Arctic sea ice volume is the highest in 13 years, and melting at a near record slow rate.
Both the Northern Sea Route and Northwest Passage are blocked by thick ice.
FullSize_CICE_combine_thick_SM_EN_20180623.png (1337×1113)
Arctic sea ice extent is normal, and rapidly approaching the 2001-2010 average.
Charctic Interactive Sea Ice Graph | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis
Greenland’s surface continues to gain ice, and it is nearing a record summer high.
Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI
Water around both Greenland and Antarctica is cold.
anomnight.6.21.2018.gif (1174×640)
Antarctic sea ice extent is normal.
Charctic Interactive Sea Ice Graph | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis
Meanwhile, climate experts and the press continue to report the exact opposite of what is happening.