you don’t have accounts then of course they can ‘legitimately’ pass you over as ‘unsociable’ and/or paranoid.

          Are people being herded? Of course. The elite want to have you living in a fishbowl where they can manipulate you easily. If you resist they deny you a living.

        • Twitter is a phenomenal tool for conservatives to get their message directly to the right people.

        • Gail Combs says:

          We looked into Facebook and you have to reveal all your personal info. Is Twitter the same?

          With my little business we CAN NOT have a connection between us and our place because of major safety issues. We have already had enough problems with stolen and dead stock. We do not want to come home to a dead or hurt child.

          I would love to be able to comment via twitter if I don’t have to reveal my location and business.

        • lectrikdog says:

          Gail, you do not have to ‘reveal all your personal information’ to have a facebook account. Many users have pseudonyms or fake names, and reveal little or nothing or wholly concocted info. in the way of personal information. Though by so doing, it limits your findability by friends from the past or distant relations. You can also limit what information you want seen as well as who can see what posts you make. Users who blindly post everything as public are the ones hanging it all out there and are most at risk. So you could create a pseudonymic account, but these sites that require FB for your comments?… Your comments would be under that pseudonym, and not as Gail. OTOH, for facebook pages created for a business, or an artist or performer, all posts you make are by default public and cannot be limited to friends or any subset thereof. FYI FWIW

        • Menicholas says:

          I think your fears are somewhat everdone Gail. I have a FB account and have reconnected with people I years ago had thought I would never hear from again.
          it is amazing.
          And privacy settings are as described by Electric Dog.
          You do not have to disclose anything you do not want to. You can select your audience for every thing you post, from public to a single person or no one at all. And make changes whenever you want.
          Privacy on FB has evolved tremendously since I first signed up in 2009.
          I have no privacy issues whatsoever.
          And some people who I would like to know what they are up to have done likewise, and i cannot see anything they post…so I have it from both sides and know that it is airtight if you are careful. And you only have to be careful once…once set, your stuff will remain the way you set it until you change it…all new posts will be automatically as private as you want, or you can choose to set them one by one.
          Plus, you can block anyone you want, and a blocked person cannot see anything you write or comment on, even on a mutual friends page for example.
          I have some friends who have blocked each other, and they see only one side of a conversation. It can be comical.
          Of course, they make money by ads and using your info to target whatads you see, and what posts you see on your news feed. But you can alter it if you do not like what you see or if you want to see more of a particular sort of thing.
          Don’t worry, be happy!

        • Gail Combs says:

          Thanks for the info on facebook and Twitter guys. We will look into it again.

      • I have known many adults who never drink, or who really don’t like to drink (but may do so if pressured.)

        But despite this fact, I’ve never had anyone express to my face that they think alcoholic beverages should be civilly banned. I understand that it’s out there, but in 30+ years of listening to people, I’ve never encountered it.

        I think that today, among professing Christians, true believers of such an idea are less than one in 200,000. They are the fringe of the fringe of the fringe, and they have been so since probably the early 1940s, if not earlier. They pose no political threat whatsoever any more, nor will they ever again, regardless of how they’re reacted to (or not).

        Now, that said, does the fact that I don’t believe in Prohibition mean that I consider it all right for people to be intoxicated? No, it doesn’t. But that’s a moral position, and not one regarding civil law.

        It’s very upsetting to me that so few people are willing to acknowledge such a distinction when discussing issues with those they disagree with. The two positions I hold are entirely mutually consistent, and they’re both conservative positions. There’s nothing dictatorial or Progressive about those views. All I do is exercise my freedom of speech, like everyone else can and does. And for that, and because of hatred of what I believe in, I’m continually smeared as authoritarian, tyrannical, crazy, a liar, brainwashed by Progressives; numerous lies are believed about me. The views I share are sometimes compared to excrement. I’ve been made the subject of fatwas that don’t appear to apply to very many others, if any. I know the reason for such things.

        If you’re in search of authoritarianism, tyranny, and political Globalism, such is where you’ll mostly find it today.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Richard, it comes down to personal freedom and being treated as a reasoning adult instead of being treated as a child/serf or worse livestock.

          That is why I am so livid over the treatment Ted Cruz dished out to the Iowa caucus. He treated them as LIVESTOCK not equals.

          This is especially noticeable in that he was willing to apologize to Ben Carson for his dirty tricks because he sees Carson as an equal. However Cruz would NOT apologized to the Iowa voters. This dispite the fact he invaded their privacy and broke the law.

          Iowa Election Law
          Found on page 82 — Intimidation

          39A.2 Election misconduct in the first degree.
          1. A person commits the crime of election misconduct in the first degree if the
          person willfully commits any of the following acts:

          c.Duress. Intimidates, threatens, or coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, a person to do or to refrain from doing any of the following:

          (1) To register to vote, to vote, or to attempt to register to vote.

          (2) To urge or aid a person to register to vote, to vote, or to attempt to register to vote…


          To me that says he does not have the moral charater I want in a president.

        • David A says:

          Gail, I think what you are talking about came from CNN, was picked up by some of the Cruz political operatives, and spread. I do not think it correct to make more of it then that.

        • Gail Combs says:

          David A says: “..Gail, I think what you are talking about came from CNN, was picked up by some of the Cruz political operatives, and spread….”
          First CNN is saying they did not say Carson was quiting only that he was headed to Florida for clothes and then back north. (See below)

          You need to step back and actually see the strings that are being pulled. The MSM is in no way independent. The Elite are pulling the strings of the media and of almost all of the candidates. This is the point I am trying to make.

          The Economic Forum at Davos was all about getting rid of Trump. And Martin Sorrell who can yank half of the MSM advertising dollars wants him GONE! link

          Just for an example take the incestuous relationship at Fox news. Mygan Kelly has been gunning for Trump from day one. Bill Sammon of Fox News does the debate formatting. And guess who Bill Sammon’s daugher works for? Brooke Sammon, is Marco Rubio’s Press Secretary!

          Then there is Mark Levin. Levin was finally forced to admit the son of his fiance’ is a full time staffer for Senator Ted Cruz.

          Who owns Fox News? Murdoch and his buddy Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. Murdoch is also co-chair of the open borders group, the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE). PNAE was one of biggest supporters of Marco Rubio and the Gang of 8 Immigration Reform Bill/Amnesty push. They flooded the airways and media with pro- immigration reform propaganda.

          Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bailed out Citigroup and is One of the largest shareholders. “Over the last two decades, he has swooped in with tons of cash to aid various companies and superstars at their low points, including London’s Canary Wharf, Citigroup, EuroDisney, Apple, Donna Karan (the company), and Michael Jackson, to name but a few.”

          THe CEO of CNN used to work for Citigroup and the top holders of stock are Financiers. In the The Network of Global Corporate Control those companies are:
          VANGUARD GROUP INC —- #8 on the list.
          JPMORGAN CHASE & CO —- #6 on the list.
          STATE STREET CORP —- #5 on the list.

          CNN is owned by Time Warner and 32 out of 34 Time Warner lobbyists in 2013-2014 have previously held government jobs. Fox News is in the top five donors to the Clinton campaign and CNN has also donated $$$$ to the Democrats.

      • Beale says:

        Regarding Left and Right, how many people know that the Scopes trial (the “Monkey Trial”) did not pit Left against Right, but Left against Left?

  6. Gail Combs says:

    Unfortunately Rand Paul isn’t off the hook on this deal. (I really wanted to be able to vote for the guy.) Remember that the World Trade Organization did not have China originally but it took less than a decade to get China signed on. With TPP the ease of adding countries is built in.

    From the US Government Summary:

    Five defining features make the Trans-Pacific Partnership a landmark 21st-century agreement, setting a new standard for global trade while taking up next-generation issues.  These features include:
    Comprehensive market access.  The TPP eliminates or reduces tariff and non-tariff barriers across substantially all trade in goods and services and covers the full spectrum of trade, including goods and services trade and investment, so as to create new opportunities and benefits for our businesses, workers, and consumers.
    Regional approach to commitments.   The TPP facilitates the development of production and supply chains, and seamless trade, enhancing efficiency and supporting our goal of creating and supporting jobs, raising living standards, enhancing conservation efforts, and facilitating cross-border integration, as well as opening domestic markets…..
    Platform for regional integration.  The TPP is intended as a platform for regional economic integration and designed to include additional economies across the Asia-Pacific region.

    Here is Rand Paul blowing smoke in the voters face while carrying water for the globalists.

    Los Angles Times: Rand Paul drops the mic on Donald Trump over China’s participation in trade deal


    That was the implied sound effect Tuesday night as Sen. Rand Paul casually reminded Donald Trump about China’s lack of participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the sweeping trade deal among the U.S. and 11 other countries. Trump had been on a tear, railing about how the deal was “a disaster” and saying China was the “No. 1 abuser” of the U.S….
    Paul was the only person who seemed to know the basics of the trade deal, which has returned to the headlines in recent days as the full text of the complex deal was released.

    IF Rand Paul had actually read that damn treaty, he should have known it is very easy to ADD another country and the ‘No China” gambit was the exact same chess move Clinton played to get the World Trade Organization treaty ratified.

    Is Rand really that dumb? Or is he FOR CHINA

    China trade improves economy AND makes fight less likely
    When I was about ten years old, like many conservative middle-class families, our inclination was to resist anything to do with Red China. In that black and white world, you were either for us or against us. Trade with China was thought to be trade with the enemy. A funny thing happened, though, along the way. Many conservatives came to understand a larger truth. As trade began to blossom with China, many conservatives, myself included, came to admit that trade improves our economic well-being AND makes us less likely to fight. The success of trade with China made many conservatives rethink their view of the world. — Rand Paul

    So yeah, it looks like Rand is FOR CHINA.

    Rand Paul’s paragraph is straight out of the Progressive play book on Interdependence one of Al Gore’s favorite issues. SEE: Dale C. Copeland, “Economic Interdependence and War: A Theory of Trade Expectations,” International Security, Vol. 20, no.4 (Spring 1996) for exactly how dangerous Interdependence is.

    And I have certainly shown here how dangerous China is to the USA. link and link, and China military buildup not to mention Clinton’s sell out of US military technologies. link

    And that doesn’t even get into the economic damage done to the USA by our current one sided ‘free trade’ agreements.
    2012 – Economic Policy Institute The China toll: Growing U.S. trade deficit with China cost more than 2.7 million jobs between 2001 and 2011, with job losses in every state
    More on USA losing out economically to China:

    So why the heck is Rand promoting the idea of ‘Free trade’ in general and the USA/China trade in particular is a great for the USA?

  7. Gail Combs says:

    Actually ‘Left Wing’ and ‘Right Wing’ are the dog and pony show for the Great Unwashed. The real issue is freedom and a government that protects the rights of the individual or serfdom where the serf exists to serve the state aka the aristocracy/elite.

    Here is a more bit of background: (I have been digging around the internet for the last several days.)

    I am starting with a more obvious article by Martin Wolf.

    A bit about Financial Times associate editor Martin Wolf
    Wolf got a job in 1971 at the World Bank, In 1987, after working for six years at a pro-free-trade think tank in London, Wolf was courted by Sir Geoffrey Owen, then editor of the Financial Times. For nine years, he wrote with no byline, occasionally advocating stances he did not espouse, which rankled after his experience at the World Bank. Finally, in 1996, Wolf was given his own column on international economics. the current crisis has reawakened Wolf’s dread of the 1920s and ’30s As a result, he has swung back toward Keynes–closer to his ideological root.

    To understand Wolf’s influence, one must first understand his audience. They are dedicated Financial Times readers, and Financial Times readers are some of the top earners, spenders, and decision-makers in the world. “I’m writing for the people who are doing these things, who are running these things, both governmental and politicians and financiers,”
    Stolen from

    In the article The economic losers are in revolt against the elites Wolf writes

    Losers have votes, too. That is what democracy means — and rightly so. If they feel sufficiently cheated and humiliated, they will vote for Donald Trump, a candidate for the Republican party’s presidential nomination in the US, Marine Le Pen of the National Front in France or Nigel Farage of the UK Independence party. There are those, particularly the native working class, who are seduced by the siren song of politicians who combine the nativism of the hard right, the statism of the hard left and the authoritarianism of both.

    Above all, they reject the elites that dominate the economic and cultural lives of their countries: those assembled last week in Davos for the World Economic Forum. The potential consequences are frightening. Elites need to work out intelligent responses. It might already be too late to do so.

    The projects of the rightwing elite have long been low marginal tax rates, liberal immigration, globalisation, curbs on costly “entitlement programmes”, deregulated labour markets and maximisation of shareholder value. The projects of the leftwing elite have been liberal immigration (again), multiculturalism, secularism, diversity, choice on abortion, and racial and gender equality. Libertarians embrace the causes of the elites of both sides; that is why they are a tiny minority…..
    …Nativist populists must not win. We know that story: it ends very badly. In the case of the US, the outcome would have grave global significance. America was the founder and remains guarantor of our global liberal order. The world desperately needs well-informed US leadership. Mr Trump cannot provide this. The results could be catastrophic,” writes Wolf, adding that, “If western elites despise the concerns of the many, the latter will withdraw their consent for the elite’s projects….

    (You can find an excerpt at )
    This is where all the “Trump is another Hitler” crap originates. It is the nationalism, patriotism that is the concern of the Global Elite and they use Hitler’s nationalism to frighten the masses.

  8. Gail Combs says:

    A bit of recent history that should look very familiar since it describes what we see today.

    Proffesor Carroll Quigley, was a member of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and mentor to Bill Clinton. He researched the Milner Round Tables, like CRF and the Committee on Economic Development, for twenty years. He included that research in his book Tragedy and Hope, (1966)

    “The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so the that American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.” — Tragedy and Hope

    As we know, because CAGW is one of the whips, the globalist agenda has been advancing at full speed with no real opposition since the elite own BOTH parties as Quigley suggested above.

    “The Rockefeller File” by Gary Allen January 1976 Forty years ago. Sound familiar?

    The master planners devised the strategy of a merger – a Great Merger – among nations.

    But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal. How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal? The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world.
    The plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up… It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order.” —

    What is really scary is the elite no longer even bother denying a ‘New World Order’ is their goal any more.

    The Trans Pacific Partnership, that I have been yammering about lately is a major step in this ‘Global Governance’ plan. It not only opens the USA to unrestricted immigration it makes ALL US treaties and presidential agreements dominant over US law.

    • Jason Calley says:

      “There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters” ? Daniel Webster

      • Gail Combs says:

        I do not have the quote to hand, but it is those who govern out of ‘concern ‘ who are the worse type of dictator because they will invade every aspect of your life and never rest. DIctators in it for the money are not nearly as bad because their focus is only on robbing you.

        • gator69 says:

          “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”
          – CS Lewis

        • Gail Combs says:

          Thanks Gator that was the quote I was thinking of. Lewis really expresses the thought much better than I did.

          I am now using Firefox (hence a lot more misspellings) and I don’t have access to all my files like I do on Opera.

          Opera keeps crashing my system so I switched. I really do need to get a better computer.

        • Menicholas says:

          One of my all time favorite quotes.
          Thanks Gator and Gail!

    • David A says:

      Ted Cruz responds…

      “The Ex-Im Bank is a classic example of corporate welfare. It is cronyism at its worst, with U.S. taxpayers guaranteeing billions of dollars in loans for sketchy buyers in foreign nations. Ex-Im is scheduled to wind down on June 30. But powerful lobbyists in Washington want to keep the money flowing.

      After witnessing several senators huddle on the floor the day of the TPA vote, I suspected that to get their votes on TPA, Republican Leadership had promised supporters of Ex-Im a vote to reauthorize the bank before it winds down.

      At lunch that day, I asked Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)what precise deal had been cut to pass TPA. Visibly irritated, he told me and all my Republican colleagues that there was no deal whatsoever; rather, he simply told them they could use the ordinary rules to offer whatever amendments they wanted on future legislation.

      Taking McConnell at his word that there was no deal on Ex-Im, I voted yes on TPA because I believe the U.S. generally benefits from free trade, and without TPA historically there have been no free-trade agreements.

      But then the vote went to the House. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), to the surprise of many, led House Democrats to oppose TPA en masse. (Technically, they voted against TAA, which was wrapped into the deal on TPA.)

      At that point a group of House conservatives went to Speaker Boehner and said they could support TPA if Boehner agreed not to cut a deal with Democrats on Ex-Im, and just let the bank expire.

      Boehner declined. Instead, it appears he made the deal with Democrats, presumably tossing in the Ex-Im Bank and also increasing tax penalties on businesses.

      Moreover, the Speaker punished conservatives, wrongly stripping Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) of his subcommittee chairmanship, and reportedly threatening to strip other conservatives of their chairmanships as well.

      Why does Republican Leadership always give in to the Democrats? Why does Leadership always disregard the promises made to the conservative grassroots?

      Enough is enough. I cannot vote for TPA unless McConnell and Boehner both commit publicly to allow the Ex-Im Bank to expire—and stay expired. And, Congress must also pass the Cruz-Sessions amendments to TPA to ensure that no trade agreement can try to back-door changes to our immigration laws. Otherwise, I will have no choice but vote no.

      There’s too much corporate welfare, too much cronyism and corrupt dealmaking, by the Washington cartel. For too long, career politicians in both parties have supported government of the lobbyist, by the lobbyist, and for the lobbyist – at the expense of the taxpayers. It’s a time for truth. And a time to honor our commitments to the voters.”

      • Gail Combs says:

        Cruz already proved he will LIE to get votes. As far as I am concerned he is a complete SLEAZE.

        The text reads:

        “You are receiving this election notice because of low expected voter turnout in your area. Your individual voting history as well as your neighbors’ are public record. Their scores are published below, and many of them will see your score as well. CAUCUS ON MONDAY TO IMPROVE YOUR SCORE and please encourage your neighbors to caucus as well. A follow-up notice may be issued following Monday’s caucuses”.

        There is no VOTING VIOLATION the information is confidention and not public domain.

        Can you imagine what this guy would do with real power? How about IRS targeting like Obama used onf True-The-Vote.

        Can you imagine what he would do with the Cambridge Analytica type profiling that he is already doing?

        The percentages on that mailer are completely made up.

        One of the targeted voters of Ted Cruz’s campaign shaming letters in Iowa is a democrat and political scientist. He was VERY unhappy about the fraud and went to the New Yorker.

        …Dave Peterson, a political scientist at Iowa State University who is well-acquainted with the research on “social pressure” turnout techniques, received a mailer last week. The Cruz campaign pegged his voting percentage at fifty-five per cent, which seems to be the most common score that the campaign gives out. (All of the neighbors listed on Peterson’s mailer also received a score of fifty-five per cent.)
        Peterson, who is actually a Hillary Clinton supporter, moved to Iowa in 2009. He told me that he has voted in three out of the last three general elections and in two out of the last three primaries.
        “There are other people listed on my mailer who live in my neighborhood that are all different ages, but everyone on this sheet has the same score of fifty-five per cent,” he said. “Some are significantly younger and would have not been eligible to vote in these elections, and others are older and have voted consistently, going back years. There is no way to get to us all having the same score.”…

        After seeing the mailers, Iowa’s secretary of state, Paul Pate, issued a statement condemning Cruz’s tactic:

        “Today I was shown a piece of literature from the Cruz for President campaign that misrepresents the role of my office, and worse, misrepresents Iowa election law. Accusing citizens of Iowa of a “voting violation” based on Iowa Caucus participation, or lack thereof, is false representation of an official act. There is no such thing as an election violation related to frequency of voting. Any insinuation or statement to the contrary is wrong and I believe it is not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa Caucuses.
        Additionally, the Iowa Secretary of State’s Office never “grades” voters. Nor does the Secretary of State maintain records related to Iowa Caucus participation. Caucuses are organized and directed by the state political parties, not the Secretary of State, nor local elections officials. Also, the Iowa Secretary of State does not “distribute” voter records. They are available for purchase for political purposes only, under Iowa Code.”

        This was not a misstep on the part of Cruz. It was a Psy-ops move based on data mining research. Remember it was ‘narrowly focused’. So how did the Cruz Machine focus this mailer? It was focused using “hoovered up personal data” that was used by ” paid researchers at Cambridge University” (Cambridge Analytica) to come up with ” detailed psychological profiles” as I showed in another comment here today.

        It was first tested in Alaska in 2014.

        Larimer and other researchers tested this same technique in Michigan. In that 2006 research, Larimer and colleagues sent voters one of four different letters. The softest message just urged people to do their civic duty and vote. The most aggressive letter matched the Alaska mailer and the Ted Cruz mailer. It included the addressee’s voting history as well as those of their neighbors, and contained something of a threat by promising a follow-up letter to show the results of the upcoming election. Larimer says they got complaints, but the technique worked quite well.

        Institution for Social and Policy Studies — Paper:
        Social Pressure and Voter Turnout: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment

        Larimer is Associate Professor of Political Science at University of Northern Iowa
        Area: Political behavior; Iowa politics; governors; Iowa Caucuses; experimental methodology

        (Larimer in a comment said he is not in anyway connected to the Ted Cruz machine BTW. )

        • News flash. “Violation” does not just mean violation of state law. And “voting” does not just mean voting in state elections.

          The mailer may indeed be rather sleazy, but it doesn’t appear to contain any lies. And he probably really regrets that he sent it out.

          The comment you quote from Paul Pate is not correct in that this mailer is definitely not a false representation of an official act. Only in his mind. Maybe he wants it to be, but that doesn’t make it so.

          Do you really think that this convinced anyone to vote for Cruz? I think that, if anything, it may have depressed his vote. Probably, most who were already committed to Cruz just groaned or rolled their eyes. That’s what I would have done, and then burned it.

          Those who were not committed were more likely to decide for someone else (unless they saw something equally sleazy from that person!)

        • David A says:

          Gail, the article you linked stated
          “This was not a misstep on the part of Cruz. It was a Psy-ops move based on data mining research. Remember it was ‘narrowly focused’. So how did the Cruz Machine focus this mailer? It was focused using “hoovered up personal data” that was used by ” paid researchers at Cambridge University” (Cambridge Analytica) to come up with ” detailed psychological profiles” as I showed in another comment here today.”

          This appears more then farfetched to me. Why? Well they claim these “detailed psychological profiles” and narrowly focused research, but that does not begin to fly with sending it to a
          “…Dave Peterson, a political scientist at Iowa State University who is well-acquainted with the research on “social pressure” turnout techniques, received a mailer last week.
          “Peterson, who is actually a Hillary Clinton supporter, moved to Iowa in 2009. He told me that he has voted in three out of the last three general elections and in two out of the last three primaries”

          I will wait to hear the Cruz campaign explanation before coming to any conclusions on what this is about and who exactly authorized it.

      • “the information is confidention and not public domain.”

        “The percentages on that mailer are completely made up.”

        The most aggressive letter matched the Alaska mailer and the Ted Cruz mailer. It included the addressee’s voting history

        “voter records [. . .] are available for purchase for political purposes only, under Iowa Code”

        With all due respect, those quotes do not agree with one another. So it appears that some of this is being made up, not by Ted Cruz, but about him!

        • Gail Combs says:


          Cruz got slapped by Iowa’s secretary of state, Paul Pate for calling information that was not within the public domain public. He also slapped Cruz fo using the words VOTING VIOLATION which is an OUTRIGHT LIE.

          Cruz got lapped by Dave Peterson, a political scientist at Iowa State University for making up about the percentages.

          So you have two people with decent ‘credentials’ either telling the truth about Cruz’s sleazy tactics or hanging their rumps out in the breeze by commiting libel.

          I very much doubt this is the end of the Mailergate. There are a lot of people who got that mailer in which Cruz was lying. On top of that Cruz lied about Carson. I expect there are lawsuits being readied because American voters are fed up with dirty politics.

          Cruz’s Misleading Mail Angers Iowa Secretary of State

          Did Ted Cruz gin up Iowa voter histories? This article gets into the nitty grittyof the percentage numbers with pointers towards. Emails, David Peterson, professor of political science, Iowa State University, Feb. 3, 2016

          Statement from Secretary of State Paul Pate Regarding Misleading Mailer from Cruz for President Campaign

          “Today I was shown a piece of literature from the Cruz for President campaign that misrepresents the role of my office, and worse, misrepresents Iowa election law. Accusing citizens of Iowa of a “voting violation” based on Iowa Caucus participation, or lack thereof, is false representation of an official act. There is no such thing as an election violation related to frequency of voting. Any insinuation or statement to the contrary is wrong and I believe it is not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa Caucuses.

          Additionally, the Iowa Secretary of State’s Office never “grades” voters. Nor does the Secretary of State maintain records related to Iowa Caucus participation. Caucuses are organized and directed by the state political parties, not the Secretary of State, nor local elections officials. Also, the Iowa Secretary of State does not “distribute” voter records. They are available for purchase for political purposes only, under Iowa Code.” – Paul D. Pate, Iowa Secretary of State.

          People can spin this however they want but the facts are the facts and the facts show Cruz is a morally corrupt sleaze.

        • Cruz told no lie about Carson; that’s absurd.

          Use of the term “Voter violation” is sleazy, but it’s not a lie if it doesn’t claim to originate from an elections office, which it doesn’t.

          This is important because there’s a huge difference between being sleazy and being an outright liar.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Richard T. Fowler says: “…Cruz told no lie about Carson; that’s absurd….”

          Actually Richard more and more is coming out on that story and the mre information the sleazer Cruz looks.

          Carson had plans to go home to Florida. He was simply leaving Iowa to avoid a winter storm and to get fresh clothes before continuing his campaign on Wednesday.

          However it turns out the Ted Cruz Headquarters was telling Iowa precinct captains that Ben Carson had dropped out of the race before the CNN report. The messages were sent at 7:07pm (CST), and 7:29 (CST) before the votes were cast.

          Transcript [inaudible]…from the Ted Cruz campaign, calling to get to a precinct captain, and it has just been announced that Ben Carson is taking a leave of absence from the campaign trail, so it is very important that you tell any Ben Carson voters that for tonight, uh, that they not waste a vote on Ben Carson, and vote for Ted Cruz. He is taking a leave of absence from his campaign. All right? Thank you. Bye.

          There was a now-deleted tweet (I saw that too) by someone on Cruz’s team, saying that the Carson team in NH had confirmed that Carson was planning to quit. The NH team had left Carson’s team on Sunday to join the Cruz team.

          ALL the evidence, tweets and all are shown in this video.

          To top it off CNN says Ted Cruz’s claims about CNN are ‘false’

          Ted Cruz, under fire for misinforming Iowa voters about the status of his rival Ben Carson’s campaign, is wrongly claiming that it is CNN’s fault.

          In a strongly worded statement on Wednesday evening, CNN said, “Senator Cruz’s claims about CNN are false. At no point did the network indicate Dr. Carson would suspend his campaign.”

          Later in the evening, Cruz acknowledged that “CNN got it correct.”

          ……….. Essentially the Cruz campaign ignored the inconvenient part of CNN’s original report — that Carson was not dropping out of the race.

          In fact, Moody said so explicitly on Twitter: “He plans to stay in the race beyond Iowa no matter what the results are tonight.”

          So the misinformation began with a kernel of truth — that Carson was catching his breath after the caucuses — but was transformed into something untrue.

          CNN’s statement laid out the facts this way: “Our correspondent reported the information provided to him by the Carson campaign. Dr. Carson’s staff informed CNN that he would return home to take a ‘deep breath’ before resuming his activities on the trail. That information was reported accurately by CNN across TV and digital.” ….

          Essentially the Cruz campaign ignored the inconvenient part of CNN’s original report — that Carson was not dropping out of the race.

          In fact, Moody said so explicitly on Twitter: “He plans to stay in the race beyond Iowa no matter what the results are tonight.”

          So the misinformation began with a kernel of truth — that Carson was catching his breath after the caucuses — but was transformed into something untrue.

          CNN’s statement laid out the facts this way: “Our correspondent reported the information provided to him by the Carson campaign. Dr. Carson’s staff informed CNN that he would return home to take a ‘deep breath’ before resuming his activities on the trail. That information was reported accurately by CNN across TV and digital.”

          Essentially the Cruz campaign ignored the inconvenient part of CNN’s original report — that Carson was not dropping out of the race.

          In fact, Moody said so explicitly on Twitter: “He plans to stay in the race beyond Iowa no matter what the results are tonight.”

          So the misinformation began with a kernel of truth — that Carson was catching his breath after the caucuses — but was transformed into something untrue.

          CNN’s statement laid out the facts this way: “Our correspondent reported the information provided to him by the Carson campaign. Dr. Carson’s staff informed CNN that he would return home to take a ‘deep breath’ before resuming his activities on the trail. That information was reported accurately by CNN across TV and digital.” ….

          So as I keep saying CRUZ IS A SLEAZE!

        • gator69 says:

          Gail, why don’t you just put another democrat in office and be done with it. It is this sort of he-said-she-said childish BS infighting that lost the last election.

          I have many things I could say about Trump, but I hold it back, as I do not want another democrat in office.

        • Neal S says:

          About Cruz about Carson ….

          What business does one candidate have telling anyone anything about what they think another candidate is doing? Even if it were true, why not just keep it to yourself. Clearly the only reason to tell others anything about the other candidate, is self-serving sabotage of that other candidate.

        • Neal, thanks for your thoughts. It’s not sabotage if the candidate who is passing on the report … believes it. And as of this moment, there is no reason to think that Cruz didn’t believe it. In fact, I haven’t even heard or seen any evidence that he knew about the e-mail before it was sent out. He said his team sent it out. If he thought that whoever was responsible believed that it wasn’t true, but sent it out anyway, I think he would have either fired or demoted that person.

          And let’s not forget that, not only was the part of the story that was passed on by Cruz true, but the original source for the story was official comments by the Carson campaign. This wasn’t some murky investigative report with a secret source trying to sabotage the campaign they work for. It was Ben Carson’s loyal staff, putting out information on the record. (Information that they didn’t see a problem with putting out, or perhaps just thought they had no choice but to put out. Of course, they didn’t foresee how CNN would spin it, or else they would have been more careful in their wording.)

          But now that Carson sees an opportunity to sabotage another candidate, a candidate who he apparently don’t like (which is news to a lot of Cruz supporters), they’re twisting the dagger. There’s the problem you should be concerned about. Why aren’t you? Probably because you’ve bought into the MSM spin on this story. Unfortunately, they know how to push our buttons to get what they want from us.

          All Cruz did, at the very most, was authorize an e-mail which repeated the CNN story but didn’t go quite as far as the CNN commentators did to question the authenticity of Carson’s continuing his campaign. AND WE DON’T EVEN KNOW THAT HE DID THAT. Cruz’ subsequent statement doesn’t indicate whether he even knew about the e-mail before it went out.

          What I just stated above is the facts of the matter. Everything beyond that is simply spin from an Establishment that is obsessed with destroying Cruz, and has been ever since he launched his campaign. You of course have the privilege to disagree, but I encourage you to consider the extreme likelihood that you are being scammed by people who know the truth of this matter, but don’t want you to know it.

      • Menicholas says:

        Having been a strong Cruz supporter for the past few months, based on his opposition to the climate liars, I signed up to volunteer for his campaign, which is a first for me.
        But I am with Gail on this…this is dirty. I disagree that it is not an outright lie.
        And I will do anything to avoid having a Democrat win the WH again.
        This is not how we will prevent that.
        We will prevent it by putting up the strongest candidate.
        I am becoming less enamored with every passing day since the caucuses.
        I will support any Republican over any Democrat, but Cruz is no longer at the top of my list. I doubt he is the strongest chance we have in the November election, although that could change.
        I remain open minded on all the Republican contenders, even on Trump (who I note also calls out the climate liars for what they are), who may be the best one of the three on the economy (We may well sink into recession this year) and on security/national defense issue (I am sure we will not go the next 9 months without a major act of terrorism, despite the current lull. In fact I view the lull as ominous), and so may wind up in polling as the best chance against either of the likely demorats.

        • Menicholas, Cruz is being kneecapped by the media and by two of his opponents. It is standard Leftist tactics. It could happen to any candidate, and it WILL happen to whoever gets nominated. Cruz is definitely the strongest candidate of the race. Unfortunately, he hasn’t been pushing back strongly on the lies and spin that are being put out there, as the long knives come out. I guess he figures that if he gets louder about it, people will accuse him of becoming more Trump-like, and he still won’t win. It’s a very difficult situation for Cruz. Personally, I would have handled it a little more aggressively. But he made a strategic choice. Unfortunately, the MSM editors and strategists play 3D chess just like he does, and they have him considerably outnumbered in terms of smart people planning their battles in advance. So we have to expect that setbacks like this will happen, no matter who the nominee is. Trump is getting the kid glove treatment because most of all, they want to get rid of Cruz. They figure they “can work” with Trump, and they’re right. Trump is very open about that. And they figure that they probably can’t get Rubio because he has too big of a hill to climb, though they’re doing every thing they can to make it easier for him.

  9. Gail Combs says:

    How are the elite going to get the candidate THEY want and not the candidate we choose?

    It is very simple. Field a lot of candidates use divide and conquer to make sure no one get 50% or more of the delegates and go for a brokered convention where the GOPe can harass and threaten the delegates into supporting the candidate THEY have already chosen.

    N.H. Republican Power Broker Says NO Trump, NO Cruz – Promises Brokered Convention That would indicate they want Jeb Bush or maybe Rubio.

    Brokered convention (WIKI)

    Once the first ballot, or vote, has occurred, and no candidate has a majority of the delegates’ votes, the convention is then considered brokered; thereafter, the nomination is decided through a process of alternating political horse-trading, and additional re-votes. In this circumstance, all regular delegates (who, previously, may have been pledged to a particular candidate according to rules which vary from state to state) are “released,” and are able to switch their allegiance to a different candidate before the next round of balloting. It is hoped that this ‘freedom’ will result in a re-vote resulting in a clear majority of delegates for one candidate….

    Here it is spelled out by the GOPe

    In 2014, the RNC approved selection rules that govern how each state’s delegates are portioned out from the primaries. Under one of the changes, states holding their primaries between March 1 and March 14 will have their delegates doled out proportionately with election results, a change that will likely stymie a movement candidate.

    States that have primaries on or after March 15 will be winner-take-all states.

    That’s important because another RNC rule change requires that a candidate must win a majority of delegates in eight or more states before his or her name may be presented for nomination at the 2016 Republican National Convention.

    With 18 GOP presidential candidates, for now, it will be that much harder for any candidate to win a majority in any state, let alone eight. (Article July 2015)

    RNC Rule Changes and RNC Rule Battles

  10. Gail Combs says:

    I ran across a site called DC Whispers that has some really interesting info in light of the Martin Wolf article. Especially since it was written several days earlier.

    … The timing of the Trump vs Kelly dynamic is made even more interesting given the threats issued against Donald Trump from some of the most powerful geopolitical players on the planet during the uber-exclusive World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland:

    REPORT: Global Elite Fear Donald Trump Presidency

    This week some two thousand of the world’s most notable economic, political, and media leaders are meeting within the sprawling winter resort sanctuary of Davos, Switzerland. The primary topic on the mouths of those who are attending isn’t Middle East unrest, China’s fiscal challenges, falling oil prices, or even a plummeting U.S. stock market, but

    It was at that conference that a figure with significant ties to Fox News’ own bottom line let it be known his intention to make certain Donald Trump will never win the White House. His name is Martin Sorrell, a British citizen and head of WPP, quite possibly the single most influential and prominent marketing firm in the world with decades-old ties to the most elite of the elite. Here is what Mr. Sorrell had to say regarding Donald Trump just days ago:

    “It doesn’t matter who the Republicans put up…Hillary will win.”

    Now here is where the link between Mr. Sorrell’s comment, which seems to make quite clear his absolute confidence in how the 2016 election will play out well before even the first primary vote has been cast, and Fox News becomes far more clear: MONEY.

    Lots and lots of money.

    Fox News, like most other similar media ventures, lives or dies on advertising revenue.

    WPP and its myriad of affiliates, represents up to HALF of all Fox News ad revenue. WPP’s clients include such corporate giants as Ford, Glaxo Smith, IBM, Microsoft, Nestle, Walmart, Unilever, etc. – clients who in turn represent tens of millions of dollars in monthly ad revenue that keep the lights of Fox News on and pays the salaries of on-air personalities like Megyn Kelly.

    Rumor has it that Mr. Sorrell has already played a pivotal role in manipulating the on-air lineups at Fox and other media entities through the sheer, brute force of the significant advertising dollars his clients represent.

    So when someone like Martin Sorrell signals it doesn’t matter who the Republicans nominate because Hillary Clinton is going to be the next President of the United States regardless, it is a prediction/threat that should be taken very seriously.

    Now let us add another anti-Trump threat that came out of Davos as well this past week. This one was issued by Niall Ferguson, a highly influential Harvard professor and political policy architect declared by TIME magazine to be among the most 100 influential people in the world…..

    Professor Ferguson stated he is,”… very much looking forward to” the imminent humiliation of Donald Trump, a rather ominous declaration that hints of an an impending “political kill-shot” intended to end the Trump campaign once and for all….

    Ferguson is the guy who gave us McCain to run against Obummer instead of a viable candidate.

    Statistics showed in 1990, before WTO was ratified, Foreign ownership of U.S. assets amounted to 33% of U.S. GDP. By 2002, just after he left office this had increased to over 70% of U.S. GDP. source:

    The wealth of America has been quietly sold off piece by piece. This means the advertizing dollars driving the US media is in the hands of Foreign Globalists.

    This is a sampling of the industries directly involved with the media that haveh over 50% foreign ownership, according to Source Watch ( 31 October 2008)

    * Sound recording industries – 97%
    * Commodity contracts dealing and brokerage – 79%
    * Motion picture and sound recording industries – 75%
    * Motion picture and video industries – 64%
    * Database, directory, and other publishers – 63%
    * Book publishers – 63%
    * Advertising and related services – 41%

    That tells you why Levin, Rush, Fox News and most of the rest of the ‘Conservative Media’ are FOR the GOPe candidates like BOOOOOooosh, Rubio and Cruz.

  11. Gail Combs says:

    George Orwell, understood the power of patriotism (He also distinguishes between patriotism and nationalism.)

    One cannot see the modern world as it is unless one recognizes the overwhelming strength of patriotism, national loyalty. In certain circumstances it can break down, at certain levels of civilization it does not exist, but as a positive force there is nothing to set beside it. Christianity and international Socialism are as weak as straw in comparison with it. Hitler and Mussolini rose to power in their own countries very largely because they could grasp this fact and their opponents could not.
    —- The Lion and the Unicorn (1941), Part I: England Your England

    This is why the Globalists with their mass immigration and multiculturalism are trying to destroy American culture and patriotism. link Patriotism is what has called Americans to Mr. Trump’s message. You can see it in these polls which scare the living daylights our of the Elite. (They thought with PC they had already killed it.)

    This is what Orwell has to say about Nationalism (Hitler and Stalin) vs Patriotism,

    Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. Both words are normally used in so vague a way that any definition is liable to be challenged, but one must draw a distinction between them, since two different and even opposing ideas are involved. By “patriotism” I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality.

    And as usual Regressives will use their word games to make sure people think Patriotism == Nationalism == Hitler.


    Weasel Zippers POLL Feb 1

    Who Will Win The Iowa GOP Caucus?
    Total Votes: 4,634

    Donald Trump 56.34% (2,611 votes)
    Ted Cruz 39.47% (1,829 votes)
    Marco Rubio 2.81% (130 votes)

    Rand Paul 0.63% (29 votes)
    John Kasich 0.19% (9 votes)
    Carly Fiorina 0.26% (12 votes)
    Jeb Bush 0.17% (8 votes)
    Chris Christie 0.13% (6 votes)

    Note: Rubio is being pushed by Salem Media (Hot Air, Human Events, Twitchy, Red State… ) to be the “conservative who can unite the party“ so that is an interesting poll.

    An even bigger poll
    1,434,352 Total Votes

    TRUMP 866,248 votes 60%
    CRUZ 273,478 votes 19%
    RUBIO 113,811 votes 8%
    PAUL 76,982 votes 5%

    CARSON 21,613 votes 2%
    KASICH 22,719 votes 2%
    BUSH 16,064 votes 1%
    HUCKABEE and SANTORUM less than 1%

    A more recent poll (Feb 5)
    Political Insider poll
    Trump … 9062
    Cruz …. 2802
    Rubio …. 407
    Carson … 370
    Bush …… 84
    Micky Mouse 78
    Christie .. 68
    Huckabee .. 62
    Kasich …. 54
    Santorium . 49
    Fiorina … 45

    • Some patriotism can be good; extreme patriotism is bad. That is why you see Orwell alluding to the fact that Hitler and Mussolini exploited patriotism so effectively to get and maintain power.

      The extreme within the spectrum of patriotism is the kind which says, “Anyone who disagrees with us, or is very different, is not one of us, and cannot be allowed in our presence, or must be kept at a lower level. To do otherwise is to unnecessarily permit weakness within the nation, which would be a threat to our security or our dominance.”

      • And that, inevitably, leads to threats against the security or life of the oppressed minority.

        • I never even mentioned immigration. I have been outspoken against continuing current levels of immigration, lawful or otherwise.

          At this point, I’m not sure I could be any clearer than I was, about what I was talking about.

          One other thing … Cruz’ campaign was not treating the caucus-goers of Iowa like cattle, by repeating the accurate portion of the report from CNN, the source of which was the Carson campaign. The e-mail did not repeat CNN’s editorialization, just the reported facts, which turned out to be 100% true.

          Now, assuming that Cruz knew about the e-mail in advance and allowed it to go out (which as far as I know, has not been revealed, but if we just assume), the rationale for that is to let Carson caucusers know about it, since it wouldn’t necessarily be known to the Cruz camp whether or not the Carson camp had informed its own supporters of the same things they told CNN. (One would hope they would have prior to or at the time of caucusing, but there’s no telling about that.)

          Now, the suggestion being made is that Carson people were being treated like cattle by informing them of the factual part of the story (which we now know to be TRUE) and then expressing the opinion that it means he’s giving up, and that they might be better off voting for someone who’s still seriously in the race.

          Now that latter part (that Carson was not still seriously in the race) is a conclusion that Cruz supporters might draw from the reported facts. (Factual statements which turned out to be TRUE.)

          Now, if they had drawn a spurious conclusion from the facts, then that might be said to be treating caucus-goers like cattle, in some sense. But if the conclusion is reasonable, and the proposed remedy (support someone else) is reasonable, that is NOT treating caucus-goers like cattle, unless one believes that making any sound, rational argument in favor of one’s candidate, in the caucus room, at the time of caucusing, is treating them like cattle.

        • Sorry, the above was not supposed to go there.

      • Gail Combs says:

        On one end we get Nationalism which is characterized by expantion of a country as seen by Hitler and Stalin. Patriotism is NOT about expanding borders. It is about politicians puting their nations concerns first. On the other end is multiculturalism which has the goal of deliberately destroying a nation.

        How To Destroy America By: Dick Lamm | Sat, Mar 25, 2006
        Lamm was governor of Colorado and a Democrat.

        “Here is how they do it,” Lamm said:

        “First, to destroy America, turn America into a bilingual or multi-lingual and bicultural country.” History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict, and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures. It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; however, it is a curse for a society to be bilingual. The historical scholar, Seymour Lipset, put it this way: ‘The histories of bilingual and bi-cultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension, and tragedy.’ Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, and Lebanon all face crises of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy, if not independence. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. Nigeria suppressed an ethnic rebellion. France faces difficulties with Basques, Bretons, and Corsicans.”

        Lamm went on: Second, to destroy America, “Invent ‘multiculturalism’ and encourage immigrants to maintain their culture. I would make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal….

        Third, “We could make the United States an ‘Hispanic Quebec’ without much effort. The key is to celebrate diversity rather than unity….

        “My fifth point for destroying America would be to get big foundations and business to give these efforts lots of money. I would invest in ethnic identity, and I would establish the cult of ‘Victimology.’…

        My sixth plan for America’s downfall would include dual citizenship, and promote divided loyalties. I would celebrate diversity over unity. I would stress differences rather than similarities. Diverse people worldwide are mostly engaged in hating each other – that is, when they are not killing each other….

        “Next to last, I would place all subjects off limits; make it taboo to talk about anything against the cult of ‘diversity.’ I would find a word similar to ‘heretic’ in the 16th century – that stopped discussion and paralyzed thinking. Words like ‘racist’ or ‘xenophobe’ halt discussion and debate…

        . Over 100 languages are ripping the foundation of our educational system and national cohesiveness. Even barbaric cultures that practice female genital mutilation are growing as we celebrate ‘diversity.’ American jobs are vanishing into the Third World as corporations create a Third World in America – take note of California and other states – to date, ten million illegal aliens and growing fast. It is reminiscent of George Orwell’s book, 1984. In that story, three slogans are engraved in the Ministry of Truth building: “War is peace,” “Freedom is slavery,” and “Ignorance is strength.”

        Governor Lamm walked back to his seat. It dawned on everyone at the conference that the future of our great nation is deeply in trouble and worsening fast. If we don’t get this immigration monster stopped quickly, it will rage like a California wildfire and destroy everything in its path, especially The American Dream.

        • Yeah, yeah, I cited your own quote, Gail. Not any source of mine. Yours.

        • Gail Combs says:


          Fifty years ago people came to this country LEGALLY with the hope of making a better life for themselves. They became AMERICANS. Three of my four grandparents are immigrants and NONE of them failed to learn English, failed to become citizens, failed to work hard to better themselves. None lived in an area that was exclusively Syrian or German or Danish or French. They were proud to be Americans and taught their children to be Americans.

          Today we have people coming here illegally and making no attempt to learn English, no attempt to become citizens and in many cases they do not even bother to get jobs. When they do get jobs they send the money home with the intention of leaving the USA once they have finished screwing us.

          Why in Hades shouldn’t we kick their butts out of this country? It is not ‘Nationalism’ (which you and the Regressives link to Hitler), it is Patriotism, being proud of your country and wanting to protect what is YOURS.

          I see ZERO difference in locking the doors of my home and insisting no one enter with out permision, no one stealing my belongings, being proud of my home and what I have built. Patriotism applies the same concepts at the national level and people are getting DARN sick and tired of people telling them to shut up lie down and let NONCITIZENS walk all over them!

          If there is a major backlash, and there is, don’t go blaming the people who have been robbed and kicked in the face. Blame the PC Regressives.

          Trying to ‘shame us’ by link our genetically imprinted territorial behavior to ‘Hitler’ just makes us all the Angrier.

        • Reposting this where it was intended to go …

          I never even mentioned immigration. I have been outspoken against continuing current levels of immigration, lawful or otherwise.

          At this point, I’m not sure I could be any clearer than I was, about what I was talking about.

          One other thing … Cruz’ campaign was not treating the caucus-goers of Iowa like cattle, by repeating the accurate portion of the report from CNN, the source of which was the Carson campaign. The e-mail did not repeat CNN’s editorialization, just the reported facts, which turned out to be 100% true.

          Now, assuming that Cruz knew about the e-mail in advance and allowed it to go out (which as far as I know, has not been revealed, but if we just assume), the rationale for that is to let Carson caucusers know about it, since it wouldn’t necessarily be known to the Cruz camp whether or not the Carson camp had informed its own supporters of the same things they told CNN. (One would hope they would have prior to or at the time of caucusing, but there’s no telling about that.)

          Now, the suggestion being made is that Carson people were being treated like cattle by informing them of the factual part of the story (which we now know to be TRUE) and then expressing the opinion that it means he’s giving up, and that they might be better off voting for someone who’s still seriously in the race.

          Now that latter part (that Carson was not still seriously in the race) is a conclusion that Cruz supporters might draw from the reported facts. (Factual statements which turned out to be TRUE.)

          Now, if they had drawn a spurious conclusion from the facts, then that might be said to be treating caucus-goers like cattle, in some sense. But if the conclusion is reasonable, and the proposed remedy (support someone else) is reasonable, that is NOT treating caucus-goers like cattle, unless one believes that making any sound, rational argument in favor of one’s candidate, in the caucus room, at the time of caucusing, is treating them like cattle.

  12. Gail Combs says:

    At this point the GOPe race is looking more like a blood sport than a civilied debate between adults.

    For the first time, thanks to the internet we get to see the inner workings as the curtain gets yanked back.

    Just for yucks:

    CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.

    ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney.

    ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan,Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary.

    Jorge Ramos Discloses Daughter Works for Hillary Clinton’s Campaign:

    ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.

    ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood.

    CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides

    David Pfeiffer former White House senior advisor joins CNN

    NBC General Counsel Kimberley D. Harris served as White House Deputy Counsel and Deputy Assistant to the President.

  13. Gail Combs says:

    Jeb Bush has been keeping his head down so he may be the last man standing. Rand Paul and Ben Carson have no chance of pulling the 51% needed to sweep the table and keep the GOPe from a brokered (fixed) Convention.

    At this point Cruz is the front runner competing with Trump.
    I originally wanted a Cruz/Trump or Trump/Cruz ticket until I found out just how sleazy the guy is. Remember he is a LAWYER and therefore should be held to a higher standard in regard to breaking laws.
    Cruz sealed HIS records and did not give the same privacy to the serfs. The voting record of affiliations he used in his mailers are NOT open to the public.

    “Also, the Iowa Secretary of State does not ‘distribute’ voter records. They are available for purchase for political purposes only, under Iowa Code.”

    Kinda debunks the whole public record meme the cruz enablers are pushing.

    One of the targeted voters of Ted Cruz’s campaign shaming letters in Iowa is a democrat and political scientist. He was VERY unhappy about the fraud and went to the New Yorker.

    And yes it was OUTRIGHT FRAUD as this man describes in detail. The % voted were made up numbers pulled out of someone’s rump.

    Iowa Secretary of State, Paul Pate said “Today I was shown a piece of literature from the Cruz for President campaign that misrepresents the role of my office, and worse, misrepresents Iowa election law. Accusing citizens of Iowa of a “voting violation” based on Iowa Caucus participation, or lack thereof, is false representation of an official act.”

    This is conduct by Cruz, which he refuses to apologize for. Interesting that he refuses to apologise to us serfs but does apologize to Carson.

    The Cruz mailer is also against Iowa Election Law.

    Found on page 82 — Intimidation

    39A.2 Election misconduct in the first degree.
    1. A person commits the crime of election misconduct in the first degree if the
    person willfully commits any of the following acts:

    c.Duress. Intimidates, threatens, or coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, a person to do or to refrain from doing any of the following:

    (1) To register to vote, to vote, or to attempt to register to vote.

    (2) To urge or aid a person to register to vote, to vote, or to attempt to register to vote…


    Carson accuses Cruz of dirty tricks. This is coordinated with CNN.

    On top of the sleazy tricks
    * Broke the law in not reporting a loan from Goldman-Sachs
    * Broke the law in not reporting a loan from Citibank Link
    (Keep that undisclosed Citibank loan in mind that has strings attached to Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal)
    * Cruz voted for the Corker amendment which just gave nukes to Iran.
    * Senator Cruz wants to increase H1Bs by 500% and put more Americans out of jobs. Link
    * Cruz skipped the fed audit vote and so protect Goldman Sachs.

    Heidi Nelson Cruz is VP of Goldman Sachs. They met while campaigning for Bush. For five years Heidi was a member of the CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force on the Future of North America, launched in October 2004. The Task Force advocates a greater economic and social integration between Canada, Mexico, and the United States as a North American region. (The North American Union)

  14. Gail Combs says:

    Cruz eligibility issues make Obama’s look like a walk in the park.
    Sen. Ted Cruz’s birth certificate shows he was born in Calgary Canada in 1970. At that time Canada DID NOT have dual citizenship. Sen. Ted Cruz only gave up his Canadian dual citizenship on May 14, 2014 roughly 9 months after he learned he wasn’t only an American. Ted Cruz, like Obummer has sealed his records. Boy, Oh Boy will the Birthers have lots and lots of fun with the following information!

    Ted Cruz’s Mother Was On Official List Of Canadian Citizens Eligible To Vote [and so was his father]

    Canada and Dual Citizenship

    Prior to 1947 and the introduction of the first Citizenship Act, there was legally no such thing as Canadian citizenship. Both native-born and naturalized citizens were British subjects. In 1977, the current Citizenship Act came into force, making extensive changes to the law. The effect was to make citizenship more widely available (for example, by reducing the period of residency required from five to three years), and to remove the special treatment for British nationals and the remaining discrimination between men and women.(1) The Act also provided that Canadians could hold dual citizenship, reversing the previous situation in which citizenship was lost upon the acquisition of the citizenship of another country.

    From WIKI seems the US government pulled their page that I referred to earlier on Dual Citizenship— SURPRIZE!

    Although the U.S. government does not endorse dual citizenship as a matter of policy, it recognizes the existence of dual citizenship and completely tolerates the maintenance of multiple citizenship by U.S. citizens…. [29] A U.S. citizen may lose his or her dual citizenship by obtaining naturalization in a foreign state

    One circumstance where dual citizenship may run counter to expectations of government agencies is in matters of security clearance. For example, any person granted a Yankee White vetting must be absolutely free of foreign influence, and for other security clearances one of the grounds that may result in a rejected application is an actual or potential conflict of national allegiances….

    [29] “US State Department Services Dual Nationality”. U.S. Department of State.

    This is an interview regarding Obama in 2012 when Cruz was running for Senate.

    Interviewer: “Hello Mr. Cruz, it’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is (redacted). I am a (redacted) County GOP Precinct Chair and you have my support and vote. I have one question for you if I may?”

    Cruz: “Sure, go ahead.”

    Interviewer: “What is your understanding of how one becomes a natural born Citizen?”

    Cruz: “Two citizen parents and born on the soil.” ”

    And even funnier Cruz wrote the forward for the book “US Constitution For Dummies” The book reveals Cruz not eligible as natural born citizen per the US Supreme Court case United States vs Wong Kim Ark 1898. Going to Cornell Law you find this juicy tidbit.

    In 1802, all former acts were repealed, and the provisions concerning children of citizens were reenacted in this form:
    ….Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States.
    [Same wording statute of February 10, 1855]

    This may no longer be the case but the Birthers are going to have a field day.

    My opinion is Cruz was never ment to be a real candidate but is instead a stalking horse for Bush. There are several Supreme Court Justices who will be retiring and that is probably his payoff.

  15. Gail Combs says:

    The other main challenger is Rubio. He has as many problems as Cruz. So he also is a likely stalking horse for The Twig.

    Rubio is called the “Milk Carton Senator” because he’s no-where to be found when he is supposed to be voting. link

    “Gang-Of-Eight” Rubio was for illegal alien amnesty, voting with Democrats to block amendments that would have forced border security first. link

    … Gang of 8 immigration bill or DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) that he pledged to not change right away (read never) if elected. Rubio’s lobbying for his own legislation last year, the Immigration Innovation Act featured tripling of the H-1B Visas at a time when we have over 11 million people with technical degrees who are out of work or underemployed….

    There is a 555 page report on Rubio dirty dealings –“>link

    Dirty business –
    Rubio and Amnesty –

    His brother in-law was part drug ring.

    When his brother in-law got out of jail, Rubio used his influence as House Majority Whip to get him a real estate license he was not eligible for without disclosing they were related (conflict of interest)

    He also has a friendship with Norman Braman, who subsidized his job as a college instructor and gave both Rubio and his wife jobs.

    Rubio’s press secretary is the daughter of the Fox News Media executive, Bill Sammon, who is in charge of putting the candidate debate questions together.

    Fox News Media who have been trying to prop up Marco Rubio for the benefit of Fox’s corporate goal for illegal alien amnesty.

    Bill Sammon Is The “Secret Weapon” Shaping The Fox News Debate
    Bill Sammon, Fox News’ vice president of News and Washington managing editor, is reportedly the “secret weapon” helping to develop the questions moderators will ask at the network’s August 6 debate. Internal emails and critics within Fox have exposed Sammon’s history of deception and his efforts to use his position at Fox to slant the network’s news coverage to the right.

    Fox News’ Sammon Is “Secret Weapon” Behind The Debate Questions

    Fox’s Chris Stirewalt: Sammon Is “The Best” At “Crafting The Questions.” Asked by Fox host Howard Kurtz how he and the debate moderators would formulate questions to keep candidates off their talking points, Fox News digital politics editor Chris Stirewalt said they have a “secret weapon” in Sammon, “who is the best at not only team cohesion and keeping everybody on point about what the point is, but in crafting the questions.” From the August 2 edition of #MediaBuzz:

    KURTZ: You’ve been to this rodeo before. How do you and Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier and Chris Wallace go about formulating your questions knowing the candidates are going to try to pivot to their talking points?

    STIREWALT: Well, the first thing is we have a secret weapon and that is Bill Sammon, who is the best at not only team cohesion and keeping everybody on point about what the point is, but in crafting the questions….

    So Rubio is being propped up by Fox News and others like Rush and Levin while he makes sure Trump and Cruz and the others have no change of getting the 51% needed for a clean win.

  16. Gail Combs says:

    Do I think Trump will get the needed 51% of the delegates?

    No. Even if he actually does there is always voter fraud.
    Microsoft provided the aps for vote counting in Iowa for free.

    Marco Rubio:

    Top 5 Contributors, 2011 – 2016, Campaign Cmte
    Contributor …………. Total ………..Indivs… PACs
    Goldman Sachs …. $53,200…$48,200…$5,000
    Microsoft Corp ……. $33,100…$24,100.. $9,000

    Wiley Rein Llp ……. $25,840…$25,840…$0
    Fanjul Corp ………… $25,200…$25,200…$0
    Rooney Holdings ….$24,300…$24,300…$0

    Rubio’s press secretary is the daughter of a Fox News Media executive in charge of putting the candidate debate questions together. So those two facts may explain the ‘Rubio Surge’

  17. Gail Combs says:

    And speaking of Fox News….

    A quicky on Rush Limbaugh.
    Rush is very good friends with Ailes (Fox News) and has Megyn Kelley over for dinner.

    Limbaugh bashed Trump about Obamacare saying Trump is for Obamacare just before the Iowa Caucus Rush Limbaugh refused calls from Trump supporters and ignored the Cruz Shame-Mailer. Rush trotted out Trump support of Obummercare based on Trump mentioning people dying on the street at the Wounded Veterans rally (Referring to our disgraceful Veterans Hospitals — One year after VA scandal, the number of veterans waiting for care is up 50 percent)

    This is a major falsehood. pg 121 to 134 of Trump’s book “Time to get Tough” he calls for repeal of Obummercare, Tort reform to lower insurance cost of medical practitioners and more competition in the health insurance industry by allowing cross-state competition. It is not like Blue Cross Blue Shield isn’t already available in all states already now is it?

    For small business owners Obamacare is a real horror and Iowa is full of small businessmen. So this was a targeted attack on the part of Rush.

    Fox News, Murdoch and Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal

    Fox is OWNED by foreigners who want open borders. Murdoch and his buddy Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal who is a major shareholder in Fox.

    …Rupert Murdoch-Open Borders: The link is that the Rupert Murdoch (Chairman/CEO News Corp, Owner of Fox News) is co-chair of the open borders group, the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE). PNAE was one of biggest supporters of Marco Rubio and the Gang of 8 Immigration Reform Bill/Amnesty push. They flooded the airways and media with pro immigration reform propaganda. Fox News was also devoid of unbiased reporting of this bill….

    Murdoch and Ailes support of open boarders and the Gang of 8 immigration revamping has never been disclosed by Fox News ….
    Murdoch has also stated: “We need to do away with the cap on H-1B visas, which is arbitrary and results in U.S. companies struggling to find the high-skill workers they need to continue growing. “

    BREITBART: The Anti-Trump Network: Fox News Money Flows into Open Borders Group

    Murdoch is the co-chair of what is arguably one of the most powerful immigration lobbying firms in country, the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE).

    In addition to blanketing the country, media, and politicians with literature, advertisements, and a barrage of lobbyists pushing for open border immigration policies, the Partnership for A New American Economy (PNAE) was a prime lobbyist for one of the biggest open borders pushes in American history: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)79%’s 2013 Gang of Eight immigration bill….

    Interestingly, Bill Sammon — FOX News’s vice president of News and Washington managing editor — is the father of Brooke Sammon, who is Rubio’s press secretary.

    As Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)36% and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
    told The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza back in 2013, Fox News was essential to the Rubio-Schumer effort to expand immigration levels beyond all known historical precedent…

    ….a massive fly-in trip of more than 600 activists, which was organized by the Chamber, the tech industry’s, the National Immigration Forum and the Partnership for a New American Economy, which was co-founded New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
    Why in Hades is AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka in FAVOR of the Gang of 8 immigration that threatens American Union workers. What was the back room deal? 100% Unionization of US workers? (SWAG)
    More on the background link

    Trump SCHOOLS Pompous Saudi Prince: “Has YOUR Country Taken ANY of the Syrian Refugees?”
    ….Of course, Trump is right.
    Saudi Arabia has banned Syrian immigrants from its country due to security concerns.

    Over one million migrants will relocate to Europe this year.

    But the wealthiest Muslim nations – Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman and Kuwait have accepted NO SYRIAN REFUGEES!

    I ran across something a while back saying Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bailed out Murdock when the internet started eating into the profits of News Corp. however that info. seems to have disappeared.

    If there is any doubt about Prince Alwaleed bin Talal deep friendship with Murdoch this 2013 Vanity Fair piece puts that to rest.

    The Stockholder in the Sand

    …. the enigmatic Prince Alwaleed bin Talal has very public holdings: he is the second-largest voting shareholder in News Corp., he owns Paris’s George V hotel and part of New York City’s Plaza hotel, he is a stockholder in Apple….—a calorie-counting cell-phone addict who loves texting James Murdoch

    One of the largest shareholders in Citigroup, the second-largest voting shareholder in News Corporation after the Murdoch family, and with major stakes in dozens of other Western companies, he travels the globe….

    Over the last two decades, he has swooped in with tons of cash to aid various companies and superstars at their low points, including London’s Canary Wharf, Citigroup, EuroDisney, Apple, Donna Karan (the company), and Michael Jackson, to name but a few. On the day of our second meeting, in late April 2012, the prince was clutching a small string of prayer beads as he talked about News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch and Citigroup’s then C.E.O., Vikram Pandit.

    The ties between Alwaleed and Murdoch run deep. Alwaleed owns 56.2 million shares of Murdoch’s News Corporation; News Corporation, in turn, owns a 19.9 percent stake, worth around $150 million, in Rotana, Alwaleed’s privately held pan-Arab media conglomerate, based in Bahrain. As much of the world knows by now, last year was not a good year for Murdoch. Due to a phone-hacking investigation into his British newspapers, he was forced to close the major London tabloid News of the World, abandon his bid for control of the satellite network BSkyB, shunt aside his younger son and heir apparent, James, and testify before Parliament about the company’s abuses of power. Some 32 people, most of them former and current News Corp. employees, have been arrested since the phone-hacking scandal was uncovered…..

    ….He remains supportive of 40-year-old James. “James is not my partner only in News Corp.,” Alwaleed said. “He’s also my partner in the Rotana. . . . He’s a highly ethical, professional, decent man. I think of his honesty. I’m thinking of him. I know him very well.” They are texting pals, and James is on his speed dial…..

    Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud Resource Page: “If I am going to do something, I do it spectacularly or I do not do it at all.” — Prince al-Waleed bin Talal bin Ab Al-Saud
    Like try to stamp-out Trump?

    Howlin’ Mad Murdoch: Rupert Murdoch’s immigration sermon

    FOX News is One of Top 10 Largest Donors to the Clintons

    From FORTUNE: January 29, 2016 This Saudi Prince Just Burned Donald Trump on Twitter
    When you read the article it shows they are really stretching, but it works well on headline readers.

    FORTUNE: also has this title: January 30, 2016 Donald Trump Starts to Consider an Iowa Loss

  18. Gail Combs says:

    Fox News, Murdoch and Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal

    Fox is OWNED by foreigners who want open borders. Murdoch and his buddy Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal arethe major shareholders of Fox.

    …Rupert Murdoch-Open Borders: The link is that the Rupert Murdoch (Chairman/CEO News Corp, Owner of Fox News) is co-chair of the open borders group, the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE). PNAE was one of biggest supporters of Marco Rubio and the Gang of 8 Immigration Reform Bill/Amnesty push. They flooded the airways and media with pro immigration reform propaganda. Fox News was also devoid of unbiased reporting of this bill….

    Murdoch and Ailes support of open boarders and the Gang of 8 immigration revamping has never been disclosed by Fox News ….
    Murdoch has also stated: “We need to do away with the cap on H-1B visas, which is arbitrary and results in U.S. companies struggling to find the high-skill workers they need to continue growing. “

    BREITBART: The Anti-Trump Network: Fox News Money Flows into Open Borders Group

    Murdoch is the co-chair of what is arguably one of the most powerful immigration lobbying firms in country, the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE).

    In addition to blanketing the country, media, and politicians with literature, advertisements, and a barrage of lobbyists pushing for open border immigration policies, the Partnership for A New American Economy (PNAE) was a prime lobbyist for one of the biggest open borders pushes in American history: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)79%’s 2013 Gang of Eight immigration bill….

    Interestingly, Bill Sammon — FOX News’s vice president of News and Washington managing editor — is the father of Brooke Sammon, who is Rubio’s press secretary.

    As Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)36% and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
    told The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza back in 2013, Fox News was essential to the Rubio-Schumer effort to expand immigration levels beyond all known historical precedent…

    ….a massive fly-in trip of more than 600 activists, which was organized by the Chamber, the tech industry’s, the National Immigration Forum and the Partnership for a New American Economy, which was co-founded New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
    Why in Hades is AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka in FAVOR of the Gang of 8 immigration that threatens American Union workers. What was the back room deal? 100% Unionization of US workers? (SWAG)
    More on the background link

    Trump SCHOOLS Pompous Saudi Prince: “Has YOUR Country Taken ANY of the Syrian Refugees?”
    ….Of course, Trump is right.
    Saudi Arabia has banned Syrian immigrants from its country due to security concerns.

    Over one million migrants will relocate to Europe this year.

    But the wealthiest Muslim nations – Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman and Kuwait have accepted NO SYRIAN REFUGEES!

    I ran across something a while back saying Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bailed out Murdock when the internet started eating into the profits of News Corp. however that info. seems to have disappeared.

    If there is any doubt about Prince Alwaleed bin Talal deep friendship with Murdoch this 2013 Vanity Fair piece puts that to rest.

    The Stockholder in the Sand

    …. the enigmatic Prince Alwaleed bin Talal has very public holdings: he is the second-largest voting shareholder in News Corp., he owns Paris’s George V hotel and part of New York City’s Plaza hotel, he is a stockholder in Apple….—a calorie-counting cell-phone addict who loves texting James Murdoch

    One of the largest shareholders in Citigroup, the second-largest voting shareholder in News Corporation after the Murdoch family, and with major stakes in dozens of other Western companies, he travels the globe….

    Over the last two decades, he has swooped in with tons of cash to aid various companies and superstars at their low points, including London’s Canary Wharf, Citigroup, EuroDisney, Apple, Donna Karan (the company), and Michael Jackson, to name but a few. On the day of our second meeting, in late April 2012, the prince was clutching a small string of prayer beads as he talked about News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch and Citigroup’s then C.E.O., Vikram Pandit.

    The ties between Alwaleed and Murdoch run deep. Alwaleed owns 56.2 million shares of Murdoch’s News Corporation; News Corporation, in turn, owns a 19.9 percent stake, worth around $150 million, in Rotana, Alwaleed’s privately held pan-Arab media conglomerate, based in Bahrain. As much of the world knows by now, last year was not a good year for Murdoch. Due to a phone-hacking investigation into his British newspapers, he was forced to close the major London tabloid News of the World, abandon his bid for control of the satellite network BSkyB, shunt aside his younger son and heir apparent, James, and testify before Parliament about the company’s abuses of power. Some 32 people, most of them former and current News Corp. employees, have been arrested since the phone-hacking scandal was uncovered…..

    ….He remains supportive of 40-year-old James. “James is not my partner only in News Corp.,” Alwaleed said. “He’s also my partner in the Rotana. . . . He’s a highly ethical, professional, decent man. I think of his honesty. I’m thinking of him. I know him very well.” They are texting pals, and James is on his speed dial…..

    Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud Resource Page: “If I am going to do something, I do it spectacularly or I do not do it at all.” — Prince al-Waleed bin Talal bin Ab Al-Saud

  19. Marsh says:

    Gail, as they say ; that’s a very big can of worms..! Can thing’s get any worse..?

    • Gail Combs says:

      Yes a very very big can of worms and I do not think we have much chance of reversing it.

      If people do not wake the F…k up NOW the USA is dead and buried. Killed by the foreigners who have strangled her and sucked out the life over the course of the last hundred years.

      The USA will be just like the European Union run over by third world people with no loyalty to the country. Our laws will be handed to us by foreigners from outside the country and we will be nothing more than a vassal state stripped of our sovereignty, national identity and wealth.

      If I did not think this was a very very big threat I would not bother investigating and posting all this crap since I completely despise politics.

      • gator69 says:

        If I did not think this was a very very big threat I would not bother investigating and posting all this crap…

        Yes, you have posted alot crap, and that is exactly the problem. Just vote democrat Gail, and you can save yourself much time.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Gator says : …Just vote democrat Gail, and you can save yourself much time….
          What is it you do not understand about BROKERED CONVENTION gator?

          Who Will Win The Iowa GOP Caucus?
          Total Votes: 4,634

          Donald Trump 56.34% (2,611 votes)
          Ted Cruz 39.47% (1,829 votes)
          Marco Rubio 2.81% (130 votes)

          1,434,352 Total Votes

          TRUMP 866,248 votes 60%
          CRUZ 273,478 votes 19%
          RUBIO 113,811 votes 8%
          PAUL 76,982 votes 5%

          Political Insider poll
          Total votes 13081
          Trump … 9062.. 69%
          Cruz …. 2802 .. 21%
          Rubio …. 407 .. 3.1%

          The front runners are Trump, over 50% then Cruz with Rubio draging in the rear. So if you hate Trump that leaves Cruz.

          Rasmusen shows

          “Thursday, January 28, 2016

          It’s generally been considered legal for American citizens born outside the United States like Republican Ted Cruz to run for the presidency, but voters aren’t all that enthusiastic about such candidates….

          Given the GOPe are going to stuff Jeb Bush down our throats and Cruz has major eligibility problems you get a choice of Jeb Bush or Rubio with his drug cartel connections or Hitlery.

        • gator69 says:

          What happens when Trump implodes Gail? Especially when conservatives have trashed everyone else on the republican ticket. Then what Gail?

          Hillary 2016. You are not thinking.

        • Menicholas says:

          Which is catchier:

          Grumpy and me in 2016


          I’m with Grumpy!


        • The one reliable way to avoid a brokered convention is for 90+% of conservatives to support an authentic conservative. Any conservative voter supporting a phony is supporting us going to a brokered convention in Cleveland. Because the phony conservative candidate is less likely than any authentic conservative to achieve the support from conservatives in the primaries that he would need, to get an absolute majority of delegates, prior to the convention.

          The Democrats don’t do this to themselves, because their hard-left leaders are smart enough to see that supporting a phony Leftist who’s just faking it would weaken their chances in November, and also force them into a brokered convention. So, they go to great lengths to vet candidates and expel any who they perceive to be phony. They’re being smart about it (though not exactly democratic.)

          We, on the other hand, are being stupid about it, mainly because the party leaders are not on our side, so they want chaos and destruction within the Republican Party. They are secretly for the Democrats.

  20. Gail Combs says:

    gator69 says: “…Gail, why don’t you just put another democrat in office and be done with it….”

    THAT is the whole point gator, we have two parties that are no different from each other and we have an MSM that is controled by foreigners dictating who wins our elections either by propaganda or outright voter fraud.

    The GOPe is going to pull the same crap they did with McCain and Romney. We will be saddled with a no can win candidate — Jeb Bush via a brokered convention if no candidate gets 51%. No one will vote for Bush against Hillary because he barely pulls 2 to 4% in the polls.

    Foreigners at the Davos Economic Summit have come out and said point blank Hillary is to be GIVEN the presidency. link

    The critical point is the Democrats are a braindead voting block who will vote for who ever they are told to vote for and that includes Hillary. The Republicans hate the GOPe RINO picks and so do the independents. That is the reason we ended up with the Tea Party and a 1/3, 1/3 and 1/3 split before the MSM took out the Tea Party with false advertising. Now we have a media company beholden to Martin Sorrell’s advertising dollars telling the Tea Party what to think.

    At this point we have a bunch of bought and paid for career politicians who are FOR open immigration and FOR the Trans-Pacific Partnership with ties to Citigroup and Goldman Sachs. In other words they are all Globalists with a coating of slime to boot. The only ones who are not are Trump and Carson.

    Trump does have international negotiating experience, he has management skills, he can pick the right people for the job AND he is not a politician or a do nothing lawyer. Ben Carson is the only other non-politician but he does not have Trump’s broad experience. He is for tight gun control similar to Australia

    …Carson views gun ownership as something unnecessary for all Americans. Only those who live in rural areas far away from expedient 911 calls should have the right to own a gun. But for those who decide to city dwell, there is no need for guns. Gun ownership in big cities, he believes, only lead to more violence and gun related crime. link

    Carson supports giving guest-worker status to millions of undocumented immigrants without criminal records.
    Dr. Ben Carson Signals Openness To Obamatrade’s Pacific Rim Trade Deal
    So Ben gets a zero out of three and his lack of showing at the polls reflects this.

    • gator69 says:

      That was not my point Gail. Rantings like yours are making a democrat win in November ever more likely, exactly as they did in 2012. Keep it up.

      • Gail Combs says:

        OK Gator lets reverse this.

        Tell me WHY you think the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a clone of the European Union with international corporations having the final say on any Amercain law, and completely open borders, is such a great idea for the USA?

        Are you a globalist Gator? Because Trump is the ONLY non-globalist in the whole pack as I just got through pointing out.

        Remember the Trans-Pacific Partnership ?

        As home to a significant portion of the world’s people, wildlife, plants and marine species, TPP Parties share a strong commitment to protecting and conserving the environment..
        They reaffirm their commitment to implement the multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) they have joined. The Parties commit to provide transparency in environmental decision-making, implementation and enforcement….. Finally, the Parties commit to cooperate to address matters of joint or common interest, including in the areas of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and transition to low-emissions and resilient economies.


        Panels will be composed of three international trade and subject matter experts independent of the disputing Parties…

        To maximize compliance, the Dispute Settlement chapter allows for the use of trade retaliation (e.g., suspension of benefits), if a Party found not to have complied with its obligations fails to bring itself into compliance with its obligations….

        This is what is being used against Russia


        Given the growing importance of services trade to TPP Parties, the 12 countries share an interest in liberalized trade in this area….market access, which provides that no TPP country may impose quantitative restrictions on the supply of services (e.g., a limit on the number of suppliers or number of transactions) ….TPP Parties accept these obligations on a “negative-list basis,” meaning that their markets are fully open to services suppliers from TPP countries….TPP Parties agree to permit free transfer of funds related to the cross-border supply of a service. In addition, the chapter includes a professional services annex encouraging cooperative work on licensing recognition and other regulatory issues, and an annex on express delivery services.


        The Temporary Entry for Business Persons chapter encourages authorities of TPP Parties to provide information on applications for temporary entry, to ensure that application fees are reasonable, and to make decisions on applications and inform applicants of decisions as quickly as possible. TPP Parties agree to ensure that information on requirements for temporary entry are readily available to the public, including by publishing information promptly and online if possible, and providing explanatory materials. The Parties agree to ongoing cooperation on temporary entry issues such as visa processing. Almost all TPP Parties have made commitments on access for each other’s business persons, which are in country-specific annexes.


        TPP Parties share an interest in accessing each other’s large government procurement markets through transparent, predictable, and non-discriminatory rules….

        And what about our government services like the Post Office, drivers license bureau… Can’t leave those out.

        …In addition to updating traditional approaches to issues covered by previous free trade agreements (FTAs), the TPP incorporates new and emerging trade issues and cross-cutting issues. These include issues related to the Internet and the digital economy, the participation of state-owned enterprises in international trade and investment…

      • Gail Combs says:

        …With negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership in the works, fast-track was introduced for reauthorization on April 16, 2015, and set to a late May vote in the Senate.

        In anticipation of this vote, Cruz publicly urged Congress to vote in favor of fast-track authority.

        “Congress needs to strengthen the country’s bargaining position by establishing trade-promotion authority, also known as TPA, which is an arrangement between Congress and the president for negotiating and considering trade agreements. In short, TPA is what U.S. negotiators need to win a fair deal for the American worker,” Cruz and Ryan said in their Wall Street Journal op-ed….

        And yeah Cruz flipped on his position but only after he found it would lose him votes.

        Ted Cruz flips on Obama trade agenda after months of support

        …Cruz tried to clear the confusion with a page of his campaign website devoted trade, and disputed the TPP-immigration connection on his radio tour.

        “The current draft that is in Congress that I have read does not impact, change, alter or effect U.S. immigration law,” Cruz told Kuhner. “There is a brief section in the TPP that concerns immigration, but explicitly, the United States doesn’t join that.”

        WHAT absolute BULL SHIT the government synopse I posted above shows it opens borders!

        Marco Rubio

        Although Marco Rubio expressed his support for President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal multiple times, he may be reconsidering the deal. According to Breitbart, “[A]fter the Wall Street Journal listed Rubio as supporting the pact, a new paragraph suddenly appeared at the end of the piece stating that ‘Mr. Rubio’s spokesman said that although he backed the bill granting Mr. Obama fast-track trade authority this summer, he has not decided whether to support TPP legislation.'” Rubio most recently said he has “very positive” feelings about the trade deal, but he did not say whether he would vote in favor of the deal.]

        Marco Rubio Praises Obamatrade

        Gator, how many times have republicans LIED to us to get our votes and then gone along with the globalists and helped remove our freedom and strip our wealth? Do you really really believe GOP establishment politicians tell us the truth? Especially sleazeballs like Rubio and Cruz who have already proven they have the morals of a mink?

        • gator69 says:

          Gail, how many times has childish he-said-she-said BS caused democrats to win office and caused the globalists to remove our freedom and strip our wealth? Do you really really believe politicians tell us the truth? Especially sleazeballs like Trump and who has already proven they have the morals of a mink?

          Fixed it for ya!

          Just slap on a Hillary 2016 bumper sticker on your horse trailer and be done with it.

  21. Gail Combs says:

    So Why Trump?
    First and foremost because he has a vested interest in not only the USA but in a healthy prosperouse middle class. AND he is the ONLY one running who is tied to this country. In other words the rest could give a sh..t about this country. They have no vested interest or real loyalty.

    Think about it. Trump is a builder. He builds big and small buildings, hotels, casinos. His wealth is dependent on a healthy USA and a healthy prosperouse middle class. Agenda 21 IS A WIPEOUT MOVE to his empire. So is a rotten economy for that matter.

    So Why Trump?
    Because he is pulling over 50% of the vote in the polls. Rasmusen shows he has a chance of winning against Hilary.

    So Why Trump?
    Because of his big draw for not only republicans and independents but also Reagan Democrats.

    Trumps biggest draw, which Rasmusen highlighted is.
    Americans Tired of Elites Considering Them Stupid and Vicious

    Anericans are also tired of being gaslighted by the media and politicians. Tired of the lying about Obamacare and then told they are STUPID by Gruber. Tired of the government hiding the high unemployment and rotten economy. Tired of seeing THEIR jobs go to foreigners and then being told it is because the USA has no one to fill those jobs. Jobs THEY trained the foreigners for before getting fired.

    ….Obama still behaves as if any suggestion that terrorists shouting “Allahu akbar!” has something to do with Islam will spark massacres and persecution across the country. The American people are seen as a great beast, incapable of reason or cool judgment. Stupid and vicious.

    So they must be reminded that they are not morally superior to terrorists. At a national prayer breakfast Obama felt obliged to remind Americans that Christians attacked Muslims — in the Crusades 800 years ago. [A complete lie. It was defense against invasion.]

    Others have followed his example. In a press conference earlier this month Philadelphia police officials described how a Muslim dressed in a white religious robe fired multiple rounds at a police officer, “in the name of Islam,” as he said after his arrest. You could see it on videotape.

    At which point Philadelphia Mayor James Kenney proclaimed, “In no way, shape or form does anyone in this room believe that Islam or the teaching of Islam has anything to do with what you’ve seen on the screen.”

    How stupid and vicious does he think we are?

    This is why the Globalist are scared out of their mind.

    They can see the Great American Giant slowly waking up and listenning to Trump tell them they are good and smart and the problems ARE NOT THEIR FAULT. That Americans have been hoodwinked by PC and outsiders and they can Make America Great Again.

    What I very very much fear is either Trump will be assasinated (and the relatiation promised) or a major wipeout move.

    Duke Energy controls the Eastern Seaboard grid. Duke Energy formed in 1997 just after the WTO was ratified. Duke Energy loaned money to Obama and is fully on board Agenda 21.

    Shut down the electric grid causing a major blackout on the eastcoast and the innercities, primed for violence by George Soros, go up in smoke. Government suspended. Voting suspended. Welcome Dictator Obama.

  22. David A says:

    If Americans are tired of being called stupid by the statist elite, then why did Trump insult those who support him, saying he could commit murder in full view, and they would still vote for him?

    • Gail Combs says:

      Did you hear the whole speech or are you quoting that out of context?

      Because he wasn’t calling them stupid he was actually complementing his supporters, joking with them and expressing his surprise at the enthusiastic support he has been given.

      It is called Hyperbole

      (Trump does not have speech writers testing every phrase on a panel of people like the rest.)

      [“They say I could] stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, okay, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay?” Trump said to the laughter of the audience at a rally at Sioux Center in Iowa. “It’s, like, incredible.”

      Trump made the remark while discussing recent polls, which found that he is not only the GOP frontrunner – with 35% support – but has the most loyal and enthusiastic fan base of the GOP candidates.

      It is “They say I could that changes the meaning of the entire sentence.

      – “My people are so smart,” Trump told the crowd in Sioux Center, Iowa on Saturday. “And you know what else they say about my people? They say I have the most loyal people. I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s like, incredible.”

      That certainly gives an entirely different meaning to the exact same words compares to Fox news.
      This is the Fox News write up.

      They say I have the most loyal people.”

      He continued: “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody….

      And you can hear what Trump said and then how his words are twisted by Fox News, to mean STUPID instead of the word SMART that Trump used. Fox News is owned by Open Borders Murdoch and his buddy the Saudi Prince.

      Remember Trump is the guy who walks around construction sites picking up nails and handing them to carpenters. I would expect him to be a bit blunt.

      Isn’t it amazing how this one sentence is taken out of context and used to beat Trump over the head yet Cruz gets a pass for when he gaslights Iowa voters and then refuses to apologize for lying to them. We would never have even heard about Cruz and his nasty bag of tricks if the voters had not brought it up on the internet. Instead it would have been buried.

  23. RAH says:

    Cruz is my man and not a thing you wrote (and I’ve read it all) has changed my mind. Trump is not my man because I instinctively distrust those with a NYC mindset when it comes to politics and because I think as far as real politics goes on the national level he’s a babe in the woods who can’t tell you how he is going to accomplish all he says he’ll do, simply because he doesn’t know how he can do it. I also shy away from demagogues, and Trump is one. Populists like Trump are one of the reasons the founders settled on the electoral college and not the popular vote as the mechanism for electing the POTUS.

    All that being said, I will vote for whoever the Republicans put up because every single one of them are closter to my ideals than either of the democrat candidates.

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