The British Museum has an exhibit going showing cities in ancient Egypt which drowned thousands of years ago. Only an ancient carbon tax could have prevented this.
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Clearly the excesses of the ruling class of ancient Egypt are to blame, riding around in their SUV’s…
Don’t you understand it was all the methane coming from their vehicles, that caused the ocean rise.. /sarc off
Not just any carbon tax, mind you. It would have to be a tax on a list containing no totalitarian dictatorships, that is, coercion to punish voluntary production and subsidize parasitism. Plank 2 of the Communist Manifesto is a perfect example of the proper spirit.
That is where we are today, seventy years after nations and national Academies of Sciences were united under the UN aka USSR
Egypt under the Pharaohs was just such a state.
Thank you, Steven aka Tony, for exposing a few of hundreds of official falsehoods disguised as “consensus science”!
“Only an ancient carbon tax could have prevented this.” BRILLIANT!
ancient carbon tax
Thanks for this reminder that my good friend from India – an extremely talented scientist, spiritual and research mentor, the late Dr. Dwarka Das Sabu of Grambling College in Grambling, LA – co-authored early papers (1970s & 1980s) showing that meteorites and planets condensed directly from fresh, highly-radioactive and heterogeneous supernova debris, before elements and isotopes mixed.
It is fitting that Dwarka was also the name of the ancient city of Lord Krishna.
Lord Krishna perhaps taught the ancestors of Dwarka Das Sabu that
1. Humility is a valuable asset, but
2. Blind arrogance and false pride are liabilities . . .
in the search for truth on this temporary journey of life.
Amazing how they are able to create statue out of granite blocks. Extremely hard to work on without specialized tools.
The video only says “Submerged for over 1,000 years”. A thousand years ago would be medieval, not ancient, and well after the Muslim conquest of Egypt.
A thousand years plus is defined as “Ancient” ( it’s correct): medieval is 500-1500 AD,
…………… ( half a dozen of one , six of the other ).
Of course; this was not too early to introduce a carbon tax – we wouldn’t have all of these Warmist problems today ; time would have shown, it also made no difference.
A thousand years ago was 1016 A.D..
There are one heck of a lot of Roman ports that are underwater also. Also other ports that are high and dry now. Such a dynamic world we live on but the time scales of that dynamism of the natural word are so long relative to the generations of humans that the average person has trouble relating even if the history is relatively recent and well recorded. I remember visiting Pisa, Italy during my travels in the Army and wondering why such a place had the wealth to build structures like the tower and the adjacent cathedral of Piazza dei Miracoli and so many others that still survive and I feel fortunate to have seen. The answer was the sea port but now Pisa has no port of consequence because of sea level decline and any vessel wishing to reach it will have to go kilometers up the Arno river.
Pisa in the 5th century AD
If you are inclined you can look at an aerial view of the mouth of the Arno river. There is a compound on the north bank of the river across from the resort town of Marina di Piza. That compound is the marine base for the Italian Special Forces. All of that green area a good way to the north and east that has very few structures on it is the Italian presidents retreat. Sort of the equivalent to our Presidents Camp David.
If you zoom in close enough you will see a label for the Ristorante La Foce. World class famous eatery. I had the spaghetti Tarantina and it was outstanding as were the antipasto courses and desert.
When I was in Milan I had a little bit too much of this.
Ancient Rome’s Port City
At a time when the Tyrrhenian Sea coast was at least a kilometer or two east of the modern shoreline, Roman engineers, laborers, and slaves first carved the Claudian Basin out of the coastline. The artificial harbor was commissioned around 46 A.D. by Emperor Claudius and was to be sited on the north bank of the Tiber River about 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) north of the port of Ostia. Taking nearly 20 years to complete, the new port was nearly a mile wide, spanned 70 hectares (170 acres), and included two sea walls and a lighthouse.
Portus was created as a supplement to Ostia, which could no longer handle the volume of commerce needed to supply the growing city of Rome. Around 103 A.D., Emperor Trajan expanded Portus, carving out another 39 hectares (97 acres) in a distinctive hexagonal shape. The inner Trajanic Basin connected to the outer Claudian Basin and the sea; it was also connected to the Tiber via canal. The port was eventually surrounded by great columned warehouses and a palace, among many other amenities. Once expanded, Portus hosted as many as 350 ships at a time, archaeologists believe.
“Another major puzzle, which is directly applicable to the chronology and dating of the moai, is the matter of where various moai were quarried. Quarries on the rim of the volcanic crater, where large moai were carved from the volcanic tuffs, are well exposed and still contain partially carved moai in place. We inspected these quarries carefully. However, the quarries where the few basalt moai were carved have never been definitively located, despite the small size of the island. Based on the geology of Easter Island, Schoch expects that any suitable basalt deposits would occur lower in the stratigraphic section, so low in fact that they might currently be under sea level off the coast of the island. That is, the basalt quarries might be under water. How could this be? It is difficult to conceive that the ancient Easter Islanders were quarrying rock below sea level. Alternatively, Schoch hypothesizes, the “lost basalt quarries” might be under sea level now because they are of extreme antiquity, and thus the basalt moai carved from them are extremely ancient. Sea levels have risen dramatically since the end of the last ice age, some ten thousand or more years ago, and if the basalt moai were quarried along the coast of Easter Island from areas since inundated by the sea, this could help to date the basalt moai, and is immediately suggestive that they are thousands of years older than conventionally believed to be the case”